
捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.15

第十五章・生意気な後書き / Impertinent afterword



『 先の2つの署名と違い、オバマ大統領府に請願すべき正当な内容です。皆さんの労力と時間を無駄にしないよう、臭いモノに蓋ではなく元から絶ちます。 』



「臭いモノに蓋ではなく元から絶ちます。」 この行は過ちです。












Chapter15 Impertinent afterword

131)It was the last, but 121 bill abolition exercise of Mr. microphone Honda is in progress now to know.
Assenters will be a series of great difficulty including a sponsor.
Because I think that I want to give impertinent frank advice as one of the nations yearning for the mother country in the same way as all of you, ask me by all means.

132)Because the sponsor thought to be the one pushes forward a signature to Mr. @smile_takkun, this sentence is the original which I used.
Unlike "two former signatures, it is the fair contents which you should petition the Obama Executive Office of the President" for. I cut it off from the cause not a cover to a bad-smelling thing not to waste labor and the time of all of you. 』
This profanes own signature activity.

133)Even if two former signatures are the things which pointed out activity of the removal of the charity dame monument if against Sea of Japan changing name, I assert that it was not the fair contents which you should petition the Obama Executive Office of the President for and criticize it.
"I cut it off from the cause not a cover to a bad-smelling thing". This line is a mistake.
The root of the issue of charity dame is not the 121 bill that Mr. Honda submitted.

134)I stamp on the activity of the countryman with my shoes on so that oneself achieves a purpose and disturb it by a lie until healthy conscience of another person calmly and can grasp the hidden reason that I am going to drag into a signature whatever it takes vividly.
Will not you be identical to the act of a Korean and the representative from Honda in this?
A bent person of the heart thought in imprudence to speak of patriotism in this way.

135)In the sentence that an assenter appealed to for a signature, words, "I signed nationality acquisition petition for the repayment of favor to Taiwan in the occasion of the Honda bill abolition signature" were used frequently one more.
Will the repayment of favor be some kind of things to perform incidentally?
I insult Taiwanese all of you. The first sponsor will know nobody.

136)It is very severe remarking how to put up, but feels that I watched the essence of the suffering that the democracy is afraid of in arrogance I leave it to personal feelings at 1:00, and to roll up another person without understanding a charity dame monument and the difference of the approval bill of the Lower House, U.S.A. that a Korean erected.
I cannot forbid slight empty sadness if I really expect the repayment of favor about the matter of Taiwan when I wanted you to do Taiwan's original support.

137)The nations are anxious about the mother country, and it thinks that it is a very splendid thing to devote passion to activity and is the aim that it does a difficulty how to let I have a long it and continue the passion and understands for oneself whether it is a thing.
Of each other's patriotism racing pray so that there is not it when want to do its best for the mother country while keeping a slow sense of distance.
Thank you for support.


捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.14

第十四章・主役たちの横顔 / Chapter14 Profile of leading role

118) 日本では西岡力氏や秦郁彦氏などの現地調査取材によって、朝日新聞の主張して来た 「 軍の強制連行 」 に関する主な捏造部分は既に崩れ掛けていた。




120)とても信じられる事ではないが、 93年8月4日・時の官房長官・河野洋平によって、未来永劫に悔いを残す事になる亡国河野談話が公表されてしまった。





「 わが国は遠くない過去の一時期、国策を誤り、戦争への道を歩んで国民を存亡の危機に陥れ、植民地支配と侵略によって、多くの国々、とりわけアジア諸国の人々に対して多大の損害と苦痛を与えました。」













128)06年9月・総理に就任していた安部晋三氏は、翌年の予算委員会で 「 韓国に正式謝罪しなければ、日本が先の戦争を反省していないと受け取られる 」、と野党から迫られた。


『 仮に米下院で法案が可決されても、客観的事実に基づいていない限り謝罪する必要はない 』、




『 戦後60年、日本の歩みは世界から高く評価されている。議員は日本の歩みを貶め様とするのか。ホンダ決議案を正しいと考えているのか。 』、




Chapter14 Profile of leading role

118)The main forgery part about "the forcible escort of the military" that I insisted on of the Asahi Newspaper has been about to already collapse by a field work and coverage of Mr. Tsutomu Nishioka and Ikuhiko Hata in Japan.
Anjonjiku honorary professor of Seoul University played a key role in Korea, and the group which called 40 several people who came forward as a charity dame volunteer corps meeting for the study was carrying out hearing investigation.

119)The evidence of the forced participation of the Japanese forces faded so as to advance if hearing investigation of Korea advanced to the ironical thing, and a person of object of 40 several has been able to hold two first finally.
This dossier was sent to the Japanese Government as a collection of testimony.
However, I couldn't but say that the Japanese Government was extremely negative against clearing itself from a disgrace.

120)I have announced the destroying a country Kawano statement which would have regret for eternity by Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yohei Kawano of time on August 4, 93.
It will be the composition that a bright person of Ministry of Foreign Affairs thought about.
I used the sophism that I could dodge even if attacked by the technique that seemed to totally dandle dog and cat from wherever and was made a part of the forcible escort that was essence in question vague.

121)I take it in Japan and the Miyazawa Cabinet was the bad government, but thinks that the next Murayama government gave you a severe trial by the nation.
While a Japanese citizen had the mud after defeat, I was disappointing, and the racial dignity that I followed desperately was smashed by Kawano statement.
Besides, it has been asserted that I invaded a friend country of the Eastern Asia from the entrance of Prime Minister Murayama without one year passing and did colonial rule.

122)The muddy stream which burst into "our country took the wrong national policy for past 1:00 period that was not long, and walked a way to war, and fell into a crisis of the life and death in the nations, and, in particular, by colonial rule and aggression, many countries inflicted it with the great damage for the people of Asian countries". 」
Murayama declared it as if I was fascinated by one's speech and put it up.

123)How many Japanese citizens might the handcuffs fetters which I strangled the mother country a decade later, and could be turned on integrally imagine when Murayama statement was given when it was?
The countryman activist in hope of China and the Korean Peninsula and overturn of Japan will be to have certainly raised a voice of the joy.
They strengthened ties with the anti-Japan power of the United States in the evidence.

124)Junichiro Koizumi who became the Prime Minister under such situation accepted the participation of the military for the issue of charity dame in 2001. I stated, "I apologized when I hurt honor and the dignity of the woman deeply and was experienced a great number of pain as a charity dame and wanted to tell mind and body about an apology and a feeling of the reflection heartily for all various places where it was carried the wound that I crossed it and was hard to heal on its back".

125)We do not go for a translation to get away from the responsibility to the future from past heaviness.
Based on an apology and a feeling of the reflection, I looked the past history in the face while keenly realizing moral responsibility as Japan and added this to the honor of the woman and problems dignitary, to be concerned with by violence to the attendant who told in history definitely when I would wrestle positively.

126)Whenever there is some event, Junichiro Koizumi thinks that I continued apologizing when I inflicted Korean people with the great damage by colonial rule using the same words.
There will be no help for it even if said to be the worshiper of Kawano statement and the Murayama statement in this.
Was apology for Korea where was higher than Kono statement and Murayama statement in this, but, anyway, was selected like a priest as Koizumi; pass, and advocate it, and, as for the Prime Minister who repeated an apology to the person concerned, it is unusual.

