燃え上がる大東亜の戦火 / The war of large Asia flaring up
『 欧米各国はこの証拠を突きつけられても、日本がアジアを侵略したと言い張るのか。馬鹿を言うのも好い加減にして欲しい。日本は植民地にされ奴隷扱いされていた、アジアの人々を救い出す聖戦を挑んだに過ぎない。同胞よ、眼を覚ます時だ。英霊が浮かばれない 』
韓国兵のベトナムにおける性奴隷行為の詳細 http://ow.ly/kLEGF
米国人から見た韓国兵のベトナムにおける性奴隷行為 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDQrISRFwmc&feature=youtu.be …
朝鮮民族の場合は、千数百年に及ぶ支那の隷属国家であった折に、貧困の余り貢物 ( 租税 )が適わず、毎年数百人もの美女を差し出していたと記録にあります。
参考動画・ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8snYeBdNNhQ
その輩に汚い袖の下を貰い米国議会で騒いで見せたり、売国行為の様な談話を出す事がそんなに素晴らしい政治活動なのか!?これ程に酷い茶番劇も珍しい限りでありましょう。 http://youtu.be/fl2jUJWHsCQ
o)http://bit.ly/ZGavZQ このサイトは、支那と朝鮮が犯した主な犯罪を集約した和英文です。支那事変は支那人の自作自演・南京大虐殺の真相・尖閣問題、日韓併合・慰安婦の真実・竹島侵略などが明記されている。
『 The war of large Asia flaring up 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
Then American and European countries occupy the Asian Continent before getting to the main point, and you want to see the distribution map which presented a colonial policy. pic.twitter.com/66dkn1INum
『 Even if the Western countries are thrust this evidence at, do you insist that Japan invaded Asia? I want you to do that you say stupidity randomly. I challenged you to a crusade to rescue the Asian people who Japan was considered to be the colony, and were treated like a slave. A countryman, it is time to get rid of eyes. Soul does not rest in peace.』
11) Because I worked on the U.K., and the United States supported the Kuomintang forces of Chiang Kai-shek, I was stronger and stronger, and the China incident did an aspect of Japan vs. the war by proxy of white.
Because Chiang Kai-shek became a white puppet and continued fighting skillfully, the force increased and strengthened an aspect of the stalemate.
Because routes from French Indochina to China accounted for most, I spent the time of two months on the France forces which ruled over Vietnam in those days, and the Japan forces put a line through the route where the United States sent help supplies to Chiang Kai-shek to to annihilate this supply route.
12) The Japanese military was stationed to the northern part of Vietnam in order to cut off this supply road in 1940.
The United States was angry like an enraged fire, but spread a thing named the encircling ABCD in the quickness that I seemed to wait for.
In Japan, all has been left to the oil and iron and the daily necessities by this economic blockade.
It is right a death warrant.
13) These economic sanctions were equal to biggest initiating materials to cause war.
The United States froze Japanese assets residing in the United States in 1941 and forbade the full-scale export of oil for Japan.
Still our Japan made an effort to avoid war, but would choose a way ancient people were manly, and anyone of the nation fought by the appearance of the Hull notebook which knew, and to be scattered to.
14) When an atom bomb is dropped in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki because I feel the oil smart though there is not it and attack Pearl Harbor, and insufficient people of the knowledge were made to do Japan by the burnt field, I make remark that the mind seemed to be able to touch it, but am you may quiet a face even for one's urine, and to think.
Though I say to circle bookmaking after defeat in 70 years because I do it, it is licked a book and the statement of the virtues of a medicine of traitors that I sell a countryman for fear of GHQ and I get a bribe and write a forgery article, and I am threatened, and the biased education would be teacher by a domestic animal of Korean monkey and China.
15) The worthy who does not have knowledge of this blog degree either must not speak of the full-fledged logic. I equal if I publicize one's stupidity.
The race of the Yamato is stupid; do not fight. The Pearl Harbor attack put a grudge of the long time, and ancient people cast a rock not to lose the dignity of the yellow race.
The Greater East Asia War is only one side of the three sentences drama which the sense of discrimination that the other human who disliked we Japanese race for some time for dozens of years of the Pearl Harbor attack treated to worked out obstinately.
『 Postscript 』 I talk about the sex disposal of armed forces where I did not touch so far a little.
a) I prepared a flower carriage, and there was the prostitute of the nature specialty to process on the neck of the armed forces to the European soldier at the time of World War I.
It is a scene coming out to old France movie, but I am good and see the love affair of the young daughter and soldier who disguised itself as a prostitute because a family is poor.
b) Russia and Korea will be rape if they easily say with a spot procurement type.
When the United States began the Vietnam War, south Korea let the armed forces be subordinate to the United States Armed Forces in exchange for citizenship in the United States. The act that I made a Vietnamese woman a sex slave, and this south Korea forces massacred was the story that was famous worldwide, and the lines that a commander talked about to the media of the own country were shocking. 「We came to Vietnam to fight. I did not come for hiking. 」
The details of the sexual intercourse slave in Vietnam of the Korean soldier. http://ow.ly/kLEGF, Sexual intercourse slave in Vietnam of the Korean soldier who looked from an American. ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDQrISRFwmc&feature=youtu.be …://www.
There is it for a record without a rest gift (land tax) of the poverty meeting it in the case of the Korea race in the occasion that was a feudatory of China for one thousand several hundred years when I held out several hundred beautiful women every year.When there was the adult male who lost a marriage partner at the time when sex processing was performed between pro-sisters, it is written down.70% of the sexual crime to occur in current Japan is said to be this act of a race, and it is a fact of the agreement that it is in a big problem in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, the Philippines.
c) Because I draw a foreign enemy on a very large continent and fought in the case of China, it will be that the field recruited a countryman woman.
The Kuomintang forces of Chiang Kai-shek violate China woman and kill it and remember that I saw the photograph which I feigned to be the act of the Japanese soldier.
In addition, it is the reason that Japan loses for Greater East Asia War, and returned Taiwan to the Allied Forces, but the Communist Party forces of China strike Taiwan at this time, and the record that did tens of thousands of Taiwan women to a sexual slave should be kept by the U.S. national library and the Taiwan national library.
d)As for the American soldier, most are prostitutes making a specialty of it whom a country of the dispatch of troops prepared for.
Because there is no end to the sexual crimes of the U.S. soldier in Japan after the defeat, I set up an exclusive brothel and think that many nations understood what the women of the prostitution purpose hung around around a base of Tachikawa and Yokosuka and Okinawa until late years.
When there was a brothel for U.S. soldiers of the government official recognition in Korea until recently, it was made noise in the media.
e) The at first sex industrial supplier that the Great Japanese Empire armed forces sent troops to China seemed to establish a brothel with a domestic prostitute in the camp of the military, but hears it when the merchant who calls itself the pimp of a Korean good at this way soon arranged own country woman and China woman.
The uncle of the writer fought in China for approximately four years, but has been told the story that became a man in the brothel close to the garrison town.
f) It is Yohei Kono in Japan, and microphone Honda and a saying terrible politician especially make a fuss in a forgery charity dame story in the United States, and the reason that took this story is because I repeat a mysterious political activity.
g)It is a slightly embarrassed remark, but the thing which the sexual desire of a healthy man means is considered to learn stronger passion after intense exercise.
As for the thing which sexual desire of the animal world is, the strong male is met by violating a flexible female, and the female seems to be come from by the logic by the animal habits of the ferocious natural world said to that I am male and reach the top because it is conquered.
h)Soldiers spend all their time daily, killing each other without watching a woman's body in the typical animals for months.
I may be sometimes equal for several years. The patience that the soldier is a real fresh-and-blood body has a limit.
i) 100 steps concede the making a great deal of paces, too and will say when there is a crime of how much in the place where a Japanese soldier made sexual intercourse with Korea woman.
The Korean Peninsula was under rule of Japan in wartime, but the soldier of the Japanese military paid a rate properly at the entrance of the brothel and amounted to sex processing in those days.
If a crime means this, the soldier who met the nature in the country where I attack it and entered in those days when Western countries brought Africa and Asian countries under control by military power up to Greater East Asia War is a sex offender, and it is with the executant of the sex slave!
Will you say that sexual desire does not spring out at the time of the war because a European and American soldier is well-bred? A world race will not permit such a thing.
j)I want to ask Yohei Kouno and microphone Honda and the Korean monkey army corps it.Did not the Korean monkeys process sexual desire to burn in Vietnam which was only expedition ahead in a young, attractive Vietnamese woman's body whether American young soldiers never learned sexual desire while they fought?
It was the real stupid question that would not have the reason to know including the human pains and fear at the risk of life for the hypocrite like them in a battlefield.
k)Even if there was an impudent person to a Japanese soldier, I continue threatening the thing in a kind for dozens of years and pull off the tax of a vast Japanese citizen and go out to the United States without still being satisfied, and is the Korea race doing it until lobbying normal!
I get the money under the table that is mean about the people and make noise in American Congress, and is it a so splendid political activity to take out the statement such as the high treacherous act against one's country act?
As far as such the severe absurd will be rare.
l) Finally I write only one about a mistake not to get the recovery of the United States.
I mistook movement of Russia because the United States hated Japan and regarded China as important and added bombing to nonresistant Tokyo by the Greater East Asia War many times and was seen whether I dropped an A-bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and overwhelmed it.
Because it is not talked if I do not beat it even if the war uses a dirty hand so much, the American purpose is accomplished reason and thinks that we Japanese citizen did not catch what objection formally either.
I endured still the northern territories aggression of Russia for the Takeshima occupation of the Korean and the reckless action of the Korea Operation Army according to an order of GHQ.
m) Such Japanese forbearance and dignity gave a silent menace to the United States, and, out of an invisible sense of fear of the figure, the United States has been completely tormented by an attack of conscience for the atom bomb throwing down.
And I would create extraordinary forgery dramas to be called Nanjing Massacre in partnership with China again to miss the world eyes.
However, this forgery drama gives an A in China and grants a decoration of 劣 to the United States, and a fact and the big crime that the United States dropped an atom bomb on continue being valid clearly as ever.
