Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ
ഏ It called the foreign countries room in Nagoya City again on September 28 promised three days later.
Ms. FURUNO made the document by general manager Mr. Harada the stick reading , saying that "The mechanic of the overseas subsidiary investigated the accident car on September 10 last year, and the cause of the bolt breaking was reported to the home" when talking from the conclusion.
ഏ Whom of which post you confirmed it to at once mattered to me.
In addition, I murmured the words that it was not for a voice, but have drunk later words when I called several reports which I sent to four documents which I submitted so far to an overseas room and Harada general manager or corrected it.
Good faith and passion for one's work are not felt at all.
And, she shook the voice as recalled. The talk doesn't advance because you do not take a telephone call by the home to correspondence to local staff's telephone. The cause that the talk was complicated shouted that not Toyota but you had.
I think that I asked whether it is a certainty, and the idea is echoing of general manager Mr. Harada. The conversation became interrupted again. It is memorized that the effect that spoke with the general manager was blurted out several times though the talk does back and forth.
Because I was a public telephone, it is not certain though Toyota might have been recording.
ഏ 約束の三日後、九月二十八日ふたたび名古屋市の海外室へ電話を入れました。
ഏ 私は咄嗟に、貴女はどの部署の誰にそのことを確認したのか問いました。
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