燃え上がる大東亜の戦火 / The war of large Asia flaring up
『 欧米各国はこの証拠を突きつけられても、日本がアジアを侵略したと言い張るのか。馬鹿を言うのも好い加減にして欲しい。日本は植民地にされ奴隷扱いされていた、アジアの人々を救い出す聖戦を挑んだに過ぎない。同胞よ、眼を覚ます時だ。英霊が浮かばれない 』
韓国兵のベトナムにおける性奴隷行為の詳細 http://ow.ly/kLEGF
米国人から見た韓国兵のベトナムにおける性奴隷行為 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDQrISRFwmc&feature=youtu.be …
朝鮮民族の場合は、千数百年に及ぶ支那の隷属国家であった折に、貧困の余り貢物 ( 租税 )が適わず、毎年数百人もの美女を差し出していたと記録にあります。
参考動画・ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8snYeBdNNhQ
その輩に汚い袖の下を貰い米国議会で騒いで見せたり、売国行為の様な談話を出す事がそんなに素晴らしい政治活動なのか!?これ程に酷い茶番劇も珍しい限りでありましょう。 http://youtu.be/fl2jUJWHsCQ
o)http://bit.ly/ZGavZQ このサイトは、支那と朝鮮が犯した主な犯罪を集約した和英文です。支那事変は支那人の自作自演・南京大虐殺の真相・尖閣問題、日韓併合・慰安婦の真実・竹島侵略などが明記されている。
『 The war of large Asia flaring up 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
Then American and European countries occupy the Asian Continent before getting to the main point, and you want to see the distribution map which presented a colonial policy. pic.twitter.com/66dkn1INum
『 Even if the Western countries are thrust this evidence at, do you insist that Japan invaded Asia? I want you to do that you say stupidity randomly. I challenged you to a crusade to rescue the Asian people who Japan was considered to be the colony, and were treated like a slave. A countryman, it is time to get rid of eyes. Soul does not rest in peace.』
11) Because I worked on the U.K., and the United States supported the Kuomintang forces of Chiang Kai-shek, I was stronger and stronger, and the China incident did an aspect of Japan vs. the war by proxy of white.
Because Chiang Kai-shek became a white puppet and continued fighting skillfully, the force increased and strengthened an aspect of the stalemate.
Because routes from French Indochina to China accounted for most, I spent the time of two months on the France forces which ruled over Vietnam in those days, and the Japan forces put a line through the route where the United States sent help supplies to Chiang Kai-shek to to annihilate this supply route.
12) The Japanese military was stationed to the northern part of Vietnam in order to cut off this supply road in 1940.
The United States was angry like an enraged fire, but spread a thing named the encircling ABCD in the quickness that I seemed to wait for.
In Japan, all has been left to the oil and iron and the daily necessities by this economic blockade.
It is right a death warrant.
13) These economic sanctions were equal to biggest initiating materials to cause war.
The United States froze Japanese assets residing in the United States in 1941 and forbade the full-scale export of oil for Japan.
Still our Japan made an effort to avoid war, but would choose a way ancient people were manly, and anyone of the nation fought by the appearance of the Hull notebook which knew, and to be scattered to.
14) When an atom bomb is dropped in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki because I feel the oil smart though there is not it and attack Pearl Harbor, and insufficient people of the knowledge were made to do Japan by the burnt field, I make remark that the mind seemed to be able to touch it, but am you may quiet a face even for one's urine, and to think.
Though I say to circle bookmaking after defeat in 70 years because I do it, it is licked a book and the statement of the virtues of a medicine of traitors that I sell a countryman for fear of GHQ and I get a bribe and write a forgery article, and I am threatened, and the biased education would be teacher by a domestic animal of Korean monkey and China.
15) The worthy who does not have knowledge of this blog degree either must not speak of the full-fledged logic. I equal if I publicize one's stupidity.
The race of the Yamato is stupid; do not fight. The Pearl Harbor attack put a grudge of the long time, and ancient people cast a rock not to lose the dignity of the yellow race.
The Greater East Asia War is only one side of the three sentences drama which the sense of discrimination that the other human who disliked we Japanese race for some time for dozens of years of the Pearl Harbor attack treated to worked out obstinately.
『 Postscript 』 I talk about the sex disposal of armed forces where I did not touch so far a little.
a) I prepared a flower carriage, and there was the prostitute of the nature specialty to process on the neck of the armed forces to the European soldier at the time of World War I.
It is a scene coming out to old France movie, but I am good and see the love affair of the young daughter and soldier who disguised itself as a prostitute because a family is poor.
b) Russia and Korea will be rape if they easily say with a spot procurement type.
When the United States began the Vietnam War, south Korea let the armed forces be subordinate to the United States Armed Forces in exchange for citizenship in the United States. The act that I made a Vietnamese woman a sex slave, and this south Korea forces massacred was the story that was famous worldwide, and the lines that a commander talked about to the media of the own country were shocking. 「We came to Vietnam to fight. I did not come for hiking. 」
The details of the sexual intercourse slave in Vietnam of the Korean soldier. http://ow.ly/kLEGF, Sexual intercourse slave in Vietnam of the Korean soldier who looked from an American. ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDQrISRFwmc&feature=youtu.be …://www.
There is it for a record without a rest gift (land tax) of the poverty meeting it in the case of the Korea race in the occasion that was a feudatory of China for one thousand several hundred years when I held out several hundred beautiful women every year.When there was the adult male who lost a marriage partner at the time when sex processing was performed between pro-sisters, it is written down.70% of the sexual crime to occur in current Japan is said to be this act of a race, and it is a fact of the agreement that it is in a big problem in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, the Philippines.
c) Because I draw a foreign enemy on a very large continent and fought in the case of China, it will be that the field recruited a countryman woman.