The truth is immortal.
n) And the history of a long fight brings on the hue of a new fight and puts both the past and the future, and, without Russia, it is elucidated that even China is not North and South Korea, and the country which does not betray the United States does it with a state now.
You should recall many pitiful cases to happen in the United States.
The race engaged in this including the prostitution organization to thrive in indiscriminate murder by the shooting rampage, the cyber attack to military secrets, bomb terrorism, the United States is a progeny of the friends whom the United States valued. It cannot be at all we Japanese race.
When it is only mother country Japan of the Japanese race, and I am never early, and the United States should understand a thing, I believe what I support the United States of America and can walk together and do not doubt it.
o) http://bit.ly/ZGavZQ This site is the Japanese-English sentence that gathered the main crime that China and Korea violated.
As for the China incident, the issue of of playing of own work, Nanjing Massacre of the Chinese truth, Senkaku, the truth, the Takeshima aggression of the Japan-Korea merger, charity dame are specified.
The expedition has been fairly done. A happy thing, a shameful thing, and a mortifying thing, etc. are obstinately projected onto a dream pillow recently. Please ask lonely traveler's mutter.
No.7 大東亜戦争の正体 / Real nature of the Greater East Asia War
支那事変の炎 / Flame of the China incident
『 Flame of the China incident 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
1) Japan made an effort in spite of being the Kuomintang forces and a fight of Chiang Kai-shek to bring it into the peace repeatedly, but a great event got up by all means somewhere when peace was almost established.
Though the positive evidence existed now, it seemed to be the mysterious daily continuation that seemed to catch a cloud really in those days that the Soviet Union and the United States participated behind a case.
The famous willow article ditch case, Lukouchiao Incident, forgery Nanjing Massacre case is a real rare luck for the U.S. and Russia.
Even if the smart and manly figure of Imperial Army floated to the head according to the story of the uncle when I said a soldier in Japan, I was poor in those days and suffered from China to pant without a soldier bringing a matching military uniform in the body though I distinguished the Kuomintang forces and the Communist Party forces of Chiang Kai-shek of Mao Zedong.
If I take a gun off the shoulder and throw away an army cap, I seem to change quickly to both a merchant and a farmer.
2) I let the two countries weaken by letting the People's Republic of China compete against Japan, and the purpose of the Soviet Union would be to make it Communist Party with the two countries.
If I am tired from a fight, and Japan weakens, the aim of the United States should have plotted it when I get a huge market of Manchurian without being able to make effort, and a then official document is disclosed by the now U.S. national library.
When the China incident was inability of a defect and the General Staff Office of reckless driving and the Great Japanese Imperial Constitution of the military authorities, in a scholar, an intellectual, the news, a political activist after the defeat, people making an absurd remark unbalanced are wrong.
3) The United States gave vast support for weakening of Japan madly to the Kuomintang forces of Chiang Kai-shek.
As far as Chiang Kai-shek continues fighting against Japan; blood one's in the United States send Japan out of Manchurian without sweating, and is because can build their rights and interests.
Because the armed people of Chiang Kai-shek understood such a calculation of the United States, a melody with the help that I could only draw as a breast was frequent.
And the United States changes a strategy to a direct confrontation with Japan when I knew that an effect faded for the help to the armed people.
4) Japan was favorable until Manchurian reclamation, but it has become the big turning point of the history to have fought back to the Lukouchiao Incident that became the teller to China incident.
Japan was a point in time beyond the Great Wall of China, and the United States cut ace in the hole called a direct confrontation.
I continue helping the armed people at it and let you cause Lukouchiao Incident, and no must be what put second Washington and New York on top of one another to very large Mainland China over there secretly.
5) If it became about time when this, I have begun to use the Communist Party forces of Mao Zedong and the strange fantasy that I ceased fire temporarily, and the American held a spearhead in Chiang Kai-shek for the Japanese military skillfully.
Chiang Kai-shek feigned the slaughter of the Chinese whom the Kuomintang forces violated to be the act of the Japanese military and a rose sprinkled the forgery photograph on the United States with reporter correspondent and developed anti-Japan advertising.It is told that the famous forgery photograph evidencing tyranny of Japan was made at this time by Kuomintang of Chiang Kai-shek.
6) Chiang Kai-shek became a democratic leader, and, in the Japanese military, the idea called tyrannous people was built up in an American in this way.Because the then general American had few people who let you point to China with a world map, the effect would be great.When Foreign Office Far East director visited the United States, an American is that it is left for British Archives Building that surplus ignorant さに was astonished about real China.
7) I let Manchurian Defence Force move, and there was a method that Japan which set foot in the People's Republic of China terminated a civil war as soon as possible and rebuilt China.
Hundreds of thousands of Japanese and Koreans and Taiwanese settled in then Manchurian.
A dream to build the colored race nation which I let a civil war subjugate the People's Republic of China which could not defeat a period by oneself, and overflowed in the new order that there was not of the racial discrimination on this very large earth might sprout for an instant.
8) China incident began, and, approximately one and a half years later, Japan occupied about half of China and I protected the people of China and instilled modern agriculture, industry, legislation, education and continued wrestling for the rebuilding of China.
Because the United States strengthened help to the armed forces of Chiang Kai-shek again for such Japan and reopened the supply of the great military affairs supplies and weapon, the military of Chiang Kai-shek who escaped into the heart of a mountain brought back breath once.
9) Though the enemy of Chiang Kai-shek was the China Communist Party forces, there were some reasons in having fought stubbornly to here.
It was publicized very much if reconciled with each other if weak-kneed and, out of fear to say that I might be made to lose my position, he hung own self-protection and continued fighting against the Japanese military.
In addition, there was the formidable calculation to divert help of the United States to one with the old enemy Mao Zedong, Communist Party forces.
10) The Roosevelt U.S. President will be the one who believed Chiang Kai-shek.
It was a thorough anti-Japan house, and this President held the fantasy that was sweet as a group of a parent as I gained stupidity and did not sense that the Comintern of the Soviet Union wriggled to the aide.
The President who is such good speaking of ludicrousness will be rare. It is a story really happy.
His ancestors performed big business in China in an occasion of the Opium War, and it would be told the delicious story of the opium dream a lot too much by a grandfather because it was that it became a tycoon at one sweep.
『 Flame of the China incident 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
1) Japan made an effort in spite of being the Kuomintang forces and a fight of Chiang Kai-shek to bring it into the peace repeatedly, but a great event got up by all means somewhere when peace was almost established.
Though the positive evidence existed now, it seemed to be the mysterious daily continuation that seemed to catch a cloud really in those days that the Soviet Union and the United States participated behind a case.
The famous willow article ditch case, Lukouchiao Incident, forgery Nanjing Massacre case is a real rare luck for the U.S. and Russia.
Even if the smart and manly figure of Imperial Army floated to the head according to the story of the uncle when I said a soldier in Japan, I was poor in those days and suffered from China to pant without a soldier bringing a matching military uniform in the body though I distinguished the Kuomintang forces and the Communist Party forces of Chiang Kai-shek of Mao Zedong.
If I take a gun off the shoulder and throw away an army cap, I seem to change quickly to both a merchant and a farmer.
2) I let the two countries weaken by letting the People's Republic of China compete against Japan, and the purpose of the Soviet Union would be to make it Communist Party with the two countries.
If I am tired from a fight, and Japan weakens, the aim of the United States should have plotted it when I get a huge market of Manchurian without being able to make effort, and a then official document is disclosed by the now U.S. national library.
When the China incident was inability of a defect and the General Staff Office of reckless driving and the Great Japanese Imperial Constitution of the military authorities, in a scholar, an intellectual, the news, a political activist after the defeat, people making an absurd remark unbalanced are wrong.
3) The United States gave vast support for weakening of Japan madly to the Kuomintang forces of Chiang Kai-shek.
As far as Chiang Kai-shek continues fighting against Japan; blood one's in the United States send Japan out of Manchurian without sweating, and is because can build their rights and interests.
Because the armed people of Chiang Kai-shek understood such a calculation of the United States, a melody with the help that I could only draw as a breast was frequent.
And the United States changes a strategy to a direct confrontation with Japan when I knew that an effect faded for the help to the armed people.
4) Japan was favorable until Manchurian reclamation, but it has become the big turning point of the history to have fought back to the Lukouchiao Incident that became the teller to China incident.
Japan was a point in time beyond the Great Wall of China, and the United States cut ace in the hole called a direct confrontation.
I continue helping the armed people at it and let you cause Lukouchiao Incident, and no must be what put second Washington and New York on top of one another to very large Mainland China over there secretly.
5) If it became about time when this, I have begun to use the Communist Party forces of Mao Zedong and the strange fantasy that I ceased fire temporarily, and the American held a spearhead in Chiang Kai-shek for the Japanese military skillfully.
Chiang Kai-shek feigned the slaughter of the Chinese whom the Kuomintang forces violated to be the act of the Japanese military and a rose sprinkled the forgery photograph on the United States with reporter correspondent and developed anti-Japan advertising.It is told that the famous forgery photograph evidencing tyranny of Japan was made at this time by Kuomintang of Chiang Kai-shek.
6) Chiang Kai-shek became a democratic leader, and, in the Japanese military, the idea called tyrannous people was built up in an American in this way.Because the then general American had few people who let you point to China with a world map, the effect would be great.When Foreign Office Far East director visited the United States, an American is that it is left for British Archives Building that surplus ignorant さに was astonished about real China.
7) I let Manchurian Defence Force move, and there was a method that Japan which set foot in the People's Republic of China terminated a civil war as soon as possible and rebuilt China.
Hundreds of thousands of Japanese and Koreans and Taiwanese settled in then Manchurian.
A dream to build the colored race nation which I let a civil war subjugate the People's Republic of China which could not defeat a period by oneself, and overflowed in the new order that there was not of the racial discrimination on this very large earth might sprout for an instant.
8) China incident began, and, approximately one and a half years later, Japan occupied about half of China and I protected the people of China and instilled modern agriculture, industry, legislation, education and continued wrestling for the rebuilding of China.
