
Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 NO. 5

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

 A certain out day when only two weeks passed, All your characters cannot be understood because of Japanese though the report was received. It was made to hear that a strange report entered from the local people employee from the home.

I was completely a singular tale though I had to have sent the settlement book to Japanese workers on loan.

It will contact the Toyota Motor Philippines the next day. The answer with 'It would try to call the telephone tomorrow because a person in charge and a Japanese staff were absent' was repeated. With whom were not you able to come in contact though contacted the next day? 

I thought that I might run away why. Can do nothing but it be consulted about to the headquarters about the leaving method?

  二週間ばかり過ぎた外出中のある日、『 報告書を受け取ったが、全て日本語のため貴方のキャラクターが理解出来ない 』、と現地人社員から変な連絡が入ったと家内から聞かされました。


翌日トヨタ自動車フィリピンへ連絡する。『 担当者も日本人スタッフも不在なので、明日にでも電話を掛け直す様に 』、との返事が繰り返されました。 翌日も連絡をとったが、どなたとも接触できなかった。

どうして逃げるのだろうと思いました。 残された方法は本社へ相談するしかないのか!?

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