
祖国が危ない / The mother country is dangerous No.13

番外編・韓国 / Extra - Korea











67)日本の現状に危機感をお持ちの方は、フェイス・ブックのYoshihide Yamaguchiをクリックして頂き、ホーム・ページの左欄「 在米韓国人反日工作に抵抗する 」をご参照ください。


63)Elpida Memory was bankrupted.
I seemed to advise President Sakamoto when I did not do it according to the story of the expert on DRAM and the FLASH combination line at a stage of 2005 when smashed five years later.
The reason was a Korean weak won policy, and Prime Minister Noda went to Korea, and weak won advanced at a stretch by having bound a swap agreement together.

64)Elpida Memory was fitted in this expert.
It will be lasted all by an American vulture.
I assume that this is a reason of the CEO American microphone Ron death by accident. Please refer to follows for the one to want to know deeply. http://www.zakzak.co.jp/economy/investment/news/20120228/inv1202281235002-n1.htm

65)Even if it did not think to the deep place because it is Prime Minister Noda, it is unchanged to have smashed a Japanese important semiconductor maker with a hand of oneself.
Even if there is the discretion to pass the money which does not return of 5 trillion yen to Korea hating the very sight of Japan, I cannot have at all the mind to hold out a hand to the company which is the pivot of the IT industry of the own country.

66)Samsung Electronics just performed head hunting of the development top of Canon to a fair wind of the weak won.
It is to push forward the work to subsidize docomo to steal a technique and a patent of the next-generation communication of Japan.
While I keep company at the forgery dramas such as charity dames, the enemy erodes with Japanese root and trunk steadily.

67)The person having a sense of impending crisis clicks Yoshihide Yamaguchi of the face book in the Japanese present conditions, and the left column of the welcome page please refer to against "Korean anti-Japan work residing in the United States".
A countryman loving the mother country waits for the support of all of you. This country sets a war without choosing the means.

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