Because the United States strengthened help to the armed forces of Chiang Kai-shek again for such Japan and reopened the supply of the great military affairs supplies and weapon, the military of Chiang Kai-shek who escaped into the heart of a mountain brought back breath once.
9) Though the enemy of Chiang Kai-shek was the China Communist Party forces, there were some reasons in having fought stubbornly to here.
It was publicized very much if reconciled with each other if weak-kneed and, out of fear to say that I might be made to lose my position, he hung own self-protection and continued fighting against the Japanese military.
In addition, there was the formidable calculation to divert help of the United States to one with the old enemy Mao Zedong, Communist Party forces.
10) The Roosevelt U.S. President will be the one who believed Chiang Kai-shek.
It was a thorough anti-Japan house, and this President held the fantasy that was sweet as a group of a parent as I gained stupidity and did not sense that the Comintern of the Soviet Union wriggled to the aide.
The President who is such good speaking of ludicrousness will be rare. It is a story really happy.
His ancestors performed big business in China in an occasion of the Opium War, and it would be told the delicious story of the opium dream a lot too much by a grandfather because it was that it became a tycoon at one sweep.
No.6 大東亜戦争の正体 / Real nature of the Greater East Asia War
米国が作った新たな火種 / New source which the US made
石油の輸出禁止処置を取った事でも明らか様に、ABCD包囲網で日本への挑発を続け、最終的に 「 ハル・ノート 」 を突きつけ武力衝突へと誘い込んで行った。
1924年・ソ連は既に共産化しており、外モンゴルと烏梁海 ( ウリヤンハイ・蒙古西方辺境 ) は侵略がすっかり終わっておりました。
「 米国が太平洋でのオレンジ計画に於いて、過去百年に犯した最大の政治的な過ちは、共産主義者を中国に蔓延らせ強大化させた事に尽きる。」
発端となったのが盧溝橋事件であり、この些細な出来事が現在の中国華北地方周辺へ飛び火し、支那事変 ( 日中戦争 ) へと拡大して行くのだが、この件は別の機会に語る事とします。
『 New source which the US made 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
1) In the United States, the anti-Japanese sentiment Immigration Act was enforced on July 1, 1924 and I had a pain in it and hurt the feelings of the Japanese citizen, but still Japan groped for the United States and a way of the coexistence and co-prosperity.
It was Russia not the United States that felt Japan to be with a menace most, but, in the United States, the knob that devoted itself to only smashing up Japan to a pipe as a hypothetical enemy seemed to be strong without minding a Russian menace at all for some reason.
2) Because I said when calculated to finally burning down Japanese soil by the orange plan that the United States made in that time indiscriminately, and occupying it, the war evasion that Japan was how much could not prevent the Greater East Asia War even if I made an effort.
A mountain of the debris is built in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by Tokyo blitzkrieg and the A-bomb throwing down with the American fighter-bomber, and it is deep, and, from the fact that approximately 600,000 citizens of the noncombatant were slaughtered, we understand essence of the Greater East Asia War and will have to give the liver an order.
3) The reason with the posture that is strong for Japan at this time when the United States does not begin in the China incident either is not sure.
The advance to Asia of white could allow for it to be thought, but one would be racial discrimination consciousness of the Caucasoid characteristic to say that it was not at all a permissible thing that the yellow-skinned races meddled.
It can be said that it is the thief nature of the Westerners who knew the taste of the aggression earlier from a colored race.
4) Japan sent a reclamation group of a Japanese, a Korean, the Taiwanese to south Manchurian of the rights and interests that I obtained by Russo-Japanese War and has begun to have result of the agriculture in my hand steadily in modern times.
As for China, the Kuomintang forces and the Communist Party forces which Chiang Kai-shek led of Mao Zedong developed a civil war while anti-Japanese movement feelings smoldered.
Because the passion for China had a terrible thing in the United States, I could not overlook this anti-Japanese movement feelings and began the support such as preparations for war products to the Chiang Kai-shek, Kuomintang forces and let I hung pressure in the U.K., and Japan and Britain alliance dissolve.
It continued a provocation to Japan by encircling ABCD in a clear state even to have taken the export embargo measures of the oil and I finally thrust "Hull notebook" and invited it in a military power collision.
5) The United States showed a tusk to the yellow-skinned races madly, but was totally unconcerned about communism expansion of the Soviet Union.
1924, the Soviet Union had already become Communist Party, and, in outside Mongolia and crow beam sea (gourd Jan high, Mongolia west border), aggression was completely over.
The United States added neither the criticism of a word nor the protest without understanding this dreadful meaning.
6) It was the action of the white countryman for the United States and might think to be only someone else's problem after all.
It might be only Japan to have felt a menace for rise of the communism so far.
I continued strengthening the deterrent to the Korean Peninsula simply because I sensed that communism power would plunge the world and Asia into a crisis in the near future from early time and recognized a menace.
7) However, in perspective the United States could not look at the world situation in a rest to have an antipathy to the yellow-skinned races, and only the obstacle by the selfish reason for Japan came out to eyes and has overlooked an ambition of the Soviet Union.
The person whom I told not to have cared including the Soviet Union may be right.
When communists of the Soviet Union obtained outside Mongolia, I could speak a flattery skillfully and approached the People's Republic of China this time and have begun to move to make the China whole land Communist Party.
8) The General Douglas MacArthur pointed out that U.S.A. mistook the world situation about the aggression of the communist and correspondence of the United States as follows later.
「The United States violated in an orange plan in the Pacific for the past 100 years, is greatest, is political, taking the wrong it lets communists grow wild in China and strong run out in having let you become it very much. 」
In other words, it will be to say that such the then American was afraid of Japan.
9) Then Chinese communists made Communist Party were cornered by Chiang Kai-shek with the Kuomintang forces, and it was with a precarious state.The Communist Party forces rolled up the Japanese military in a civil war in China and let the Japan forces and the Kuomintang forces fight and made a plan to rebuild the Communist Party forces in the meantime.Japan regarded Manchurian country as a finish state whatever it takes in a breakwater as a strong independent nation to prevent a menace of the Soviet Union.
10) Speaking frankly, Japan could not afford to pay attention to a civil war of very large Mainland China if I put it away and avoided that I woke up even a skirmish between China because there was not the will I invaded it like the United States, and to govern.
However, Japan was beyond the Great Wall of China in 1937 to follow Manchurian country and, by a provocation and a plot from the repeated China side, has set foot inside of China.
It is Lukouchiao Incident that it was the beginning, and this trifling event leaps to the current Chinese North China district outskirts and enlarges it to China incident, but decides to talk about this matter at a different opportunity.
11) Kuomintang of Chiang Kai-shek promoted the modernization eagerly, and then China was in condition the Mao Zedong and others Communist Party raised liberation of a race led by a farm village part, and it was intense, and to compete.
Russia should have planned to incorporate China and whole Manchurian in the Communist bloc while supporting the Communist Party of Mao Zedong.
The United States and the U.K. push Kuomintang of Chiang Kai-shek on the front and think that I burnt with an ambition of the colony expansion for China and Manchurian.
Japan was worthy of Russia, the United States, pressure of the U.K. and continued protecting Manchurian country and residents reclaiming the replacement in turn attack in spite of being reputation desperately from power of China.
It is prejudice and the treat of the Westerner who says if American appearance is hateful as for wanting you to remember it because greediness to aggression not to mind and a color of the skin are yellow of the reader in this chapter and is sweetness of the final stage for Russia.
I will not change at all with TPP keeping on shining if I compare this at the present.
When Japan invaded China, about China, a current Chinese made noise, but it was Manchurian that then Japan went and was not a territory of China.
I surely set foot after Lukouchiao Incident in a territory of China to protect Manchurian and a settler. I will say that I rearrange this in now with the third Japan-China War that the harassment for Senkaku Islands of China will let you cause it.
It is thought that it is money paid in addition to a thief even if I think about Takeshima of Russian northern territories and south Korea.
We Japanese citizens strongly carve with these truth in a heart, and harden the strong intention that what kind of development is not shaken at all by with arrival either; there is me under the pressure of necessity.
石油の輸出禁止処置を取った事でも明らか様に、ABCD包囲網で日本への挑発を続け、最終的に 「 ハル・ノート 」 を突きつけ武力衝突へと誘い込んで行った。
1924年・ソ連は既に共産化しており、外モンゴルと烏梁海 ( ウリヤンハイ・蒙古西方辺境 ) は侵略がすっかり終わっておりました。
「 米国が太平洋でのオレンジ計画に於いて、過去百年に犯した最大の政治的な過ちは、共産主義者を中国に蔓延らせ強大化させた事に尽きる。」
発端となったのが盧溝橋事件であり、この些細な出来事が現在の中国華北地方周辺へ飛び火し、支那事変 ( 日中戦争 ) へと拡大して行くのだが、この件は別の機会に語る事とします。
『 New source which the US made 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
1) In the United States, the anti-Japanese sentiment Immigration Act was enforced on July 1, 1924 and I had a pain in it and hurt the feelings of the Japanese citizen, but still Japan groped for the United States and a way of the coexistence and co-prosperity.
It was Russia not the United States that felt Japan to be with a menace most, but, in the United States, the knob that devoted itself to only smashing up Japan to a pipe as a hypothetical enemy seemed to be strong without minding a Russian menace at all for some reason.
2) Because I said when calculated to finally burning down Japanese soil by the orange plan that the United States made in that time indiscriminately, and occupying it, the war evasion that Japan was how much could not prevent the Greater East Asia War even if I made an effort.
A mountain of the debris is built in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by Tokyo blitzkrieg and the A-bomb throwing down with the American fighter-bomber, and it is deep, and, from the fact that approximately 600,000 citizens of the noncombatant were slaughtered, we understand essence of the Greater East Asia War and will have to give the liver an order.
3) The reason with the posture that is strong for Japan at this time when the United States does not begin in the China incident either is not sure.
The advance to Asia of white could allow for it to be thought, but one would be racial discrimination consciousness of the Caucasoid characteristic to say that it was not at all a permissible thing that the yellow-skinned races meddled.
It can be said that it is the thief nature of the Westerners who knew the taste of the aggression earlier from a colored race.
