I pay the debt / 借金は俺が払う
It was April, 2005. I am uneasy, and the woman who "asks for a woman because money of 200 and 300 prepares anytime" does not calm down when not in the side. I was troubled by insomnia, and Nagatani conveyed a cry of the poignancy every night when in this situation I died. If it became about time when this, I often broke a promise of golf on that day.
Telling would hold the sympathy and the feelings of the pity in him somewhere of the heart whenever entreated when it was a difficult talk although I did it.
I remembered some talents when I noticed and smiled wryly to oneself whom I superimposed on Nagatani time and time again. Him whom I told to have given in to obstinate tenacity may be correct.
I remembered some talents when I noticed and smiled wryly to oneself whom I superimposed on Nagatani time and time again. Him whom I told to have given in to obstinate tenacity may be correct.
One day I talked about him with Annalyn Santos of the talent who was an assistant and watched it.
Her answer was clear. Most talents expect the marriage with the Japanese. An answer that most talents agreed to marriage returned if I had you handle the debt of the family and the contract of the office.
When you asked whether you were the same from mischievous urge, I had a smile in the whole face and sounded a finger
Her answer was clear. Most talents expect the marriage with the Japanese. An answer that most talents agreed to marriage returned if I had you handle the debt of the family and the contract of the office.
When you asked whether you were the same from mischievous urge, I had a smile in the whole face and sounded a finger
2005年の四月でした。『 二百や三百の金なら何時でも用意するから女を頼む 』、女が側にいないと不安で落ち着かない。毎晩不眠症に悩まされ、このままでは死んでしまうと、長谷氏が悲痛の叫びを伝えて来ました。この頃になるとゴルフの約束を当日反故にすることも多かった。
ある日、私はアシスタントだったタレントのAnnalyn Santosに彼のことを相談して見た。
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