Truthful image / 偽りのないイメージ
It will be said that I hand it over of 100 steps and built a friendly relationship for national interest. I say that diplomatic relations improve for the better how afterwards! But I think that the Korean public lends the hand to cleaning of the debris all together, and does come?
Moreover, it is a big mistake if it thinks that since it became the term of payment is said, and interest is also attached and returned as a promise.
100 % Even if the sun may rise in the west, a loan cannot return.
An excuse like a child will be carried out to since the past comfort-women problem was eventually also carried out or the President changed, and, finally it will be.
This country is educating the thing of our country how to children, or Prime Minister Noda does not know.
Supposing it lends and gives important people's tax on consent, it will be called a traitor as noise is made on the twitter.
The soul of affection, etc. should not be cherished from the instruction of enemy country treatment.
百歩譲って国益の為に友好関係を築き上げたとしよう。その後は国交がどの様に好転すると云うのだ!! 韓国の大衆が挙って瓦礫の掃除に手を貸すとでも思っておいでか??
また、返済期限になったからと言って、約束通り利息でもつけて返すと考えているならば大きな間違いである。 太陽が西から昇ることはあっても、融資金が戻ることは100 % あり得ないだろう。
最終的には過去の慰安婦問題でも持ち出すか、大統領が変わったからと子供の様な言い訳をされて終わりだろう。 この国が子供たちに我が国のことをどの様に教育しているか野田総理は知らないのだ。 承知の上で大切な国民の税金を貸し与えるとしたら、ツィッター上で騒がれている様に売国奴と云う事になる。
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