4) Japan sent a reclamation group of a Japanese, a Korean, the Taiwanese to south Manchurian of the rights and interests that I obtained by Russo-Japanese War and has begun to have result of the agriculture in my hand steadily in modern times.
As for China, the Kuomintang forces and the Communist Party forces which Chiang Kai-shek led of Mao Zedong developed a civil war while anti-Japanese movement feelings smoldered.
Because the passion for China had a terrible thing in the United States, I could not overlook this anti-Japanese movement feelings and began the support such as preparations for war products to the Chiang Kai-shek, Kuomintang forces and let I hung pressure in the U.K., and Japan and Britain alliance dissolve.
It continued a provocation to Japan by encircling ABCD in a clear state even to have taken the export embargo measures of the oil and I finally thrust "Hull notebook" and invited it in a military power collision.
5) The United States showed a tusk to the yellow-skinned races madly, but was totally unconcerned about communism expansion of the Soviet Union.
1924, the Soviet Union had already become Communist Party, and, in outside Mongolia and crow beam sea (gourd Jan high, Mongolia west border), aggression was completely over.
The United States added neither the criticism of a word nor the protest without understanding this dreadful meaning.
6) It was the action of the white countryman for the United States and might think to be only someone else's problem after all.
It might be only Japan to have felt a menace for rise of the communism so far.
I continued strengthening the deterrent to the Korean Peninsula simply because I sensed that communism power would plunge the world and Asia into a crisis in the near future from early time and recognized a menace.
7) However, in perspective the United States could not look at the world situation in a rest to have an antipathy to the yellow-skinned races, and only the obstacle by the selfish reason for Japan came out to eyes and has overlooked an ambition of the Soviet Union.
The person whom I told not to have cared including the Soviet Union may be right.
When communists of the Soviet Union obtained outside Mongolia, I could speak a flattery skillfully and approached the People's Republic of China this time and have begun to move to make the China whole land Communist Party.
8) The General Douglas MacArthur pointed out that U.S.A. mistook the world situation about the aggression of the communist and correspondence of the United States as follows later.
「The United States violated in an orange plan in the Pacific for the past 100 years, is greatest, is political, taking the wrong it lets communists grow wild in China and strong run out in having let you become it very much. 」
In other words, it will be to say that such the then American was afraid of Japan.
9) Then Chinese communists made Communist Party were cornered by Chiang Kai-shek with the Kuomintang forces, and it was with a precarious state.The Communist Party forces rolled up the Japanese military in a civil war in China and let the Japan forces and the Kuomintang forces fight and made a plan to rebuild the Communist Party forces in the meantime.Japan regarded Manchurian country as a finish state whatever it takes in a breakwater as a strong independent nation to prevent a menace of the Soviet Union.
10) Speaking frankly, Japan could not afford to pay attention to a civil war of very large Mainland China if I put it away and avoided that I woke up even a skirmish between China because there was not the will I invaded it like the United States, and to govern.
However, Japan was beyond the Great Wall of China in 1937 to follow Manchurian country and, by a provocation and a plot from the repeated China side, has set foot inside of China.
It is Lukouchiao Incident that it was the beginning, and this trifling event leaps to the current Chinese North China district outskirts and enlarges it to China incident, but decides to talk about this matter at a different opportunity.
11) Kuomintang of Chiang Kai-shek promoted the modernization eagerly, and then China was in condition the Mao Zedong and others Communist Party raised liberation of a race led by a farm village part, and it was intense, and to compete.
Russia should have planned to incorporate China and whole Manchurian in the Communist bloc while supporting the Communist Party of Mao Zedong.
The United States and the U.K. push Kuomintang of Chiang Kai-shek on the front and think that I burnt with an ambition of the colony expansion for China and Manchurian.
Japan was worthy of Russia, the United States, pressure of the U.K. and continued protecting Manchurian country and residents reclaiming the replacement in turn attack in spite of being reputation desperately from power of China.
It is prejudice and the treat of the Westerner who says if American appearance is hateful as for wanting you to remember it because greediness to aggression not to mind and a color of the skin are yellow of the reader in this chapter and is sweetness of the final stage for Russia.
I will not change at all with TPP keeping on shining if I compare this at the present.
When Japan invaded China, about China, a current Chinese made noise, but it was Manchurian that then Japan went and was not a territory of China.
I surely set foot after Lukouchiao Incident in a territory of China to protect Manchurian and a settler. I will say that I rearrange this in now with the third Japan-China War that the harassment for Senkaku Islands of China will let you cause it.
It is thought that it is money paid in addition to a thief even if I think about Takeshima of Russian northern territories and south Korea.
We Japanese citizens strongly carve with these truth in a heart, and harden the strong intention that what kind of development is not shaken at all by with arrival either; there is me under the pressure of necessity.
No.5 大東亜戦争の正体 / Real nature of the Greater East Asia War
燻る戦争の火種 / Source of the war to smoke
7)この戦争を戦った連合軍最高司令官マッカーサー元帥は、米国上院の委員会で、「 日本は好んで戦った訳ではない。この戦争は侵略ではなく、寧ろ自衛の為だった 」 と証言している。
10)当時の米国人は、自らが有色劣等民族の領土を植民地化し、文明を齎す事を神から与えられた 「 明白なる天意 」 と称したそうです。
メキシコ・ハワイ・グアム・フィリピンと領土拡張を進めた米国の西進は、傲れる白人の物欲と名誉欲を正当化する為の、スローガン 「 明白なる天意 」 の基に行われたのでありましょう。
当時の内戦と匪賊の横行する支那では、 「 門戸開放 」 など非現実的だ。それなのに米国は権益を手に入れ様と躍起になっていたのです。
「 門戸開放と公平な権利 」 の主張を振りかざし、その後も40年間に渡って欧州各国・日本・支那に向かって旗を振り続けた。
『 Source of the war to smoke 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
1) I point to the creature born on the Atlantic opposite bank that it is over with the human that they take it to an American and does it, and ancestors crossed on a day.
They seemed to give a citizen of reclamation with an adventurer in the days of the early days of the reclamation era in the United States, but actions to move to the other countries without a reason outstanding as happiness do not take that the human being lives calmly in an everybody country of birth if I think about the working of a race naively.
I think that this is amor patriae, the origin of the territory love.
I train African people to be a slave and am an idea not to be accompanied by thinking to the human being that it is natural including making the territory of other countries one's hometown across the sea.
Seeing from such a point of view, as for European and American people, as for the aim accompanied equally from the beginning including Asia, South America, the African colored race, Japan was made realize the thing that there was not at all.
When they did not prepare for fighting, ancient people did not become against the American and European countries where the prejudice to a race swirled in this way.
2) Japan would govern the South Sea Islands which I won by the World War and established a school and a hospital in the same way as Taiwan and Korea and taught the practical reading and writing to a Micronesian.
I gave islanders a vaccination, and fishery, agriculture, the mining industry, commerce was promoted, and the sugar manufacture business accomplished remarkable development, and the standard of living of inhabitants improved day by day.
3) The complicated relations seemed to be things not to readily restore, and I was strong, and the Western countries seemed to do doubt in such a Japanese policy once.The United States in particular will be that the South Sea Islands which are located so that the east of Guam is adjacent were confusing. Japan territory, the South Sea Islands get between Guam and the U.S. mainland and think that I was not able to permit that I shut out the view to the China continent.The United States must have burnt hostility to nuisance, Japan secretly.
4) Japan and the United States brought the war until they could leave in defeat of 1945 because 1941, Japan did Pearl Harbor attack. It is the Greater East Asia War that I can never forget to a Japanese citizen.
When U.S.A. kept on following order of the world peace for an aggressive act of Japan, this war has been handed down in the public for nearly 70 years.
What selfishness would the United States really run without to be able to have a racial pride for justice?
5) The historical view that Japan assumes U.S.A. justice with evil overall one-sidedly is always disappointing, and a mask is filled with the risk to come off and continues up to the present day.
Small country Japan located for the loser of the East Asia set a shoulder in the American and European countries during only dozens of years and showed abilities in the modernization of the direct control territory, and was not the cause of the Greater East Asia War to have eaten racial discrimination in an international conference?
6) Another factor would be interest opposition between Japan and the United States to be able to put in the People's Republic of China.
I demanded the interrupt of the own country from China while the United States failed in a partnership plan of the south Manchurian railroad and barred Japan out of the irritation that it was not got result to meet national interest to think from the economic zone of the own country and all clashed with Japan.
In late years consent will easily reach if I recall time when the United States attacked Vietnam and Iraq.
7) The General Allied Forces Commander in chief MacArthur who fought in this war is a committee of the American Upper House; "Japan did not fight willingly". This war testifies, rather I was for self-defense not aggression.
The truth reflects a body to the human being whom it formed on with an interesting thing with the human historical view to draw clearly, and, to people who clung to a desk picture, the shadow of the illusion seems to be projected for some reason.
8) I seem to understand the United States in history of western reclamation, and it seems to be skillfully to attack towards the west.
Including Texas that was a territory of Mexico, I obtain western very large land and continue killing native groups for 25 years, and I exterminate an Indian so as to be perfect, and a successful thing tells reclamation.
The completely in a good mood United States beats Spain across the sea, and the history proves that I obtained Cuba and the Philippines.
Poor and criminal and speculators who emigrated from European each place to the American continent in ancient times would not think that it was a human being if a color of the skin was not white.
Will not it be the patriotism innocence of some country and the logic of two gourds!?
9) The United States was the Philippines which was Spain territory, but I took the disturbance tactics while using local independence movement and I broke a promise to let you become independent and have done it in the colony.
I assumed English an official language for a Filipino and took a thorough brainwashing policy. I abandoned old culture proactively and Americanized as an intellectual person positively.
Hawaii was military power, too and was possessed the United States.
10) A colony made a colored inferior racial territory it, and, as for the then American, oneself seemed to call himself/herself "clear Imperial will" given that I brought civilization from God.
As for the western attack that pushed forward the Mexico Hawaii Guam Philippines and a territorial expansion of the United States, it would be performed a slogan to justify worldly desires and greed for of white honor which could be arrogant based on "clear Imperial will".