The Kuomintang forces of Chiang Kai-shek violate China woman and kill it and remember that I saw the photograph which I feigned to be the act of the Japanese soldier.
In addition, it is the reason that Japan loses for Greater East Asia War, and returned Taiwan to the Allied Forces, but the Communist Party forces of China strike Taiwan at this time, and the record that did tens of thousands of Taiwan women to a sexual slave should be kept by the U.S. national library and the Taiwan national library.
d)As for the American soldier, most are prostitutes making a specialty of it whom a country of the dispatch of troops prepared for.
Because there is no end to the sexual crimes of the U.S. soldier in Japan after the defeat, I set up an exclusive brothel and think that many nations understood what the women of the prostitution purpose hung around around a base of Tachikawa and Yokosuka and Okinawa until late years.
When there was a brothel for U.S. soldiers of the government official recognition in Korea until recently, it was made noise in the media.
e) The at first sex industrial supplier that the Great Japanese Empire armed forces sent troops to China seemed to establish a brothel with a domestic prostitute in the camp of the military, but hears it when the merchant who calls itself the pimp of a Korean good at this way soon arranged own country woman and China woman.
The uncle of the writer fought in China for approximately four years, but has been told the story that became a man in the brothel close to the garrison town.
f) It is Yohei Kono in Japan, and microphone Honda and a saying terrible politician especially make a fuss in a forgery charity dame story in the United States, and the reason that took this story is because I repeat a mysterious political activity.
g)It is a slightly embarrassed remark, but the thing which the sexual desire of a healthy man means is considered to learn stronger passion after intense exercise.
As for the thing which sexual desire of the animal world is, the strong male is met by violating a flexible female, and the female seems to be come from by the logic by the animal habits of the ferocious natural world said to that I am male and reach the top because it is conquered.
h)Soldiers spend all their time daily, killing each other without watching a woman's body in the typical animals for months.
I may be sometimes equal for several years. The patience that the soldier is a real fresh-and-blood body has a limit.
i) 100 steps concede the making a great deal of paces, too and will say when there is a crime of how much in the place where a Japanese soldier made sexual intercourse with Korea woman.
The Korean Peninsula was under rule of Japan in wartime, but the soldier of the Japanese military paid a rate properly at the entrance of the brothel and amounted to sex processing in those days.
If a crime means this, the soldier who met the nature in the country where I attack it and entered in those days when Western countries brought Africa and Asian countries under control by military power up to Greater East Asia War is a sex offender, and it is with the executant of the sex slave!
Will you say that sexual desire does not spring out at the time of the war because a European and American soldier is well-bred? A world race will not permit such a thing.
j)I want to ask Yohei Kouno and microphone Honda and the Korean monkey army corps it.Did not the Korean monkeys process sexual desire to burn in Vietnam which was only expedition ahead in a young, attractive Vietnamese woman's body whether American young soldiers never learned sexual desire while they fought?
It was the real stupid question that would not have the reason to know including the human pains and fear at the risk of life for the hypocrite like them in a battlefield.
k)Even if there was an impudent person to a Japanese soldier, I continue threatening the thing in a kind for dozens of years and pull off the tax of a vast Japanese citizen and go out to the United States without still being satisfied, and is the Korea race doing it until lobbying normal!
I get the money under the table that is mean about the people and make noise in American Congress, and is it a so splendid political activity to take out the statement such as the high treacherous act against one's country act?
As far as such the severe absurd will be rare.
l) Finally I write only one about a mistake not to get the recovery of the United States.
I mistook movement of Russia because the United States hated Japan and regarded China as important and added bombing to nonresistant Tokyo by the Greater East Asia War many times and was seen whether I dropped an A-bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and overwhelmed it.
Because it is not talked if I do not beat it even if the war uses a dirty hand so much, the American purpose is accomplished reason and thinks that we Japanese citizen did not catch what objection formally either.
I endured still the northern territories aggression of Russia for the Takeshima occupation of the Korean and the reckless action of the Korea Operation Army according to an order of GHQ.
m) Such Japanese forbearance and dignity gave a silent menace to the United States, and, out of an invisible sense of fear of the figure, the United States has been completely tormented by an attack of conscience for the atom bomb throwing down.
And I would create extraordinary forgery dramas to be called Nanjing Massacre in partnership with China again to miss the world eyes.
However, this forgery drama gives an A in China and grants a decoration of 劣 to the United States, and a fact and the big crime that the United States dropped an atom bomb on continue being valid clearly as ever.
The truth is immortal.
n) And the history of a long fight brings on the hue of a new fight and puts both the past and the future, and, without Russia, it is elucidated that even China is not North and South Korea, and the country which does not betray the United States does it with a state now.
You should recall many pitiful cases to happen in the United States.
The race engaged in this including the prostitution organization to thrive in indiscriminate murder by the shooting rampage, the cyber attack to military secrets, bomb terrorism, the United States is a progeny of the friends whom the United States valued. It cannot be at all we Japanese race.
When it is only mother country Japan of the Japanese race, and I am never early, and the United States should understand a thing, I believe what I support the United States of America and can walk together and do not doubt it.
o) http://bit.ly/ZGavZQ This site is the Japanese-English sentence that gathered the main crime that China and Korea violated.
As for the China incident, the issue of of playing of own work, Nanjing Massacre of the Chinese truth, Senkaku, the truth, the Takeshima aggression of the Japan-Korea merger, charity dame are specified.
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