Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ
ഏ Strangely, I threw a thing catch-as-catch-can without minding an area and rejected it, and it was intense and barked, and cried, was intense, having square it did not go up.
ഏ Strangely, I threw a thing catch-as-catch-can without minding an area and rejected it, and it was intense and barked, and cried, was intense, having square it did not go up.
I think that it has been snatched all heat by thought that this was real nature of Japanese Toyota Motor Corporation proud than such feelings.
ഏ Even a very natural customer has not understood be good when the reality of Toyota Motor that does such dirty mimicry is understood like any like me.
What was it the United States Public hearing and the performance of Mr. Akio Toyoda's tears mixing several days ago?
The spirit of Toyota Motor began to rot really was it a desire to rise in the world wrong of Mr. Harada or I heartily thought that talent was too scarce of it however though it did not know.
数日前に米国議会公聴会で豊田章夫氏の、涙まじりのパフォーマンスはなんだったのか? トヨタ自動車の精神が本当に腐りだしたのか、原田氏の間違った出世欲なのか、それにしても人材が乏しすぎるとしみじみ思いました。
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