11) It was just a stone's throw, but Japan territory, the South Sea Islands were obstructive, and Mainland China in itself already snatched it by European countries, and objective China was the right in the midst of the battle when I came to here.
Therefore I was bare and did definitely United States-like rationalism the United States barred other countries from one's economic zone and took the principle of closedown, and to say when I demanded the open door from China and would enter into China.
12) In then China, a terrible civil war was in a state, and each European country followed the peace and order of the settlement and would spend labor and the fund which were vast to continue trading.
Japan was a situation with a legal special privilege.
In then civil war and China to stride of the bandit, "the open doors" are unrealistic. However, I obtained rights and interests, and the United States went all out with a state.
I brandished the claim of "the open door and a fair right" and continued waving a flag afterwards towards each European country, Japan, People's Republic of China for 40 years.
It becomes the biggest source of the Japan-U.S. opposition that this can establish in the People's Republic of China and is never exaggeration even if I say to the war between the two countries when I escalated.
Because the current United States of America and the people are born, what I want to regard as readers in this chapter is the fact that a great race and territory saying with an American Indian became extinct.
I touched amor patriae and the origin of the territory love in the beginning, but I protect it not a thing taking it with the territory love and think that I ooze out not a thing making an effort with the amor patriae.
The blood which I inherited from a parent even if I take high cosmetic surgery so much does not change, and even if land or the country where ancestors were born and raised ticks away time for several hundred years, it is the territory of the original race, and the mother country will be unchanged.
The true love feels like not sprouting and does not become the thing which I took away from another person.
7)この戦争を戦った連合軍最高司令官マッカーサー元帥は、米国上院の委員会で、「 日本は好んで戦った訳ではない。この戦争は侵略ではなく、寧ろ自衛の為だった 」 と証言している。
10)当時の米国人は、自らが有色劣等民族の領土を植民地化し、文明を齎す事を神から与えられた 「 明白なる天意 」 と称したそうです。
メキシコ・ハワイ・グアム・フィリピンと領土拡張を進めた米国の西進は、傲れる白人の物欲と名誉欲を正当化する為の、スローガン 「 明白なる天意 」 の基に行われたのでありましょう。
当時の内戦と匪賊の横行する支那では、 「 門戸開放 」 など非現実的だ。それなのに米国は権益を手に入れ様と躍起になっていたのです。
「 門戸開放と公平な権利 」 の主張を振りかざし、その後も40年間に渡って欧州各国・日本・支那に向かって旗を振り続けた。
『 Source of the war to smoke 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
1) I point to the creature born on the Atlantic opposite bank that it is over with the human that they take it to an American and does it, and ancestors crossed on a day.
They seemed to give a citizen of reclamation with an adventurer in the days of the early days of the reclamation era in the United States, but actions to move to the other countries without a reason outstanding as happiness do not take that the human being lives calmly in an everybody country of birth if I think about the working of a race naively.
I think that this is amor patriae, the origin of the territory love.
I train African people to be a slave and am an idea not to be accompanied by thinking to the human being that it is natural including making the territory of other countries one's hometown across the sea.
Seeing from such a point of view, as for European and American people, as for the aim accompanied equally from the beginning including Asia, South America, the African colored race, Japan was made realize the thing that there was not at all.
When they did not prepare for fighting, ancient people did not become against the American and European countries where the prejudice to a race swirled in this way.
2) Japan would govern the South Sea Islands which I won by the World War and established a school and a hospital in the same way as Taiwan and Korea and taught the practical reading and writing to a Micronesian.
I gave islanders a vaccination, and fishery, agriculture, the mining industry, commerce was promoted, and the sugar manufacture business accomplished remarkable development, and the standard of living of inhabitants improved day by day.
3) The complicated relations seemed to be things not to readily restore, and I was strong, and the Western countries seemed to do doubt in such a Japanese policy once.The United States in particular will be that the South Sea Islands which are located so that the east of Guam is adjacent were confusing. Japan territory, the South Sea Islands get between Guam and the U.S. mainland and think that I was not able to permit that I shut out the view to the China continent.The United States must have burnt hostility to nuisance, Japan secretly.
4) Japan and the United States brought the war until they could leave in defeat of 1945 because 1941, Japan did Pearl Harbor attack. It is the Greater East Asia War that I can never forget to a Japanese citizen.
When U.S.A. kept on following order of the world peace for an aggressive act of Japan, this war has been handed down in the public for nearly 70 years.
What selfishness would the United States really run without to be able to have a racial pride for justice?
5) The historical view that Japan assumes U.S.A. justice with evil overall one-sidedly is always disappointing, and a mask is filled with the risk to come off and continues up to the present day.
Small country Japan located for the loser of the East Asia set a shoulder in the American and European countries during only dozens of years and showed abilities in the modernization of the direct control territory, and was not the cause of the Greater East Asia War to have eaten racial discrimination in an international conference?
6) Another factor would be interest opposition between Japan and the United States to be able to put in the People's Republic of China.
I demanded the interrupt of the own country from China while the United States failed in a partnership plan of the south Manchurian railroad and barred Japan out of the irritation that it was not got result to meet national interest to think from the economic zone of the own country and all clashed with Japan.
In late years consent will easily reach if I recall time when the United States attacked Vietnam and Iraq.
7) The General Allied Forces Commander in chief MacArthur who fought in this war is a committee of the American Upper House; "Japan did not fight willingly". This war testifies, rather I was for self-defense not aggression.
The truth reflects a body to the human being whom it formed on with an interesting thing with the human historical view to draw clearly, and, to people who clung to a desk picture, the shadow of the illusion seems to be projected for some reason.
8) I seem to understand the United States in history of western reclamation, and it seems to be skillfully to attack towards the west.
Including Texas that was a territory of Mexico, I obtain western very large land and continue killing native groups for 25 years, and I exterminate an Indian so as to be perfect, and a successful thing tells reclamation.
The completely in a good mood United States beats Spain across the sea, and the history proves that I obtained Cuba and the Philippines.
Poor and criminal and speculators who emigrated from European each place to the American continent in ancient times would not think that it was a human being if a color of the skin was not white.
Will not it be the patriotism innocence of some country and the logic of two gourds!?
9) The United States was the Philippines which was Spain territory, but I took the disturbance tactics while using local independence movement and I broke a promise to let you become independent and have done it in the colony.
I assumed English an official language for a Filipino and took a thorough brainwashing policy. I abandoned old culture proactively and Americanized as an intellectual person positively.
Hawaii was military power, too and was possessed the United States.
10) A colony made a colored inferior racial territory it, and, as for the then American, oneself seemed to call himself/herself "clear Imperial will" given that I brought civilization from God.
As for the western attack that pushed forward the Mexico Hawaii Guam Philippines and a territorial expansion of the United States, it would be performed a slogan to justify worldly desires and greed for of white honor which could be arrogant based on "clear Imperial will".
11) It was just a stone's throw, but Japan territory, the South Sea Islands were obstructive, and Mainland China in itself already snatched it by European countries, and objective China was the right in the midst of the battle when I came to here.
Therefore I was bare and did definitely United States-like rationalism the United States barred other countries from one's economic zone and took the principle of closedown, and to say when I demanded the open door from China and would enter into China.
12) In then China, a terrible civil war was in a state, and each European country followed the peace and order of the settlement and would spend labor and the fund which were vast to continue trading.
Japan was a situation with a legal special privilege.
In then civil war and China to stride of the bandit, "the open doors" are unrealistic. However, I obtained rights and interests, and the United States went all out with a state.
I brandished the claim of "the open door and a fair right" and continued waving a flag afterwards towards each European country, Japan, People's Republic of China for 40 years.
It becomes the biggest source of the Japan-U.S. opposition that this can establish in the People's Republic of China and is never exaggeration even if I say to the war between the two countries when I escalated.
Because the current United States of America and the people are born, what I want to regard as readers in this chapter is the fact that a great race and territory saying with an American Indian became extinct.
I touched amor patriae and the origin of the territory love in the beginning, but I protect it not a thing taking it with the territory love and think that I ooze out not a thing making an effort with the amor patriae.
The blood which I inherited from a parent even if I take high cosmetic surgery so much does not change, and even if land or the country where ancestors were born and raised ticks away time for several hundred years, it is the territory of the original race, and the mother country will be unchanged.
The true love feels like not sprouting and does not become the thing which I took away from another person.
No.4 大東亜戦争の正体 / Real nature of the Greater East Asia War
世界大戦が齎したもの / The thing which the World War brought
9)世界大戦が終了すると日本は、1919年に国際連盟に 「 人種差別撤廃法案 」 を提出したのであります。
議長国であった米国大統領ウィルソンによって、 「 この提案は全会一致でなければ可決すべきでない 」 との一言で、多数決の原理を押し曲げ否決されてしまったのです。
世界で初めて 「 人種平等 」 を国際舞台の場で提唱したのが日本で、それを傲慢な力で押し潰したのが英米と云う構図が出来上がってしまった。
「 人種問題闘争と人種差別戦争 」 だと口を揃えた。また、〝奢れる白人民族支配に終焉を齎した戦争でもあった〞と付け加える事を忘れなかった。
『 The thing which the World War brought 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
1) It triggered the Great War that a Serbian nationalist shot one bullet for a grand duke of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary in June 28, 1914, capital Sarajevo, Bosnia.
The Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs schemed a war punitively to Serbia and tortured Serbia to one hand in a state and the treaty that I did not seem to be able to accept.
The source of the fight that seemed to divide the world into two was the roadside of quiet country town and, towards the puppy which played innocently, a wild dog peeled a tusk and bit it.
In the imprudence that the chamberlain of an avaricious puppy picks out even dirty things, I chase the owner of the mad dog, and it may be said even if I have taken millions of holy human life away idly.
2) In the then European Great Powers country, complicated alliance and antagonism are mixed and confused, and it is reliable to have continued maneuvering that Russia is not good behind nationalists.
The European countries could not cut off a chain reaction of the war plan while wanting to evade the plot of the Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs and a war cloud was scattered in an instant to the European whole land and entered into the World War.