127)When the former Japan forces made a Korean woman a sex slave forcibly, the representative from January 31, 07, Mike Honda
submitted a resolution to ask the responsibility compensation to U.S. Lower House plenary session again.
The upset Japan embassy in the United States distributed Kawano statement, Murayama statement, Koizumi statement to a member of the House of Representatives and seemed to circulate it when Japan apologized so as to be too enough.

128)When Shinzo Abe who took office as September, 06, the Prime Minister "was received in Committee on the Budget of the next year by the opposition party when Japan did not reflect on former war if I did not apologize to Korea formally", it was approached.
When Prime Minister Abe "did not have to apologize unless it was based on an objective fact even if a bill was approved in the U.S. Lower House", I answered it clearly.

129)It is the moment when the Japanese Prime Minister denied it about the issue of charity dame formally for the first time.
Without Prime Minister Abe putting interval hair;, in "60, the step of Japan is appreciated after the war from the world". I diminish step of Japan, and does the member of the Diet assume it a state? It is to have cut deep from a genuine aspect resolutely whether you think Honda resolution to be right.

130)The one step issue of charity dame whom I saw whether I advanced was June 26, 07, the United States of America House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the resolution that the Representative microphone Honda submitted it to was approved by 39 votes of agreement vs. two votes of objection.
The government turned busy from Abe to Fukuda and Aso in Japan, and the issue of charity dame has flown to the sky each time.


捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.13

第十三章・慰安婦のおさらい / It is reviewed the charity dame

105)捏造慰安婦物語は、83年に吉田清治の著作である 「 私の戦争犯罪・朝鮮人強制連行 」 によってその幕は切って落とされた。




107)六年後の89年に吉田清治の 「 私の戦争犯罪・朝鮮人強制連行 」 が韓国で翻訳され出版された。




109)日本で始まった賠償裁判をテレビで知った、「 金学順と言う元慰安婦のお婆さん 」 が慰安婦だったと名乗り出たのです。


110)植村隆の記事には、日中戦争や大東亜戦争中に 「 女子挺身隊 」 と偽って戦場に連行され、日本軍人相手に売春行為を強要された、気の毒な朝鮮人従軍慰安婦の一人が名乗り出たと書かれてあった。


111)朝日新聞の記事が配信された三日後に記者会見を開いた 「 金学順さん 」 は、生活苦から14歳の時母親によって、40円でキーセンへ売られ慰安婦になったと証言を繰り返した。


112)朝日新聞の大スクープは、「 金学順さん 」 が韓国で記者会見を開く三日前に、既に日本経由で世界へ報じられておりました。



113)韓国に 「 金学順さん 」 も原告に名を連ねる 「 太平洋戦争犠牲者遺族会 」 と言う団体がある。この団体の常任理事の娘婿が植村記者でした。

つまり訴訟原告団の幹部が義理の母親の為に、「 金学順さん 」 の単独インタビューが取れたという絡繰りです。





115)朝日新聞の恐るべき大犯罪は、92年1月11日朝刊一面トップで、「 慰安婦所へ軍関与を示す資料・政府見解揺らぐ 」  との記事を掲載した事でした。


116)書類を詳しく読んで見ると、慰安婦を斡旋する業者が人さらい同然に女性を集めているが、 「 軍の権威に関わるから業者の選定を厳格にせよ 」 と云う命令書だった。


117) 92年1月13日・当時の加藤紘一官房長官が世論に堪えきれず 「 お詫びと反省 」 を発表してしまいました。



Chapter13 It is reviewed the forgery drama

105)I cut the curtain, and the forgery charity dame story was lost in 83 by "my war crimes, Korean forcible escort" by Seiji Yoshida.
I took the armed forces in Jeju Island of Korea in 1943, and the contents of the note performed woman hunting and said it proudly when I was in the middle of taking you and tasted, but were not a valuable thing such as a book.

106)What the person who said Seiji Yoshida thought of afterwards; of Korea appeared on television, and apologized for forcible escort, but the fire was not turned on in a topic.
I filed a suit regarding the charity dame whom wartime, Korean old people who knew everything about a postwar own country had not heard and would never think that I could take the indemnification from Japan before the war.

107)"My war crimes, Korean forcible escort" of Seiji Yoshida was translated in Korea in 89 six years later and was published.
The reporter of the Jeju newspaper which read this demonstrates it based on a book of Yoshida and observes it and uncovers that I am disappointing and was a downright lie.
This is the ending of the first forgery charity dame story, but the author should live now.

108)Because housewife, Atsuko Aoyagi of Oita went to Korea while the visit to Korea of Prime Minister Miyazawa was planned in 92, and the expense to modify a trial bore all, it recruited a state and plaintiffs including suit to Japanese Government partner.
The applicant did not appear, but the family of the person who it was commandeered by the Japanese military after going back to its own country, and was forced to forced labor came forward, and a trial began at that point.

109)"The old woman of former charity dame who said Kimuhakusun" who knew the compensation trial that began in Japan on TV came forward.
Takashi Uemura and the reporter who said reported the first report in the form of the interview alone with hiding the charity dame name who came forward from the morning edition of the Asahi Shimbun dated August 11, 91.

110)It was written for the article of Takashi Uemura that the one of the poor Korean charity dame that I was taken to the battlefield during Japan-China War and Greater East Asia War in the disguise of "girl volunteer corps" and was forced a prostitution act on a Japanese officer partner came forward.
This article was that it went without saying that it was delivered to the world as a great scoop on the day.

111)When it was sold to a brothel in 40 yen from economic distress at 14-year-old time by mother, and it was to a charity dame, "Kimuhakusun" who held a press conference three days after an article of the Asahi Newspaper was delivered repeated testimony.
This testimony did not overturn for 1 degree by the hearing investigation of the Korean side to a complaint for the Japanese Government afterwards either.

112)The great scoop of the Asahi Shimbun has been already reported to the world via Japan three days before "Kimuhakusun" held a press conference in Korea.
In addition, the important part which said that it was sold in the brothel by mother fell completely.
It is a matter of course that big doubt happened why such a trick was possible for a reporter of the Asahi Shimbun called Takashi Uemura.
113)There is a group called "Pacific War victim bereaved society" where "Kimuhakusun" links the name to a plaintiff in Korea.
The son-in-law of the permanent director of this group was reporter Uemura. In other words it is the mechanism that the executive of the plaintiff corps was able to take an independent interview of "Kimuhakusun" for mother-in-law.
A so good story cannot roll that much.

114)It would be necessary to conceal the truth to say when sold to the brothel by mother from economic distress to do the trial of the mother-in-law profitably even if anyone thought.
This is a grave offense punishment unworthy for communications.
It was the breach of trust for the national nation, and it was the act that should be called a traitor, but the inclination news of the morning sun did not remain only in this.

115)The dreadful great crime of the Asahi Newspaper was to have placed an article, "document, government opinion indicating the military participation shook at the all over the morning edition top to a charity dame place" on January 11, 92.
I told when I found out this document as documents about the recruitment of charity dames that Professor Yoshiaki Yoshimi of Chuo University engaged in a charity dame place of the military in National Institute for Defense Studies.

