誤った歴史観 / Wrong historical view
21>Japan which won by 1895, Sino-Japanese War got Korean Peninsula or Taiwan, but put an independently national administration plan without taking the occupation policy to be said to be it commonly.
The positive evidence is not to have collected capitation tax.
The Korea dynasty did not take an independence policy and I handed over mine mining right and the vegetation manipulation right and the duty right to Russia and carried out lax politics.
22>Then Russia was proud of the world's strongest sea power, but does not function at all for pole cold districts in winter.
A naval port was necessary for the Korean Peninsula by all means to bury the weak point. Conversely, the Great Japanese Empire government does not go in reason to forgive a Russian naval base in the just a stone's throw peninsula.
The interest of these two countries is the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War.
23>I exchanged Korea and the military campaign Protocol which did "neutral stand declaration", and 1904, the Japanese Government let you clarify the viewpoint of the friendly nation.
However, the ancient regime by the Korea dynasty was maintained in the Korea inside, and the progress society that I judged if original reform was difficult groped for Japan and Korea union and I put it for the Russo-Japanese War and did not spare the cooperation to the Japan forces.
24)On the other hand, the old Rhee Dynasty developed diplomacy such as sending a secret letter to Russia of a trial, Russo-Japanese War to remove influence of Japan to the last, and a secret messenger was arrested in the wartime by the Japanese Navy, and the betrayal of the large Korea empire was found out.
These were the then world situations and were the fight that all countries submitted survival to.
25>I overturned world common sense, and I won, and Japan was released from a menace of the Great Powers by large country Russia.
In the large Korea empire which promised independence as an independent country, the power of the former Korea dynasty is negligent; and the country wild; spoke ill, and chronic food shortage continued.
Because Prime Minister Hirofumi Ito was assassinated again by a Korean terrorist, feeling of the Japan-Korea merger has begun to change at a stretch.
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