3) It was with the perfect opportunity when the trend of the times when another factor made the territory of the country which it took time to do with capitalism introduction the colony in an imperialism policy aimed at rollback in Germany which fell behind imperialism.
In Germany, the U.K. was separated by color in partnership with Austria Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria by the allied powers camp led by France Russia.
4) The outbreak of war at first many people concerned were optimistic when I terminated early.
However, the war advanced to the unexpected prolongation because the tactics I avoided a barrage, and to dig a trench was devised by the rapid progress of firearms and the weapon and organized use.
Material human damage to be far beyond the common sense that the participation in a war country was forced to an all-out war to mobilize all the nations and did not experience in the past was brought.
5) When 1918 began, a revolution occurred in Turkey and Austria, and an empire collapsed.
It is filled with the smell of the revolution that seems to be doubtful in Russia, and it is driven into the abdication, and beginning, the emperor Wilhelm second do the revolt of the sailor in Germany, and the Great War terminates.
Soldiers more than 9 million were killed in action by the fight for footrail five years and were recorded as the war that there were the second most victims at the time of the war end in history.
6) It was called for the participation in a war based on the alliance by the U.K. when the U.K. declared war against August, 1914, Germany in the case of Japan.
The Japanese army captured Qingdao of China that was the base of the German Orient fleet and a fortress of Kiaochow Bay and I followed international law and did it with a government controlled area.
Bad feeling occurs between this China to have dissatisfaction towards processing after the war; of China thinking ill is gloomy in the next two countries; will cast a shadow.
7) Because there was it as basics by mutual nonintervention policies of the American Continent and the European Continent, in the case of the United States, the first match does not participate.
Because Germany did the indiscriminate strategy with the submarine in 1917, I participated in the Allied Forces.
I thought that the victory or defeat was decided substantially at this point in time, but should have been the regretful greed of stupid human beings for remaining two years.
8) It followed that this war gave the perfect opportunity when the left who led Vladimir Lenin had the Russian Revolution, and it was the opportunity of the first-ever socialist state establishment.
The important thing is the basic drawing with a central democracy and the social communist state mainly on Russia, China became clear in the United States, the U.K.
It was the sign that a colony rule policy turned into nationalism.
9) When the World War was finished, Japan submitted "a desegregation bill" to the League of Nations in 1919.
The only yellow-skinned races nation of the five components country of the world carried out joining it, and let's want to abolish the prejudice to a color of the too severe skin of American and European countries.
It was a sense of beauty that the Japanese race inherited from an ancestor, and a heart of the Bushido was the sense of justice of the place to tell, but there was unreasonableness to demand the same sense of values from a European and American Caucasoid.
10) Japan would have no question, and many countries agreed to this epoch-making bill, but are terrible with the difference of the sense of values.
With a word, "this suggestion should not approve it if there was not it unanimously", I bent a principle of the decision by majority by pushing, and it has been rejected by U.S. President Wilson who was a chairperson country.
11) The ancestor of the American nation has already forced the racial discrimination for the black when it struck the American continent across the Atlantic from European each place.
It would be hesitated even to make a desegregation bill the agenda.
It was Japan to have proposed "a racial equality" for the first time at a place of the international stage in the world, and the composition that it called Britain and the United States to have crushed it by arrogant power has been completed.
It is Arisu for reason to say that the self-determination that the United States advocates was the thing only for the race which has an ancestor toward a European.
Majority of scholars and well-informed people reply a question whether they had in why with the Greater East Asia War as follows what the Pacific War was people of coming ages.
When 「 it was race problem struggle and racial discrimination war 」, I prepared a mouth. In addition, I did not forget which was the war that brought the end for the , white race rule who could treat and the thing that I added it to.
"It is race problem struggle and racial discrimination war".
In addition, I added that it was the war that brought the end for rule to be able to treat to of white of a race.
As for what the writer wants to express, European and American all of the person of author, producer, director, performer, theatergoing of the Greater East Asia War; was Caucasian.
It is China to assume Japan the beginning and to say when Asia and African people were only passersby of a poor group.
The quietness of the truth will not visit it on the earth where human beings inhabit unless all the human shares the truth of this history if world people expect true peace.
9)世界大戦が終了すると日本は、1919年に国際連盟に 「 人種差別撤廃法案 」 を提出したのであります。
議長国であった米国大統領ウィルソンによって、 「 この提案は全会一致でなければ可決すべきでない 」 との一言で、多数決の原理を押し曲げ否決されてしまったのです。
世界で初めて 「 人種平等 」 を国際舞台の場で提唱したのが日本で、それを傲慢な力で押し潰したのが英米と云う構図が出来上がってしまった。
「 人種問題闘争と人種差別戦争 」 だと口を揃えた。また、〝奢れる白人民族支配に終焉を齎した戦争でもあった〞と付け加える事を忘れなかった。
『 The thing which the World War brought 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
1) It triggered the Great War that a Serbian nationalist shot one bullet for a grand duke of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary in June 28, 1914, capital Sarajevo, Bosnia.
The Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs schemed a war punitively to Serbia and tortured Serbia to one hand in a state and the treaty that I did not seem to be able to accept.
The source of the fight that seemed to divide the world into two was the roadside of quiet country town and, towards the puppy which played innocently, a wild dog peeled a tusk and bit it.
In the imprudence that the chamberlain of an avaricious puppy picks out even dirty things, I chase the owner of the mad dog, and it may be said even if I have taken millions of holy human life away idly.
2) In the then European Great Powers country, complicated alliance and antagonism are mixed and confused, and it is reliable to have continued maneuvering that Russia is not good behind nationalists.
The European countries could not cut off a chain reaction of the war plan while wanting to evade the plot of the Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs and a war cloud was scattered in an instant to the European whole land and entered into the World War.
3) It was with the perfect opportunity when the trend of the times when another factor made the territory of the country which it took time to do with capitalism introduction the colony in an imperialism policy aimed at rollback in Germany which fell behind imperialism.
In Germany, the U.K. was separated by color in partnership with Austria Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria by the allied powers camp led by France Russia.
4) The outbreak of war at first many people concerned were optimistic when I terminated early.
However, the war advanced to the unexpected prolongation because the tactics I avoided a barrage, and to dig a trench was devised by the rapid progress of firearms and the weapon and organized use.
Material human damage to be far beyond the common sense that the participation in a war country was forced to an all-out war to mobilize all the nations and did not experience in the past was brought.
5) When 1918 began, a revolution occurred in Turkey and Austria, and an empire collapsed.
It is filled with the smell of the revolution that seems to be doubtful in Russia, and it is driven into the abdication, and beginning, the emperor Wilhelm second do the revolt of the sailor in Germany, and the Great War terminates.
Soldiers more than 9 million were killed in action by the fight for footrail five years and were recorded as the war that there were the second most victims at the time of the war end in history.
6) It was called for the participation in a war based on the alliance by the U.K. when the U.K. declared war against August, 1914, Germany in the case of Japan.
The Japanese army captured Qingdao of China that was the base of the German Orient fleet and a fortress of Kiaochow Bay and I followed international law and did it with a government controlled area.
Bad feeling occurs between this China to have dissatisfaction towards processing after the war; of China thinking ill is gloomy in the next two countries; will cast a shadow.
7) Because there was it as basics by mutual nonintervention policies of the American Continent and the European Continent, in the case of the United States, the first match does not participate.
Because Germany did the indiscriminate strategy with the submarine in 1917, I participated in the Allied Forces.
I thought that the victory or defeat was decided substantially at this point in time, but should have been the regretful greed of stupid human beings for remaining two years.
8) It followed that this war gave the perfect opportunity when the left who led Vladimir Lenin had the Russian Revolution, and it was the opportunity of the first-ever socialist state establishment.
The important thing is the basic drawing with a central democracy and the social communist state mainly on Russia, China became clear in the United States, the U.K.
It was the sign that a colony rule policy turned into nationalism.
9) When the World War was finished, Japan submitted "a desegregation bill" to the League of Nations in 1919.
The only yellow-skinned races nation of the five components country of the world carried out joining it, and let's want to abolish the prejudice to a color of the too severe skin of American and European countries.
It was a sense of beauty that the Japanese race inherited from an ancestor, and a heart of the Bushido was the sense of justice of the place to tell, but there was unreasonableness to demand the same sense of values from a European and American Caucasoid.
10) Japan would have no question, and many countries agreed to this epoch-making bill, but are terrible with the difference of the sense of values.
With a word, "this suggestion should not approve it if there was not it unanimously", I bent a principle of the decision by majority by pushing, and it has been rejected by U.S. President Wilson who was a chairperson country.
11) The ancestor of the American nation has already forced the racial discrimination for the black when it struck the American continent across the Atlantic from European each place.
It would be hesitated even to make a desegregation bill the agenda.
It was Japan to have proposed "a racial equality" for the first time at a place of the international stage in the world, and the composition that it called Britain and the United States to have crushed it by arrogant power has been completed.
It is Arisu for reason to say that the self-determination that the United States advocates was the thing only for the race which has an ancestor toward a European.
Majority of scholars and well-informed people reply a question whether they had in why with the Greater East Asia War as follows what the Pacific War was people of coming ages.
When 「 it was race problem struggle and racial discrimination war 」, I prepared a mouth. In addition, I did not forget which was the war that brought the end for the , white race rule who could treat and the thing that I added it to.
"It is race problem struggle and racial discrimination war".
In addition, I added that it was the war that brought the end for rule to be able to treat to of white of a race.
As for what the writer wants to express, European and American all of the person of author, producer, director, performer, theatergoing of the Greater East Asia War; was Caucasian.
It is China to assume Japan the beginning and to say when Asia and African people were only passersby of a poor group.
The quietness of the truth will not visit it on the earth where human beings inhabit unless all the human shares the truth of this history if world people expect true peace.
No.3 大東亜戦争の正体 / Real nature of the Greater East Asia War
日露戦争 / Russo-Japanese War
( この模様はブロガー http//songoftravelor.blogspot.com/ 「 朝鮮半島 」 をご参照ください。)
7) 米国はこの事があってから、 「 日本は満州を独り占めしようとしている 」 と不快感を持つ様になったのです。
『 Russo-Japanese War 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
1) It is Japan and the war that the Russo-Japanese War goes around Manchurian and Korea from February, 1904 to the next year, and happened of Russia.
