Whisper of the middle of a journey / 旅路の囁き
I got impatient a heart to expect peaceful life was troubled and suffered and panted, and aching to wipe opaque resentment to smolder. And I am mystery for oneself direct or another lonely human shadow looking on with a too cold look with one's figure deleting must be it and stands still. I sometimes watched it with an unkind look.
One and 2 troubles are held and it becomes irritated with an impulse to tell someone and the impatience which cannot be started easily, and all human beings are always the interval, they are puzzled, and struggle and are also in pain.
The courage which tells truth connects the hope to tomorrow, and it turns out that it is a shortcut which mends an open seam of the heart!!
This may be an excuse to weak itself.
人間は皆ひとつやふたつの悩みを抱え、誰かに話したい衝動となかなか切り出せない歯痒さに苛立ち、何時もその狭間で戸惑いもがき苦しんでもいる。真実を語る勇気が明日への希望を繋ぎ、心の綻びを繕う近道であると解っているのに!! これは弱い己に対する言い訳かも知れない。
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