
戦後の朝鮮半島 / The postwar Korean Peninsula No.2

不合理は金を生む / The irrationality produces money





06)When I put it in the human being society, a bureaucrat and the business executive receive pure education of a race in each in a politician and grow up.
But I tie knowledge and sense of values and the ideology that I cultivated to one's profit and make a state and a new equation, and a rose sprinkles more effective dragon's teeth on a Chinese, the Korean , Japanese plotting a bad thing from the wrong education each other.

07)The good example is the special kind treatment of the Chinese foreign student and is the Korea race kind treatment method that is close to the many offences that the special privilege and district franchise of the Korean residing in Japan and the nation do not know.
The human rights protection law that there are rumors about is equal now if it is thrust a one-way ticket to the hell when I take you as the nation. Please open eyes.

08)We do not have to become a scholar, but it is necessary to know the modern history of the People's Republic of China race and the Korea race as the common nation.
As for the big difference with the Korea race, the China race was at war with the People's Republic of China race for Japanese aggression in a relation with Japan, but, in the Korea race, there is the process that accepted the Japanese perfection rule.

09)As for the fight, both sides have justice as if I talked in the beginning, and the true process is the same even if it inspects which fight of the world that it is unknown forever.
In the Korean Peninsula, what I encountered under the rule of our country does not have the mistake until Japan is defeated by Greater East Asia War. It is a fact I get together to a Japanese fund, and to have stepped forward to the first step of the modernization.

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