In Korea which should have let you become independent from Shinkoku, dependency constitution stays, and independence is not possible.
Power to have secret understanding to Shinkoku and power I was confused by a flattery of Russia, and to fight against each other in Japan acted secretly and were not in condition to be able to keep the system of the independent nation.
2) As for the superficial outbreak of war reason, Japan felt a sign to go south for Russia which did not attract a soldier after the Boxer Rebellion in Manchurian, and the relations with Japan and Russia became decisive by having forestalled it by the Japan and Britain alliance conclusion in 1902.
As for the fight that began in 1904, both militaries developed a bloody fight until American Roosevelt mediated it in the next year.
3) In Japan, the army fought successfully through a fight of 奉天 while having a hard fight, and the navy tore a Baru-like fleet in the Sea of Japan.
Nobody world doubted defeat of Japan, but the Japan forces inferior to all including military power, supplies, the financial power won. It is a world miracle.
Portsmouth treaty was concluded, and the southing of the earnest wish in Russia was suppressed and was approved the superiority right for Korea in international law.
4) When I took you as Japan, it was a narrow victory, but effects to give the world a big shock at the point superior to a Caucasoid in a colored race were enough.
By a peace treaty, I obtained southern half and south Manchurian railroad and Liaotung of Karafuto by transfer, and the railroad became the driving force that Japan went into reclamation of Manchurian later.
The country which won war got this right from Japan at that time because the economic special privilege transfer of the partner was recognized.
5) As for China, the territory was damaged in form, but Japan becomes a member of the world allied powers camp and will devote myself to the modernization of the Korean Peninsula like Taiwan.
( Please refer to the blogger http//songoftravelor.blogspot.com/ "Korean Peninsula" for this design. )
However, the world tide that had begun to move was not weak so as to be satisfied in a local dispute.
The United States increased Devil's temptation by the partnership of the south Manchurian railroad which Japan won without putting interval hair.
6) When I took it in Japan, it would be a thunderbolt.
I receive the help of a vast debt, and the imitation that the rights and interests that I sacrifice the tax of the nation and tens of thousands of soldiers and obtained seems to be seized by force in the United States is not allowed by Jewish people.
The right in Manchurian made full use of Japanese wisdom and acquired it.
All comes to nothing after accepting a proposal of the United States if a calculation is out of order by one step by some kind of springs.
7) The United States came to have unpleasantness after there is this thing when "Japan was going to monopolize Manchurian".
In the United States, the basics of territory acquisition were railroads, and a theory to say to the place where a railroad was spread when a territory opened was always strong on the conditions of a country.
This event became the big junction of the history, and it should have been with a prologue of the Greater East Asia War that Japan nominated a country, and would fight against the United States.
8) The United States is the country which escalated the strength of a nation by originally slaughtering the native groups, and plundering a territory.
Large-scale Egyptian bondage of black existed there up to modern times.
The black ivory was freed by President Lincoln, but the racial discrimination should have still remained in the country firmly.
The discrimination was the state that everything was divided into for white business and blacks up to daily necessities with a bad thing so as to be eccentric.
9) The persecution for the Asian race began in the 1800s, too, and a China immigration clampdown campaign happened in the West Coast, and the spearhead was turned for the Japanese.
To see the success of a diligent Japanese emigrant, there were many people who burnt with jealousy and hatred in the American.
As the yellow race which defeated white Russia, I should have had a strange sense of fear. Source of the Greater East Asia War has begun to smoke here.
What I want to appeal to a reader for in this chapter wins for Russo-Japanese War and wants you to memorize a fact accepted a right to govern Korea under the international law.
In addition, I enflame treat and prejudice to look down on the yellow-skinned races of white, and it multiplies sense of discrimination not to have handed over the right of the south Manchurian railroad to the United States, and excessive harassment is that it was with the origin letting Greater East Asia War break out.
( この模様はブロガー http//songoftravelor.blogspot.com/ 「 朝鮮半島 」 をご参照ください。)
7) 米国はこの事があってから、 「 日本は満州を独り占めしようとしている 」 と不快感を持つ様になったのです。
『 Russo-Japanese War 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
1) It is Japan and the war that the Russo-Japanese War goes around Manchurian and Korea from February, 1904 to the next year, and happened of Russia.
In Korea which should have let you become independent from Shinkoku, dependency constitution stays, and independence is not possible.
Power to have secret understanding to Shinkoku and power I was confused by a flattery of Russia, and to fight against each other in Japan acted secretly and were not in condition to be able to keep the system of the independent nation.
2) As for the superficial outbreak of war reason, Japan felt a sign to go south for Russia which did not attract a soldier after the Boxer Rebellion in Manchurian, and the relations with Japan and Russia became decisive by having forestalled it by the Japan and Britain alliance conclusion in 1902.
As for the fight that began in 1904, both militaries developed a bloody fight until American Roosevelt mediated it in the next year.
3) In Japan, the army fought successfully through a fight of 奉天 while having a hard fight, and the navy tore a Baru-like fleet in the Sea of Japan.
Nobody world doubted defeat of Japan, but the Japan forces inferior to all including military power, supplies, the financial power won. It is a world miracle.
Portsmouth treaty was concluded, and the southing of the earnest wish in Russia was suppressed and was approved the superiority right for Korea in international law.
4) When I took you as Japan, it was a narrow victory, but effects to give the world a big shock at the point superior to a Caucasoid in a colored race were enough.
By a peace treaty, I obtained southern half and south Manchurian railroad and Liaotung of Karafuto by transfer, and the railroad became the driving force that Japan went into reclamation of Manchurian later.
The country which won war got this right from Japan at that time because the economic special privilege transfer of the partner was recognized.
5) As for China, the territory was damaged in form, but Japan becomes a member of the world allied powers camp and will devote myself to the modernization of the Korean Peninsula like Taiwan.
( Please refer to the blogger http//songoftravelor.blogspot.com/ "Korean Peninsula" for this design. )
However, the world tide that had begun to move was not weak so as to be satisfied in a local dispute.
The United States increased Devil's temptation by the partnership of the south Manchurian railroad which Japan won without putting interval hair.
6) When I took it in Japan, it would be a thunderbolt.
I receive the help of a vast debt, and the imitation that the rights and interests that I sacrifice the tax of the nation and tens of thousands of soldiers and obtained seems to be seized by force in the United States is not allowed by Jewish people.
The right in Manchurian made full use of Japanese wisdom and acquired it.
All comes to nothing after accepting a proposal of the United States if a calculation is out of order by one step by some kind of springs.
7) The United States came to have unpleasantness after there is this thing when "Japan was going to monopolize Manchurian".
In the United States, the basics of territory acquisition were railroads, and a theory to say to the place where a railroad was spread when a territory opened was always strong on the conditions of a country.
This event became the big junction of the history, and it should have been with a prologue of the Greater East Asia War that Japan nominated a country, and would fight against the United States.
8) The United States is the country which escalated the strength of a nation by originally slaughtering the native groups, and plundering a territory.
Large-scale Egyptian bondage of black existed there up to modern times.
The black ivory was freed by President Lincoln, but the racial discrimination should have still remained in the country firmly.
The discrimination was the state that everything was divided into for white business and blacks up to daily necessities with a bad thing so as to be eccentric.
9) The persecution for the Asian race began in the 1800s, too, and a China immigration clampdown campaign happened in the West Coast, and the spearhead was turned for the Japanese.
To see the success of a diligent Japanese emigrant, there were many people who burnt with jealousy and hatred in the American.
As the yellow race which defeated white Russia, I should have had a strange sense of fear. Source of the Greater East Asia War has begun to smoke here.
What I want to appeal to a reader for in this chapter wins for Russo-Japanese War and wants you to memorize a fact accepted a right to govern Korea under the international law.
In addition, I enflame treat and prejudice to look down on the yellow-skinned races of white, and it multiplies sense of discrimination not to have handed over the right of the south Manchurian railroad to the United States, and excessive harassment is that it was with the origin letting Greater East Asia War break out.
No.2 大東亜戦争の正体 / Real nature of the Greater East Asia War
日清戦争 / The first Sino-Japanese War
「 三国干渉 」 により日本に圧力を掛け遼東半島を清国に返させたロシアは、清国に遼東半島を取り戻した報酬を請求し、そのまま遼東半島に居座ってしまった。
『 The first Sino-Japanese War 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
1) As for saying that the nation became the bullet, Greater East Asia War thinks defeat to be words telling about Japanese unity before being able to go well from the Meiji Restoration.
An officer and a government official and a politician and the scholar learned from U.K., France, United States, Germany, and a craftsman learned the civilization apparatus of the Great Powers country hard in the country, and the farmer and the merchant worked for solar ups and downs in total.
2) It is the war that the Sino-Japanese War is past Korean treatment between Japan and one of Shinkoku in such feeling from 1894 through 1895, and took place.
Then Africa and Asian countries were infringed upon by the aggression policy of the European and American Great Powers country, and China, Shinkoku was beaten up by Opium War by the U.K., and Hong Kong was snatched.
Because Korea was already a dependency of China for some time for several hundred years, it was only Japan not to have received aggression.
3) Japan for fear of the Korea southing of the Russian military expected Korean independence and measure to enrich and strengthen a country under this situation and would expect stirring up.
I said that it was a subordination nation, and Shinkoku kept watch on Korea and was opposed to movement of Japan keenly. I crossed the Korea country in power, toadyism party and Japan with the help of Shinkoku and power, Independent Party which did it was intense and was opposed and was a real confusion state.
4) When a peasants' revolt, peasants insurrection believing in the Eastern principles broke out in Korea in July, 1894, because a toadyism party pursued a reinforcement in Shinkoku, Japan was nominal by the protection of the settler and sent troops, and both Sino-Japanese entered into war.
The Japanese military with modern armaments from the Korean Peninsula in Manchurian excellent; attacked it, and beat the China forces in each place.
