Whisper of the middle of a journey / 旅路の囁き
"I just get rid with the life, it is cried, and the party who surely glitters somewhere waits".
I am at a loss such life, and take heart by oneself in a thing and lived, but a season of the new departure just has a foreboding in a far-off thing secretly. I look back on a past moment like another person and express a sigh about emptiness of the human world, and what feelings ache to go through guts so as still to be obstinate, and make noise will be why.
They were also lives in which the sense of justice learned from here, pride, and a sense of values continued experiencing fully the fact that happiness etc. can never be gained, only by a thing however uncertain at a little less than zero, sincerity, or patience, such as reconciliation with the challenge to reality, the desire as man, and instinct and a world, duty, common sense, and responsibility.
「 たかが人生と見捨てるなかれ、きっと何処かに、煌めく宴が待っている 」