韓国と朝鮮だけではない / Not only north Korea and Korea
30)For the mother country where I decline it, but the special privilege residing in Japan and the nuclear power generation and the tax increase object very much.
While our country suffers from the issue of nuclear power generation, a rose will totally sprinkle money dirty hard on Korea, Korean residing in Japan like other people's affairs. An election for mayor of Osaka and Kyoto shows it.
You breathe the same air as far as I live in Japan and cannot understand that I am destined to be exposed to radiation sometime soon.
31)The good soft breeze of the feel like the last time never blows to the existing President in the United States ahead of a presidential election if I compare these roots with domestic politics and negotiations with U.S.A.
Even if I am a staff officer of the Obama camp, I fry a flag of TPP towards Japan and will launch the set-piece firework which is a fight of the justice based on the name of the world peace toward the Middle Eastern sky.
32)The political diplomacy is such a thing after all, but unfortunately, in the government of our country, an important cabinet minister bleaches disgraceful behavior of the lack of experience including Prime Minister Noda.
I do not understand politics and a diplomatic basic idea at all. It is that Obama should give off the interpretation that is advantageous to one's election after in finishing it if I do not do only an opposite expression for the United States.
33)If Noda really signs TPP without having such strength of personality, it is and will fall down to the American local government in the past invaded by the Korea race.
At first agriculture water business catches the severely wounding and will depend on import for most food more than now. If even war breaks out, Taiwan and Thailand and Malaysia may help it, but China and Korea turn to the side. I am reliable.
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