Truth such as the lie / 嘘の様な本当の話
A telephone offensive like a regular service began from Mr. Nagatani, so that the staff of the company burst into laughter from the next day.
However, from the girl in question, the secretary dimmed expression and went into my room on the morning of one day over which several days passed with no connection.
And the change button of telephone was strongly pushed with an intention that hatred is also carried out. When it was the third time now, it murmured close to my ears.
The partner of the telephone was a young man who declares himself a girl's brothers and sisters.
「 The younger sister was lured out as since Mr. Nagatani introduces a promoter. Since a lot of money would be paid, with practice, it took into the sweetheart to the hotel forcibly. 」
The girl's elder brother talked volubly at a stretch on the other side of the receiver.
I could believe my ears of my hardly for a moment, and looked for a secretary's face. The secretary shook the head slightly.
I easily explained a relation with Nagatani and conveyed the content that I told to a girl honestly. Some youths seemed to regain calmness and murmured that I did not get communication with Nagatani.
「 長谷氏がプロモーターを紹介するからと妹を誘い出した。大金を払う事になったから恋人になれと、強引にホテルへ連れ込んだ 」 。
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