116)When I read documents in detail and looked, the supplier who mediated a charity dame was the same as kidnapping and gathered women, but was the letter missive which said, "I did the choice of the supplier strictly because I was concerned with the authority of the military".
It was the thing which regulated forcible escort, but torsion じ changed a fact on understanding such a thing, and Professor Yoshimi and the Asahi Newspaper , so to speak, reported a forgery article.

117)When I announced "an apology and the reflection" without then Chief Cabinet Secretary Koichi Kato being able to finish bearing it on January 13, 92, and it was on January 17 four days later, I went out, and I lowered the head to the Korean President in an obsequious manner eight times, and Prime Minister Miyazawa apologized to states Korea.
The Chief Cabinet Secretary and the Prime Minister have apologized before they conducted an official investigation as Japanese Government.


捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.12

第十二章・終わりなき戦い / Fight without the end














Chapter12  Fight without the end

100)It was to have talked to both the Japanese ambassador residing in the United States and a Diet member, but the contents of General Manager mayor was able to hint Kawano, Murayama, Koizumi statement when that the Japanese Prime Minister admitted when a charity dame problem was accompanied.
If there are not words to return, it will be time to say in this way.
There is the United States only in a suit large country. I attacked it and was able to stand from a genuine aspect based on public evidence.

101)Because it did not close if it goes down, it is the WH-related reason that had I talk to get to know and establish a signature site.
It was a simple question to say why the Japanese Prime Minister or the Chief Cabinet Secretary spoke of the remark that an own country seemed to become disadvantageous easily that most Americans ate.
Because I who am a Japanese do not know it, they cannot understand it.

102)There is not it despite the diplomacy that the government moves to the Democratic Party, and is splendid for a compliment for three years.
On the contrary, I give salt and miso and sugar unlimitedly to Korea, and they push forward a new charity dame monument erection plan based on it.
Irony is too hard that it is a Japanese citizen nothing but it that made the government pretending not to look to see this reality.

103)Korea let a charity dame stamp come up according to notice during the removal signature of the charity dame monument.
The fact that the effective charity dame stamp of tens of thousands of sets has been distributed to U.S. each place even if it is very poor does not pass away.

The fight with the issue of my charity dame followed such a progress and certainly ended in defeat.

104)A commander of the defeat is not a thing talking about most, but, as for the fight about the issue of charity dame, there are too many numbers of a bullet flying from the position of the friend.
The goddess of the victory will not smile at our camp as far as Kawano statement exists in the world even if the Japan-Korea stupid fight continues, and at first there will not be what I invite refreshing end to from now on either.


捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.11

第十一章・慰安婦碑の登場 / Whereabouts of the charity dame monument



93)半年後の9月24日に第92代内閣総理大臣になった麻生氏は、10月2日の衆議院本会議において、村山談話や小泉談話は 「 さきの大戦をめぐる政府としての認識を示すものであり、私の内閣においても引き継いで参ります」、と答弁した。

田母神氏は外交防衛委員会で、「 村山談話を公然と批判したことは全くないし、論文の中でも触れていない。村山談話と異なる見解と誤解した権力による更迭だ 」、と反論したのである。





こうした日本の混迷を見透かしたかの様に、10年10月23日にニュー ジャージー州パリセイズパーク市公立図書館に、韓国人の手による慰安婦の碑が建立された。



99)居た堪れなくなった私は、ニュー ジャージー州パリセイズパーク市の市長とパリセイズパーク市公立図書館長に、慰安婦碑の撤去請願書を送った。

Chapter11 Whereabouts of the charity dame monument

91)The government moved to Fukuda from September 26, 07, Abe suddenly while I had expectation to the Abe Administration while the everybody of the nation felt a question and uneasiness.
Power shifted from Fukuda to the Aso Cabinet busily again without one year passing.
It reminded you of totally today's lunch in the ease that seemed to spin the tub which I had in water.

92)Prime Minister Fukuda received trip to Japan of President Hu Jintao of the People's Republic of China on May 7, 08 and faced a summit meeting in the daytime.
There were not all references about Murayama statement by the joint communique after the summit meeting.
The Murayama statement should be root and trunk making the key between Japan and China, but China kept it off, or Japan ignored it or it is unknown, but was not able to touch Murayama statement with the both sides either.

93)"I showed recognition as the government over World War II and succeeded Murayama statement and the Koizumi statement in my cabinet", and Aso who became the 92nd Prime Minister on September 24, 08 answered it in House of Representatives this meeting of October 2.
There was not at all the sign to speak of withdrawal in an official occasion as story always goes.

94)In addition, Prime Minister Aso has replaced field mother Toshio God Chief of Staff, Air Self Defense Force saying that I announced the article of the recognition unlike government opinion in November of the year.
Field mother God is diplomatic defense Committee; "there is not that criticized Murayama statement openly at all, and do not touch it in an article". I argued, it was an opinion unlike Murayama statement and replacement by the power that I misunderstood.

95)In a state to be able to be called the real political blank, the Japanese citizen gave up in the government by the Liberal Democratic Party New Komeito which continued for nine years and delivered Democratic Party single-party government.
When it "was diplomacy of the friendship that did diplomacy got over each other's differences", Prime Minister Hatoyama who talked together with President Chinese Hu Jintao in New York, U.S.A. on September 21, 09 declared it.
How many Japanese who heard this statement might understand the heart of the Prime Minister?

96)The weakening of the country to be able to put for the fight for government is a thing terrible how or is clear at a glance just I do not need to look back on a far-off past, and to have recalled late years.
The monument of the charity dame was erected by a Korean hand on October 23, 10 by New Jersey Paris say park city public library as if I detected such Japanese present conditions.

97)When it was 11 years, as for Takeshima, a signboard that it was a territory of Korea has begun to stand in the highway roadside of the United States.
When a charity dame street appeared in New York, a rumor spread, and, from an advertising agency-affiliated acquaintance, information that a Korean looked for the designer of the charity dame stamp was sent.
The sign that Japanese Embassy in the United States moved was not felt.

98)Information that a Korean university professor and singer put 2,500 pieces of charity dame posters on the street corner of Shinjuku and Harajuku and Shibuya at the beginning of January, 12 became available.
I watched net and TV closely, but the news that this Korean was arrested is not reported.
When nearly two weeks passed, the design of the press conference that these two people placed a charity dame advertisement in the American newspaper was reported.

99)I who became unable to stay sent the removal petition of the charity dame monument to the mayor and the Mayor of the New Jersey Paris say park city of Paris say park city public library.
I found an FB site of the public library and sent five petitions, but the words were soft, but came to get a document such as the threat from the person who gave General Manager mayor after it was closed a site on the third day.


捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.10

第十章・幼稚な外交交渉 / Childish diplomatic negotiations

翌年の予算委員会で民主党の小川委員が 「 韓国に正式謝罪しなければ、日本が先の戦争を反省していないと受け取られる 」 、と迫った。


『 仮に米下院で法案が可決されても、客観的事実に基づいていない限り謝罪する必要はない 』、




『 戦後60年・日本の歩みは世界から高く評価されている。小川委員は日本の歩みを貶め様とするのか。ホンダ決議案を正しいと考えているのか 』、




『 政府の調査では軍の強制連行を裏付ける証拠はない。政府が発見した資料の中に、軍や官憲による強制連行を示す記述は見当たらなかった 』、



85)安倍氏の国会答弁を受けた米国主要新聞が一斉に、「 安倍首相は日本軍の性的奴隷への関与を否定、女性が戦時の慰安婦宿に強制連行された事を否定 」、などと書き立てた。


86)在米日本大使館は、『 日本が謝っていないとするのは正しくない。日本はアジア女性基金なども設立し謝罪に努めてきた 』、との書簡を下院議員に出したらしい。
また、公聴会の直前には「 決議案は事実に基づいていない 」、との声明も出したと言うが、決議直前の声明文がどれ程の抑止力になるのだろうか。










Chapter10 Crooked diplomatic dispute

82)September, 06, Abe took office as the Prime Minister.
I pressed it that a brook committee of the Democratic Party "was received in Committee on the Budget of the next year when Japan did not reflect on former war if I did not apologize to Korea formally".When Prime Minister Abe "did not have to apologize unless it was based on an objective fact even if a bill was approved in the U.S. Lower House", I answered it clearly.

83)It is the moment when the Japanese Prime Minister denied it about the issue of charity dame formally.
Abe "60, the step of Japan is appreciated after the war from the world".I diminish step of Japan, and does the brook committee assume it a state? I struck back whether I thought Honda resolution to be right.
This statement caused a ripple later in the United States, but was right the Prime Minister of Japan.

84)Prime Minister Abe for the prospectus of the interpellation of Representative Tsujimoto of the Social Democratic Party "there is no evidence to support the forcible escort of the military by the survey by government".When the description indicating the forcible escort by the military and the government official was not found in the document which the government discovered, I gave government statement.
I blamed that I was healthy, and the Korean side did not help the effort to build the future intention relations.

85)An American main newspaper in response to Diet statement of Abe played up that "negation, a woman were taken to the wartime charity dame hotel by the participation in sexual slave of the Japanese forces as for Prime Minister Abe with negation" all at once.
When all Prime Minister Abe denied the fact that the each generation prime minister apologized to in the assembly, it was curved to a terrible course and has been made a fuss.

86)In the Japanese Embassy in the United States, it "is not right that Japan does not apologize". I seemed to give a letter, Japan established a woman fund of Asia and continued apologizing to a member of the House of Representatives.
In addition, I say that I gave the statement, "the resolution is not based on a fact" just before that of the public hearing, but how much deterrent will the declaration just before the resolution have?

87)The embassy did not investigate it in this way even if I was natural because it was unplanned, unrealistic diplomatic missions even if a representative from Honda was accompanied.
It is communications to have clarified the background of the representative from Honda.
Even if it is said to be irresponsibility diplomacy of the national disgrace I dirty the honor of the country without being able to achieve the responsibility of the diplomat and harm national interest, and not to argue against a foreign claim, there is no help for it.

88)Until now in the U.S. member of the House of Representatives "remain silent, and should endure" it. Even if Japan won politically, no quality to get had the pro-Japanese whom there was not.
However, it will be impossible I overflow in pro-Japanese as in the past, and to return because Japanese Embassy has only passion of this level even if pro-Japanese can become extinct.

89)It is to have continued being said to be it whenever a big problem happens, but is that the only way to get away from arrests a partner in a reality aspect from this serious situation, and Japan develops a just argument.
It may be said that the root of the diplomatic dispute is started from the issue of Korean charity dame.
As Japanese Government, the issue of charity dame should send that I did not exist to the whole world immediately.

90)I put it in June 26, 07, the United States of America House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the resolution that the representative from microphone Honda submitted it to was approved by 39 votes of agreement vs. two votes of objection.
As for this resolution, the power of the executive branch does not extend to Japan with a thing of the non-restriction legally.
It is not to be a thing of character sent to the Upper House, but may be never pleased for Japanese Government and the nation when it is honor.


捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.9

第九章・マイク・ホンダ氏 / Mr. Mike Honda


『 大東亜戦争中に日本軍が、若い女性を性的奴隷として強制した事に対し、日本政府は明白にその行為を認めた上で謝罪し、歴史的な責任を受け入れる事を求める 』、



76)名前が示す通り日系三世の彼は日本名を本田実と言う。41年6月17日 カリフォルニア州生まれであった。





「 日本の総理大臣は戦争や慰安婦問題に関し、アジア各国と慰安婦達に心から謝罪と反省を示している」と本質には触れず、これ以上なにを謝罪するのだと開き直ったのである。




Chapter 9 Mr. Mike Honda

74)A resolution to say when "I demanded that the Japanese Government apologized for the Japanese forces having forced a young woman as a sexual slave during Greater East Asia War after having recognized the act clearly and accepted historic responsibility" from a representative from microphone Honda of January 31, 07, the Lower House, U.S.A. was submitted.
This kind of article was submitted to a past five times and was rejected.

75)In brief, it is secondhand information of Korea.
I am assigned to the issue of charity dame who is not sure whether it is a fact several years before 60 either and say that I apologize to Japanese Government and the nation.
Based on the testimony of the charity dame unlike the inspected historic fact, I really give it an order when I withdraw the past dictum that the compulsion by the military did not have Japanese Government entirely.

76)The boyfriend of the Sansei calls the Japanese name Minoru Honda as the name shows it.
I was born in California on June 17, 41. In those days that were a representative from state of California, the issue of Nanjing Massacre and charity dame investigated war crimes of Japan, and the resolution to hold it to account was it in the voted results.
I would have a connection with the overseas Chinese from this time.

77)With the document of the election administration center, it was a representative from Democratic Party of the 15th California ward election.
The executives of the American China system anti-Japan group where there is no his support mother's body in Koreans in an interesting thing, and the bond with the Chinese authorities is strong are often found.
This group objected in entering Japanese United Nations permanent member in 2005 and was the organization which collected the anti-Japan signatures of 42 million people.

78)I passed to a member of the House of Representatives since first election for six years in 2000, and I was around war and the history, the knob that seemed to be intended very much of the politics was strong by Japan bashing.
The issue of charity dame resolution who submitted it in 2006 was approved in the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, but it was thought that I revised contents based on withdrawn process this time and submitted a resolution again without turning around in a plenary session.

79)The Japanese Embassy upset by the movement of the representative from Honda in the United States accepts apology and words of the reflection written in the resolution and is disgusted because I say when I distribute Murayama statement and Koizumi statement to United States Lower House relations member of the Diet as an official document of the ambassador and turned around.
I assumed a defiant attitude without being able to touch essence when "the Japanese Prime Minister showed apology and reflection to each Asian country and charity dames about the issue of war and charity dame heartily" when I no longer apologized in what.

80)I can understand this act action for a countryman well emotionally if I write it down for the honor of the embassy staff residing in the United States.
I repelled the resolution of the representative from Honda and distributed the statement of Prime Ministers, and the Japanese Prime Minister resisted it when only this reflected on the apology properly.
It would be an appeal to tell not to maintain the bill of the representative from Honda at the same time to be certain threat.

81)However, it is a fundamentally big mistake if the embassy staff who is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs branch office where is full of bright people thinks about this with diplomatic negotiations.
Being usually devoted because such a problem to be related to at home is not originally taken up by the foreign assemblies as for the duty of the embassy staff is because is it.
I am very rude, and there is it, but the me is sure to be able to accomplish a duty better if I think that this degree is the duty of the embassy.

Probably it will be that the member of the House of Representatives who had a document from the ambassador in its hand realized it again when the Japanese Prime Minister accepts the forced participation of the military.


捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.8

第八章・官邸内の魔物 / Demon in the official residence






「 わが国は遠くない過去の一時期、国策を誤り、戦争への道を歩んで国民を存亡の危機に陥れ、植民地支配と侵略によって、多くの国々、とりわけアジア諸国の人々に対して多大の損害と苦痛を与えました。」














72)2003年8月15日に終戦記念日の演説で小泉純一郎首相は、「先の大戦において、我が国は、多くの国々、とりわけアジア諸国の人々に対して多大の損害と苦痛を与えました。国民を代表して、ここに深い反省の念を新たにし、犠牲となった方々に謹んで哀悼の意を表します。」 再び詫びました。



Chapter 8 Demon in the official residence

61)The Murayama Cabinet who I seemed to wait for Kono statement, and was born in a state founded a woman fund of Asia for women who were a charity dame.
I seemed to pay Korean women of the problem an atonement money of one 2 million yen, but did it this way, is useless, moving invites misunderstanding and becomes a cause done a good beating from the world.
I was not able to find the beginning to solution as expected.

62) I say that a rose sprinkles money as an incompetent politician, but the race to spend the money of the nation for as a Japanese politician idly thinks that it is unusual.
Prime Minister Noda will be a person as the clearness. It is only complained a little, and the foreign country produces gold immediately.
Because a partner wants money, I attach a false charge again and again. I take out money like water each time without thinking about the consequences.

63) As for the essence in question, the place to solve turns worse more and more basically even if it becomes the aim that helped a poor person because a heart is poor.
Because this thinks about them under wrong sense of entitlement that diplomatic, the nation does not have a position.
For the charity dame that dozens of times preferred high pay to a Japanese soldier, the woman funds of Asia are money paid in addition for a thief.

64)I take it to a Japanese citizen and the Miyazawa Cabinet was the bad government, but thinks that this Murayama Administration gave you a severe trial by the nation.
While a Japanese citizen had the mud after defeat, the racial dignity that I followed desperately was changed into the muddy stream by Kawano statement.
It has been decided I invaded a friend country of the Eastern Asia from Prime Minister Murayama without one year passing, and to have made colonial rule.

65)The muddy stream which even once burst into "our country took the wrong national policy for period at past 1:00 that was not long, and walked a way to war, and fell into a crisis of the life and death in the nations, and, in particular, by colonial rule and aggression, many countries inflicted it with the great damage for the people of Asian countries".
Murayama declared it as if I was fascinated by totally one's speech and put it up.

66)It will be the statement which Murayama added a writing brush to in the composition due to the hand of the bright person who left the national university.
I accepted the forcible escort of the charity dame by Kono statement only during only one year, and it has been concluded that the Greater East Asia War was an aggressive war by Murayama statement.
The countryman activist in hope of China and the Korean Peninsula and overturn of Japan will be to have certainly raised a voice of the joy.

67)How many Japanese citizens might the handcuffs fetters which I strangled the mother country a decade later, and could be turned on integrally imagine when Murayama statement was given when it was?
When I took you as the Korean side, I have moved the stage to the United States with a hand with the American Democratic Party system in cooperation with South Korean American power and overseas Chinese without remaining in the country in the form that pulled off papers bearing the signature of the shogun or feudal lord from the Japanese Government.

68)It was taken testimony and Kono statement of Seiji Yoshida for left wing power even if I put it in the United Nations, and disgraceful words were specified when there was "a sex slave act" for a charity dame in an official inquiry report of human rights Committee in the Japan forces. And it was continued shaking by the anti-Japan power and politician and scholar and media of a countryman represented by a bow net.

69)Koizumi who became the Prime Minister after many complications refraction accepted the participation of the military for the issue of charity dame in 2001.
I apologized when I hurt honor and the dignity of the woman deeply and was experienced a great number of pain as a charity dame and, for all various places where it was carried the wound that I crossed it in mind and body and was hard to heal on its back, did an apology and a feeling of the reflection clearly heartily.
I praised Murayama statement.

70)We do not go for a translation to get away from the responsibility to the future from past heaviness.

Based on an apology and a feeling of the reflection, I looked the past history in the face while keenly realizing moral responsibility as Japan and, to the attendant who conveyed this in history definitely, stated the honor of the woman and problems dignitary, to be concerned with that I would wrestle positively by violence.

71)September 17, 2002, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, by "past colonial rule, took the great damage and a fact of the history that inflicted to Korean people humbly, and the Japanese side expressed serious reflection and the feeling of the sincere apology". 」
I think that this statement is a thing when I handed the atonement money of the woman fund of Asia to a Korean charity dame.

72)Is a speech of the anniversary of the end of the war on August 15, 2003; Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi "our country served many countries, and, in the former Great War, inflicted it with the great damage for the people of Asian countries again".
On behalf of the nation, I refresh sense of deep reflection here and express a condolence to sacrificed people heartily. I apologized again.

73)"Our country ever served many countries by aggression and colonial rule, and Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi inflicted it with the great damage for the people of Asian countries" in April, 05 and August. I took a fact of such history humbly and I always engraved serious reflection and a feeling of the sincere apology into a heart and continued apologizing with a pipe.
I misappropriate the same words as Koizumi many times and think that the Prime Minister who repeated an apology to the person concerned is rare.


捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.7

第七章・河野談話の裏話 /  Inside story of the Kono statement



52)これを良い事に他方では、吉田清治の捏造物語を題材に 「 実録奴隷狩り 」 などの題名で頻繁にテレビ番組が制作された。

53)金泳三大統領はこうした国内の世論を逆手に取って、 「 このままでは民衆を押さえきれない。今後は賠償金の請求をしないから、日本軍が強制連行した事だけ認めろ 」、と日本政府に迫っていたらしい。











60)96年・日本では中学歴史教科書に、「 従軍慰安婦は日本軍による強制連行 」 と掲載された。


Chapter 7 Inside story of the Kono statement

51)When Prime Minister Miyazawa visited Korea, the charity dame was volunteer corps in Korea, and an idea that it was forced by the Japanese military has already settled among the nations.
When I took it in the group which assumed suit an occupation against Japanese Government, there would not be the so delicious story because Kawano statement was announced after the Japanese Prime Minister came without permission to Korea, and having apologized.
A suspect has accepted a crime without permission.

52)"Authentic record slave hunting" was dramatized about a forgery story of Seiji Yoshida in the other frequently by the thing that was good in this.
It becomes difficult I chase even the honest person who knows the prewar fact when it becomes in this way, and to advocate it and an objection.
The Korean ambassador of time to Japan just told the truth and was oppressed when it is pro-Japanese, and it is preached a job by President Kimuyonsamu.

53)The Kimuyonsamu President takes such a domestic public opinion underhand; and "in this situation cannot suppress the people". I seemed to approach in future in the Japanese Government when I admitted only that the Japanese military took you because I did not demand the ransom.
The then Nobuo Ishihara secretariat Deputy Secretary talks about there having been secret room diplomacy with Korea in answer to an interview of the Sankei Newspaper

54)The Japanese Government seemed to hear the testimony of former charity dame ten several whom the Korean government prepared for before reaching the Kono statement under such situation, but was that the hearing investigation to women was not ordinary.
Neither the cross question nor the inspection was permitted them at all by the Japanese side, and only the forcible escort by the military and words to say seemed to fly from their mouth.

