国民の財産 / Property of the nation
12) I saw the press conference in Hawaii.
The Prime Minister excels in the speech. The contents are proud as the Japanese as another question.
However it may consider why the Prime Minister who can send does not show his will for a wonderful speech like this in front of people toward the world, consent does not go.
13) The need to appeal to the world for your face as the Prime Minister of Japan understands the nation.
However, the country is stable, and it is established with much support from the nation, and, in the situation where the Prime Minister is put, the majority of the nation much less the native place mother's body can turn to the back now.
14) Since I am an illiterate human being, essence, such as politics and diplomacy, is not understood at all, but he may understand only one vividly.
If it says about TPP, there is a lot of what he desperately wants for foreign countries in Japan. If it says clearly, many too take and lose to people.
15) Most of quality to lose are quality that the nation cultivated by longtime effort and great deal of effort. I sacrifice a worker like
Toyota Motor Corporation and torment a subcontractor and am different from the financial power that I sell off a defect product calmly and I am temporizing and stored up.
I scold you even if I make mother of the Prime Minister and am the treasure of the reward that plowed the fields from morning to evening.
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