
祖国が危ない / The mother country is dangerous No.6

併合の真実 / The truth of the merger

26)当時朝鮮最大の政治組織「 一進会 」 は、日本と韓国の連邦制を主張したが、日韓双方の国力差が歴然としており、文化程度の差を埋める事も困難だった事から、連邦制を諦め併合の道を取らざるを得なかった。









韓国人大学教授・崔基鎬氏の著書「日韓併合 」に真実が記載されている。




26>Korea's greatest political organization "Ishinkai" insisted on Japan and Korean federal system, but Japan-Korea both strength of a nation differences were obvious and it gave up federal system from a difficult thing to bury a difference of the culture degree and couldn't but take the way of the merger in those days.
If I say occupation or aggression and make this fact, this race is violated in Confucianism.

27>August 22, 1910, an Annexation of Korea treaty was exchanged, and the protection policy for 35 years was developed by the cause of the new government in this way.
Even if both the head and the heart tell the race which has been out of order about result of Japan, there is no help for it, but I protect a pride and dignity of the Japanese race and want to write down only the truth for the future of the descendant.

28>The protection policy of the Japan to be able to put in the large Korea empire does not perform the collection of the land tax (capitation tax) at all.
As for 1 yen, Korea did not have the first such money either.
The most of a thing harvested from the cultivated area that went to ruin would be potatoes.
Many infants starve to death for chronic food shortage and hear when the total population was in condition to cut 10 million people.

29>In the roof of the house, weeds grew thick on covering with thatch so that many historical fact photographs showed it and the way was small and wound.
The drinking water carried it up from the river nearby and I moved it and used it for a manure tub, and, as for the bathroom use, a field and the grove of miscellaneous trees of the back should have been the way it goes. The truth is listed in book "Japan and Korea merger" of Mr. Korean university professor, Che kiho.

30>There is much result that a Japanese merger policy continues still giving life to.
I made the school more than 2,000 with the tax of the Japanese citizen and brought back the Hangul Alphabet, and having planned improvement of education.
It is I establish a large hospital, and to have prevented the spread of the epidemic.
Population reached 24 million in no time. It will not be paid more attention to the truth in surplus feeling embarrassed.

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