55)It was that Yano deliberation general managers of Ministry of Foreign Affairs participated in the then Vice Chief Cabinet Secretary Ishihara beginning, but the Korean government did not destroy the outline when there was the forcible escort of the Japan forces since before an investigation.
Therefore it is overwhelmed by a forced attitude of Korea and says in conformity with historical view of Chief Cabinet Secretary Kono after return home when I worship you and have given ancient people to a beast of the sexual desire.

56)A serious crime to be able to put for the Kawano statement is to have received a Korean cunning fixed idea easily.
The fact of the forcible escort faded whenever I repeated an investigation.
It is that I am right, and brought about a false accusation that I entrapped a countryman in guilt while knowing that a citizen and the public servant of the situation that should protect the government official of the suspect are innocent.
The thing which I saw there was naked real nature of the cold-blooded egoism that neither the blood nor the tears had.

57)Another role that Kawano statement served as will be to have become the breakwater where nobody can deny a forgery of Seiji Yoshida and the Asahi Shimbun.
It does not need the special effort if I expect a really Japan-Korea friendship. The truth easily becomes clear if I inspect the article of the Jeju newspaper so as to be disappointing.
Both government kept off even such a thing for dozens of years.
I look like only a ready-made lace in the situation of we Japanese citizens.

58)Because the Japanese Government where was framed as distinction regrets even a so simple effort in the Korean government, and a rose sprinkles the tax of the nation unlimitedly, the truth is lost in the deep darkness that the hand does not reach more and more.
The Korean textbook specified a charity dame with girl volunteer corps and was considered to be a charity dame to the girl who did not reach the menarche, and a forgery was placed when I suffered the sex slave.

59)An act of the Japanese Government is slander for ancient people and will not be equal to the treason for the nation either?
If the government and a bureaucrat do not show posture to protect the mother country, it is the nation who is sovereign, but, as for what there remained, will the hungry mind that the Korean has stay to us who coveted peace after defeat for nearly 70 years?

60)"The charity dame was placed in the junior high school history textbook with the forcible escort by the Japanese military" in 96, Japan.
While the student who learned this and the person who did not learn it live in the present together, I have the same trouble.
I solve this contradiction and prove it and may persuade how many seniors as expected.
The evil of the Kono statement breathes in such a place.


捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.6

第六章・河野談話 / Official statement of Kono

朝日新聞の論調に躍った吉見義明・和田春樹教授さえも、「 朝鮮人に対する軍の強制は無かった公算が高い 」 と主張を変え始めたのです。


これだけの調査結果を基にすれば、「 軍の慰安所は確かに存在したが、慰安婦の補給に関しては、軍の認可を受けた専門業者が一切を取り仕切っていた。軍が関与した事実は、慰安婦の衛生検査と業者の管理監督だけである 」 と公表できる筈である。








48)私は長年に渡り河野談話に関し、「 官憲等が直接これに加担した事実も明らかになった 」、と言うフレーズが理解できないでいた。




Chapter 6 Official statement of Kono

41)Whenever a certain good sense expert of the two countries repeated an investigation in this way, the fact that the Japanese forces forced became extinct. When "the compulsion of the military for the Korean was high in the good chance that there was not", even Yoshiaki Yoshimi, Professor Haruki Wada who jumped in a tone of the Asahi Shimbun has begun to change a claim.
However, I strengthened intensity more and more, and there were rumors about the issue of charity dame in the two countries contrary to such a thing.

42)The book of Seiji Yoshida uncovered that Korean Saishuu newspaper was a forgery.
I testified that it was sold to the brothel for 40 yen, and a Korean left-winger system newspaper supported it, and 〝 Kimuhakusun 〞 placed an article in mother.
The charity dame of 40 several who came forward when taken became clear with playing of own work other than two people by the hand of Korean university professors.

43)It was correspondence of the Japanese Government that did not become with a wonder.
If is based on all these findings; "the comfort station of the military surely existed, but, about the supply of the charity dame, a specialty supplier in response to the authorization of the military managed all".
When it was only the examination of the charity dame of hygiene and the management supervisor of the supplier, I should have been able to announce the fact that the military participated in.
As Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, might not you know even that there was movement of this level?
It should be developed a debate with the anti-Japan activist of the two countries enough if I get all these information. It will be Ministry of Foreign Affairs of that purpose.

44)I did the apology that Chief Cabinet Secretary Koichi Kato could receive a high treacherous act against one's country before investigating such a fact as Japanese Government, and Prime Minister Miyazawa went out nonchalantly to Korea and has lowered the bald head eight times.
In Korea, it goes without saying that Japanese anti-Japan activists have been encouraged at one sweep than the cause.
And the issue of charity dame has announced his/her candidacy for the international stage as government official recognition in the form that added oil to the fire.

45)However, the Japanese Government spared an effort to deny the forgery charity dame story that the anti-Japan power of the two countries built up from a genuine aspect.
Using the sophism that I could dodge even if attacked by the technique that seemed to totally tame dog and cat from wherever, I have postponed the forcible escort part which was essence in question.
Even if it was the composition by the bright person of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it was a too bad thing.

46)Destroying a country statement (http://twd.ac/tmzkqI) where I passed to eternity by Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yohei Kono of time on August 4, 93 and would have regret for was announced.

It is said Kono statement commonly.

Many experts comment on the statement, but can read it even if they read it and preach it and watch it from any angle when the Japan forces forced it on an uneducated person.

47)I think that the high-ranking official is a vaguely dreadful race.
It is made a composition by a base and, as for all these statements, is constituted an excuse so that any criticism can excuse itself.
A part coaxed by a fact and the pimp who sold out to the brothel was able to pull that I had laughed really.
Naturally a government official concerned with as duties should have the fair human rights if I say their human rights.

48)I was not able to understand the phrase which said, "the fact that government officials took part in this direct became clear" about Kono statement for many years.
While I examined various books, a question was removed with a book of Mr. Tsutomu Nishioka several years ago. I put it in the Indonesian front and knew the fact that a Dutchwoman was made to make a charity dame from a government official forcibly.

49)When I knew this thing, I was seized with the impulse that wanted to knock down the proposer of the Kono statement.
Even if but the author makes an excuse saying that it is the consideration for the Dutchwoman, then it is treated the same line with Korea woman sold to a kisang.
In addition, these government officials have been already executed in a court-martial. I have nothing to do with the issue of Korean charity dame really.
Will not it be the smart-arse that should be called the lack of deep consideration of the petty official?

50)The Kono statement completed in this way has much harm and is the fellow without the single benefit.
When I acquired the removal signature site of the charity dame monument, the withdrawal of the ,〝 Kono statement said to the words that I thrust the mouth of the WH person concerned, and were given with 〞 which would be a point.
I say that 100 people become the sentence that Japanese Government accepted forcible escort with 100 people if I read Kono statement for the sense of the foreigner.
It is a statement of the destroying a country.


捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.5

第五章・歩き出した慰安婦物語 / The charity dame story that has begun to walk





西岡力氏の話によると、記事を書いた記者に 「 挺身隊と慰安婦が別物であることを知っているだろうと詰め寄ったところ、慰安婦には女衒が何時も付きまとい闇が深い。戦争中だから起こり得た事だろう。この種の記事は二度と書かない」、と云って言葉を濁したそうです。









韓国側がこの調査書を日本へ渡す時、「 この中に総てが記されている 」 と言ったそうです。韓国政府が自信を持って渡した証言集ですら、この程度のものであるからには、慰安婦は正に深い闇に閉ざされていると云わざるを得ない。

Chapter 5 The charity dame story that has begun to walk

32)An article appears in a Japanese large-sized newspaper, and the woman who it is sold to a kisang, and disguised herself as a charity dame from poverty appears to TV like day after day when I think in a Korean situation.
Will not it be a modern Cinderella story?
An article to be called 〞 which 〝 12-year-old girl was made to make a charity dame in Korea in such a case jumped out.
The girl said that she did not yet come back to the Keijo after having gone to Japan to work as volunteer corps.

33)The generation put education for people and inclination ten years not to know in front of war was easily convinced and flew into a rage when I made a sex slave to a 12-year-old girl because the work volunteer corps were recognized to be a charity dame in then Korea.
To the newspaperman who wrote an article according to the story of Mr. Tsutomu Nishioka after "pressing you to know that volunteer corps and a charity dame are exceptions, pimps always follow a charity dame, and darkness is deep". It will be the thing that was possible because it is fighting. I said, I never wrote this kind of article and seemed to become vague.

34)〝 Kimuhakusun 〞 of former charity dame had the darkness. According to the place that an interpreter when appeared in the Japanese TV station talked about "the alone life that gold study order asked none of the relatives was lonely".
I knew that the family of a commandeered person filed a suit on TV and seemed to talk sadly when oneself thought to enter a group.

35)When the old woman who was a former charity dame files a suit against Japan, I cannot bring in what I cannot understand for a trial if not accompanied by a Japanese lawyer.
I do not touch it by the article of the morning sun, but the plaintiff testifies that it was sold to a Brothel from a beginning and never overturns.
It is hardly thought that a lawyer has anything to do with such a plaintiff seriously.

36)I should persuade you to leave the court because you are not in the object of the suit if common.
I will remonstrate about I appear to TV further, and exposing shame if I really think of the situation of former charity dame.
There will be the prejudice in the Korean society.
I should come to cannot but say that I was taken to the Japanese military once if I come forward publicly.

37)It is used by an anti-Japan campaigner of Japan after I show one's private parts which I do not want to remember, and a root digs it, and a tooth digs it, and having been knocked about by another person and is evacuated and is shouted.
It is cursed unwillingly when I change testimony when I tell a lie this time from another place.
It is hurt honor, and it will be bound to be dragged around twice three times. I am really too poor.

38)The main forgery part about a survey by to be able to put in Korea Mr. Tsutomu Nishioka and Ikuhiko Hata and "the forcible escort of the military" that the Asahi Shimbun insisted on by coverage already collapsed.
In the Korean side, well-known Anjonziku honorary professor of Seoul University played a key role at this time, and the group which called 40 several people who came forward as a charity dame volunteer corps meeting for the study carried out hearing investigation in earnest.

39)This investigation applied with 40 several, but it was 19 people that it was able to leave it as a document, and it was only four that insisted on when oneself was forced till the last.
The one of these testified that it was forced in Pusan, Korea and insisted on the one when forced in Toyama.
However, only two people stayed because there was not the comfort station in the place that was not a battlefield.

40)The survey by An honorary professors was submitted to the Korean government as "a collection of testimony".
When a Korean side handed this report of investigation to Japan, I seemed to say, "all was written down in this".
The charity dame cannot but say to right deep darkness since even a collection of testimony that the Korean government handed with confidence is a thing of this level when snowbound.

捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.4

第四章・慰安婦問題の登場 / Appearance of the issue of charity dame




23)「 この金学順と云う慰安婦名を伏せて 」 第一報を報じたのは、91年8月11日付け朝日新聞 ( 大阪版 ) の植村隆と云う記者である。
彼の記事には、日中戦争や大東亜戦争中に 「 女子挺身隊 」と偽って戦場に連行され、日本軍人相手に売春行為を強要された、「 朝鮮人従軍慰安婦 」 の一人が名乗り出たと書かれてあった。






28)そればかりか朝日新聞の大犯罪は、92年1月11日朝刊一面トップで、「 慰安婦所へ軍関与を示す資料・政府見解揺らぐ 」 との記事を掲載した事でした。

29)書類を詳しく読んで見ると、慰安婦を斡旋する業者が人さらい同然に女性を集めているが、「 軍の権威に関わるから業者の選定を厳格にせよ 」 と言う命令書だったのです。






 Chapter 4 Appearance of the issue of charity dame

20)I faced it at the time of a problem of the fingerprint sealing of the Korean residing in Japan and a President visit to Japan in Korea between Japan and Korea around 89, and the problems such as words of the war apology of His Majesty the Emperor piled up.
Housewife, Atsuko Aoyagi of Oita went to Korea while the visit to Korea of Prime Minister Miyazawa was planned in 92 and recruited the plaintiffs who woke up claim for payment to Japanese Government partner.

21)Because the expense to modify a trial bore all as for the handbill contents of the recruitment of plaintiffs assigned in a street according to the book of Mr. Tsutomu Nishioka, I said to Japanese Government partner with a state including suit.
Aoyagi was not able to get a plaintiff at this point in time.
It was commandeered by the Japanese military after going back to its own country, and the family of a person forced to forced labor came forward, and a trial began.

22)In Korea after the Zen government, youths instilled the inclination history to be called education for ten years while history impeachment diplomacy to Japan was succeeded in grew up.
,〝 gold study order and old woman 〞 of former charity dame who said which knew the compensation trial that began in Japan on TV came forward.
I have poured fire in the patriotism of youths who received inclination history education.

23)It is a reporter saying with Takashi Uemura of the charge account Asahi Newspaper (Osaka version) on August 11, 91 that I hide this charity dame name, and reported the first report.
It was written for his article that the one of "the Korean charity dame" that I was taken to the battlefield during Japan-China War and Greater East Asia War in the disguise of "girl volunteer corps" and was forced a prostitution act on a Japanese officer partner came forward.

24)It established ,〝 Kimuhakusun 〞 for the press conference here to be a problem and testified when even the complaint which I submitted to the Japanese Government later was sold to the brothel in 40 yen at the age of 14 years old even at the time of next Korea side hearing investigation by mother throughout, and it was to a charity dame.
The local Korean paper reported that it was sold to a supplier in 14 years old to mother for economic distress.

25)A part sold to a supplier to mother came out of the article that the Asahi Newspaper reported completely.
In addition, this article has been already reported in Japan three days before 〝 Kimuhakusun 〞 founded a press conference in Korea.
Interest is an important part flowed into for a reporter of Takashi Uemura and the saying Asahi Newspaper as expected whether such a trick was possible in why.

26)There is a group called "Pacific War victim bereaved society" where 〝 Kimuhakusun 〞 links the name to a plaintiff in Korea.
The son-in-law of the permanent director of this group was reporter Uemura. In other words the executive of the plaintiff corps is the mechanism that was able to take an independent interview of ,〝 gold study order 〞 for mother-in-law.
Such a good story cannot roll everywhere before the life.

