現実を知ることの痛み / Pain of knowing the reality
また、拡大してしまった経済を速やかに縮小することは至難の業でありましょう。 便利で豊かな生活に慣れ親しんでしまった我々が、一日や二日で慎ましい暮らしに戻すことも簡単ではないはずです。
最初から危険なことは国民のすべてが知っていたが、そこにはそれなりの美味しい潤いがあったことも事実なのです。 賢い国民は誰もが解っていたでありましょう。
It is our treasure that a fisherman of Miyagi was given the sea from God with NHK TV. The fish of the sea causes us. Heart and soul rot if they wait for the government and the administration that are not reliable Left a wave whether I was produced and smiled wryly at leaving all to others towards the Pacific whether you were popular when the fisherman could not live at the corner without appearing to the sea either.
I thought and felt that I was strong and admired it indeed when it was a Japanese man. When it was a soul of the Yamato, this disposition touched a heart. Even if it is the representative of the hand eight orders good talker even if it is the useless Prime Minister, I vomit a lie and I just reconsider that it is we nation nothing but it that I choose it, and pushed up once and do not watch it even if it is a company?
A resolute manner will give life for a child and a grandchild; is stricken areas!
People who decided the national policy in the place that made noise are already past human beings no matter how now if I object because the nuclear power generation is dangerous to this place. In addition, it will be a task of extreme difficult to reduce the economy that has spread immediately. It cannot be easy for us who have got used to rich life with convenience to return it to the modest living in day and two days. At the same time a rose is the reason why the radioactivity which has been sprinkled disappears from the country promptly, and it never occurs.
When the town fell if nuclear power generation was abolished, the town mayor of the Genkai Nuclear Power Plant location was told aptly.
All of nations knew the dangerous thing from a beginning, but it is a fact there that there was some delicious moisture. I would understand none of the smart nations.
Even if I bear a grudge against messy companies and watch it even if I criticize the bureaucrat such as the lump of a sense of entitlement even if I curse the useless government, the life of the nation will just hasten the decline.
We are not different in having successfully fitted in into their trap. Will not it be necessary to recognize the mistake that I choose a foreign element even if very regrettable and accepted so that I am never deceived at the time of chance coming next? Do not lose sight of future life; time to reconsider it seriously feels like seeming to come, and it is not to save it either.
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