27)It is the point where core part saying that the simple question I float here, and to be finished was sold to a brothel in 40 yen for an article of Uemura is not placed in.
I have concealed the truth that became disadvantageous to push forward the trial of the mother-in-law profitably.

This is a grave offense punishment unworthy for communications. It is the act that it is the breach of trust for the national nation, and should be called a traitor.

28)The great crime of only it or the Asahi Newspaper was to have placed an article, "document, government opinion indicating the military participation shook at the all over the morning edition top to a charity dame place" on January 11, 92.
I found out this document as documents about the recruitment of charity dames that Professor Yoshimi of Chuo University engaged in a charity dame place of the military in National Institute for Defense Studies.

29)When I read documents in detail and looked, the supplier who mediated a charity dame was the same as kidnapping and gathered women, but was the letter missive which said, "I did the choice of the supplier strictly because I was concerned with the authority of the military".

I bent a fact by pushing on understanding such a fact by force, and the Asahi Shimbun reported a forgery article.

30)The plaintiff corps of the suit increased 〝 Kimuhakusun 〞 which was a former charity dame in this way and announced the forgery article that the Asahi Newspaper crossed in twice.
I announced "an apology and the reflection" on January 13, 92 without being able to finish bearing it, and then Chief Cabinet Secretary Koichi Kato has apologized.

I gave the first government statement with being in condition not to conduct any investigation as Japanese Government.

31)I lowered the head to the Korean President in an obsequious manner eight times and apologized as if I appeared when it was January 17 four days later when Prime Minister Miyazawa visited Korea and would not be late for the Chief Cabinet Secretary.
The answer with the place to examine seemed to return from now on when I asked the reason why Prime Minister Miyazawa apologized to the person in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Northeast Asia Division according to the book of Mr. Tsutomu Nishioka.


捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.3

第三章・慰安婦物語の背景 / Background of the charity dame story



文部省の意向で歴史の教科書が、「 華北への侵略 」 を進出と書き換えたと朝日新聞が誤報し、韓国紙が引用の段階で 『 中国と韓国への侵略 』 と再誤報してしまった。


17)この様な情勢の中で83年に 『 慰安婦問題 』 の切っ掛けを作った吉田清治の「 私の戦争犯罪・朝鮮人強制連行 」が発売された。




19)六年後の89年に吉田清治の「私の戦争犯罪・朝鮮人強制連行 」が韓国で翻訳され出版された。

Chapter 3 Background of the charity dame story

13)I believed the mother country so as to be simple, and I who was brought up in the country of Shizuoka that the radio could not even hear loved the mother country rigidly as having talked in Chapter 1 without on thought, inclining to the left to the right and came of age as the nation of the pole commonplace.
Even if the successive Korean governments raise an anti-day and make noise because I make it young and knew the humiliation of the defeated nation, it was not tormented by an attack of conscience.

14)It is the plum government to have advocated an anti-day most intensely and thinks that I required compensation and the back pay of commandeering and drafted people all over the wartime without binding diplomatic relations with Japan together.
The antipathy of the merger era was surely left in the next BOKU government. However, there was the rise of China, too and would make much of the unity with Asian countries. Anti-communism from 65 through 81; have a feeling that pass, and a spearhead went.

15)The setting which it becomes about time when this, and the issue of charity dame appeared suddenly is the generation who does not know the wartime actual situation having come of age and the first textbook problem of 82.
When a textbook of the history renewed "aggression to the North China" with an advance with intention of the Ministry of Education, the Asahi Newspaper performed a false report. Korean paper has performed "aggression to China and Korea" and a re-false report at a stage of the quotation.

16)Because the then ZEN government played a role as the wall where Korea held down southing of Russia to, I approached when I paid money of cooperation of 6 billion dollars.
There is a great false report of the Asahi Newspaper in such a case and rides together without letting China jumps at it and have free Korea.
I pulled vast money by the two countries linked the hand, and doing criticism in Japan. I perform history impeachment of the departure from Japan to Japan by an opening of conducting diplomacy.

17)"My war crimes, Korean forcible escort" of Seiji Yoshida who made an opportunity of "the issue of charity dame" in such situation in 83 was released.
I took the armed forces in Chejyu Island of Korea in 1943 and performed woman hunting and said it proudly when I was in the middle of taking you and tasted.

Because it fought, only deep emotion that there would be the act of a rape occurred to me who I made it young, and had known the miserable real nature of the war.

I did not have all the grudges, but it is a fact for the anti-Japan sentiment that it is abnormal of Korea especially to have remembered the feelings that I cannot finish interpreting as one human being.

18)What the person who said Seiji Yoshida thought of afterwards; of Korea appeared on television, and seemed to apologize for forcible escort, but it was not in a topic.
I filed a suit regarding the charity dame whom wartime, Korean old people who knew everything about a postwar own country had not heard and would never think that I could take the indemnification from Japan before the war.

19)"My war crimes, Korean forcible escort" of Seiji Yoshida was translated in Korea in 89 six years later and was published. The newshen of the Chejyu newspaper which read this demonstrates it based on a book of Yoshida and observes it, and it is announced that I am disappointing and was a downright lie.
This is the ending of the first forgery charity dame story, but the author should live now.

捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.2

第二章・戦場の慰安婦 / Charity dame of the battlefield











Chapter 2 Charity dame of the battlefield

08)Even if the sex management of the soldier to be able to employ in the battlefield in country of any place is the strategy that in a sense is important most, it may be said.
I may transform myself into the wild beast which cannot control itself by the normal spiritual strength in the battlefield where vigorous youths exchange the life for months.
This may be the work for horrifying life to be able to talk about to only the person who experienced it.

The sexual desire of the beast will add to intensity, too.

I influence conduct when I control it too much, and the situation that it is violated in a venereal disease when I loosen it, and armed forces itself perishes is possible.

09)When I talk about the charity dame of the battlefield, I think that it is not known that their habits vary according to on the conditions of a country very much.
I may see the love story of the young prostitute and young man officer when I watch an old Western movie.

"Sentiment to wander on the thin way of the grassy plain which wound which continues forever while the beautiful daughter who does not finish becoming an adult handles the carriage of the carriage and pair alone for the armed forces of the young man officer"

In the case of the West, crowd of prostitutes forms on the neck of the armed forces are often found personally.

10)In the case of the United States, I would say even a local procurement type, or put it together, and a method to do public facilities had the comfort station for exclusive use of the U.S. soldier stolen by the circumstances of the stationing area.
I existed in Japan after the defeat, and it is a fact that women called the only lived around a US base.
In late years an American newspaper just reported that the Korean government provided the charity dame for exclusive use of the U.S. soldier.

11)The next is Korea, a Russian method, but is the rape that should say a local seizure type when I easily say.
It may be said that the acts that a Korean soldier rapes women and children in Vietnam and killed are representative examples of this method.

The Korea forges the charity dame hunting by the old Japanese military in 70, and the present conditions appealing to the global community for are neither more nor less than it if very funny.

12)In the case of Japan, people who called themselves a pimp to a specialty supplier with the permission of the military supplied a prostitute and a charity dame candidate, and the soldier processed the nature in this military official recognition comfort station.
Therefore, I say that there was no venereal disease of the Japanese soldier.
The evidence that supervised the examination of charity dames of venereal disease, the management for the specialized supplier and pimp exists if I insist obstinately when the military participated forcibly.