Shinkoku was disappointing and surrendered in March, 1895, and the end of the war was developed in eight months.
5) In a peace conference of Shimonoseki, Korean independence was accepted by Shimonoseki Treaty, and Japan had Taiwan and Liaotung in its hand, but Russia, France, an interruption of Germany entered and I felt that I drank distress and returned Liaotung.
Neither the armaments power that only rejected the pressure of three countries nor the economic power was left in then Japan. Right talk about struggling against difficulties for the sake of vengeance.
There were words to be called the Imperial army if I won to fight, but the nail which appeared as such if the way of winning was loud was proof to be touched by as much as a fight grew big.
6) I already enlarged the territory in sequence in the Eurasian Continent, and Russia aimed at East Asia more in those days.
When I applied pressure by "three interference" in Japan and let Shinkoku return Liaotung, I requested the reward that regained Liaotung from Shinkoku and have just stayed in Liaotung.
Russia was the country which I seemed to perform calmly without the complexion changing such a tyranny.
7) A strong man bullies the weak in the times of what time, and it is a comedy I plunder it of every thing, and to do in one's breast, and the thing which the world history is is tragedy.
Even if I list beautiful just causes one by one so much, I am not different in a human being injuring a person to death.
If there is justice there, it is the silly talk of the winner, and it will be an empty excuse of the losers.
8) Therefore it becomes the union card I completely smash up an enemy, and to have victory in its hand even if it uses the unfair way so much when it does a war.
The man of power must not do the war that involved people without the readiness.
Even if splendid aesthetics hides behind, and there was it so much, a loser is only a loser.
Honor and the racial dignity that a loser lost in the place that barked no matter how much are because I never come back.
The behavior of the large country where it is called Russia to want a reader to memorize it in this chapter is a dance to fall.
I already return it for nearly 70 years, and our country negotiates regarding the four northern Islands, but I played feudal lord negotiations until now, and the territory will never return.
The posture that affected Liaotung return of Russians vividly showed the racial true character, but nothing was able to understand Russian ethnicity because both a politician of our country and a bureaucrat were lacking in study, and the side was sweet.It will be a point important at all historically why Russia owning a very large territory persisted in China and the Korean Peninsula in.
Russia had to secure a naval port of the non-freeze by all means to have hegemony of the Pacific in its hand.
Current China is similar to composition coming to take Senkaku Islands and the east, the South China Sea.
「 三国干渉 」 により日本に圧力を掛け遼東半島を清国に返させたロシアは、清国に遼東半島を取り戻した報酬を請求し、そのまま遼東半島に居座ってしまった。
『 The first Sino-Japanese War 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
1) As for saying that the nation became the bullet, Greater East Asia War thinks defeat to be words telling about Japanese unity before being able to go well from the Meiji Restoration.
An officer and a government official and a politician and the scholar learned from U.K., France, United States, Germany, and a craftsman learned the civilization apparatus of the Great Powers country hard in the country, and the farmer and the merchant worked for solar ups and downs in total.
2) It is the war that the Sino-Japanese War is past Korean treatment between Japan and one of Shinkoku in such feeling from 1894 through 1895, and took place.
Then Africa and Asian countries were infringed upon by the aggression policy of the European and American Great Powers country, and China, Shinkoku was beaten up by Opium War by the U.K., and Hong Kong was snatched.
Because Korea was already a dependency of China for some time for several hundred years, it was only Japan not to have received aggression.
3) Japan for fear of the Korea southing of the Russian military expected Korean independence and measure to enrich and strengthen a country under this situation and would expect stirring up.
I said that it was a subordination nation, and Shinkoku kept watch on Korea and was opposed to movement of Japan keenly. I crossed the Korea country in power, toadyism party and Japan with the help of Shinkoku and power, Independent Party which did it was intense and was opposed and was a real confusion state.
4) When a peasants' revolt, peasants insurrection believing in the Eastern principles broke out in Korea in July, 1894, because a toadyism party pursued a reinforcement in Shinkoku, Japan was nominal by the protection of the settler and sent troops, and both Sino-Japanese entered into war.
The Japanese military with modern armaments from the Korean Peninsula in Manchurian excellent; attacked it, and beat the China forces in each place.
Shinkoku was disappointing and surrendered in March, 1895, and the end of the war was developed in eight months.
5) In a peace conference of Shimonoseki, Korean independence was accepted by Shimonoseki Treaty, and Japan had Taiwan and Liaotung in its hand, but Russia, France, an interruption of Germany entered and I felt that I drank distress and returned Liaotung.
Neither the armaments power that only rejected the pressure of three countries nor the economic power was left in then Japan. Right talk about struggling against difficulties for the sake of vengeance.
There were words to be called the Imperial army if I won to fight, but the nail which appeared as such if the way of winning was loud was proof to be touched by as much as a fight grew big.
6) I already enlarged the territory in sequence in the Eurasian Continent, and Russia aimed at East Asia more in those days.
When I applied pressure by "three interference" in Japan and let Shinkoku return Liaotung, I requested the reward that regained Liaotung from Shinkoku and have just stayed in Liaotung.
Russia was the country which I seemed to perform calmly without the complexion changing such a tyranny.
7) A strong man bullies the weak in the times of what time, and it is a comedy I plunder it of every thing, and to do in one's breast, and the thing which the world history is is tragedy.
Even if I list beautiful just causes one by one so much, I am not different in a human being injuring a person to death.
If there is justice there, it is the silly talk of the winner, and it will be an empty excuse of the losers.
8) Therefore it becomes the union card I completely smash up an enemy, and to have victory in its hand even if it uses the unfair way so much when it does a war.
The man of power must not do the war that involved people without the readiness.
Even if splendid aesthetics hides behind, and there was it so much, a loser is only a loser.
Honor and the racial dignity that a loser lost in the place that barked no matter how much are because I never come back.
The behavior of the large country where it is called Russia to want a reader to memorize it in this chapter is a dance to fall.
I already return it for nearly 70 years, and our country negotiates regarding the four northern Islands, but I played feudal lord negotiations until now, and the territory will never return.
The posture that affected Liaotung return of Russians vividly showed the racial true character, but nothing was able to understand Russian ethnicity because both a politician of our country and a bureaucrat were lacking in study, and the side was sweet.It will be a point important at all historically why Russia owning a very large territory persisted in China and the Korean Peninsula in.
Russia had to secure a naval port of the non-freeze by all means to have hegemony of the Pacific in its hand.
Current China is similar to composition coming to take Senkaku Islands and the east, the South China Sea.
No.1 大東亜戦争の正体 / Real nature of the Greater East Asia War
日本の開国 / The foundation of a country of Japan
『 遠き日に新しい時代の風を求めて、龍馬が、小五郎が、晋作が、会津の若者までもが、祖国の為に尊い魂を賭け怒涛の様に駆け抜けていった。
『 National seclusion and the foundation of a country 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
1) Defeat of China / Shinkoku in the Opium War was in 1,842 years.
The then Japanese Government, Edo Shogunate softened the hard line for the previous foreign ship and changed it to a conciliatory measure to have you go back to the ship of the foreign family register gently without waking up every fight by providing water and food carefully.
There could not be thoughts to open a country at all at the bottom of the stomach.
2) Admiral Perry who received a command of the U.S. President Fillmore in 1853 led a black ship fleet and visited a shore and pressed the Edo Shogunate for the foundation of a country and commerce.
When the Japanese side demanded a postponement of one year temporarily, the Admiral Perry appeared with a black ship again in the next year and bound Japan and the United States sum parent treaty together forcibly.
The Japan and Britain, Japan and Russia sum pro-treaty was concluded in the same year, too and became the opening scene of a play of the foundation of a country in Japan.
3) When it was July, 1856, American consul Townsend Harris visited Japan for the trade agreement conclusion, but a struggle for power in the Shogunate was intense, and Imperial grant from the Emperor did not go down the Imperial Court without opinions being completely unified either.
Chief ministry, Naosuke Ii tied up a Japan-U.S. trade agreement in 1858 and concluded a trade agreement at the U.K., France, Netherlands Russia and the five countries interval, but, meanwhile, I took the holy life of most away, and the wave of the turbulence raged so that intellect and others could take off a place to remain in.
4) Hakodate, Yokohama, Nagasaki was opened a port of in 1859, and trade was started in earnest, and the main other country was the U.K.
I exported raw silk or tea from Japan, and woolen stuff, cotton textiles, vessels, weapons were imported in large quantities.
In addition, Niigata and Kobe were opened a port of successively, too, but this Ansei, Five-Power Treaty was a really unequal treaty in Japan.
5) I can tell you to have been born from resistance movement to the imperialism by the armaments of the European and American Great Powers as if it is symbolized with the Meiji Restoration in this way by a black ship.
After Opium War in China, it was a fight with the new power that I was going to take the old national seclusion system power that colonization for the East Asia of the European and American Great Powers was going to block it fierce を pole and a new flow in.
6) However, because the Edo Shogunate inclined to the foundation of a country, the commerce route in form against will of the Imperial Court, anti-reform forces bound it together with an imperialism debater and benefited authority of the Imperial Court, and the revering the Emperor and expelling the barbarians debater who I carried out shogunal administration reform and exclusion of foreigners, and was united was born, and it was with big undulation.
If there was justice for this turmoil period, there might not be the method unless I raced by one's course to believe.
7) When a world flow changes, I will be often like this.
A puddle appeared in many places in Tokugawa shogunate government and raised one's flag while radicals and a reformist blew on a bubble from a mouth in a domestic place to reach.
I defeated Tokugawa family to inherit the shogunate in 1868, and Satsuma and the Allied Forces of the Choshu feudal clan which carried the Imperial Family established the Meiji government led by the Emperor.
8) Poverty samurais of the large prestigious family which had local dissatisfaction washed away dissatisfaction of the long time by a new tide if I looked back with the mesh which cooled down and I distributed the equal richness into all the people and tried it with a state.
It is a revolution to experience once in country of any place. A just cause and the justice come as many as one likes later.
The belief was pure, or an important thing will be only the difference that was simple one's greed.
『 For the wind of the times when I was new on a far-off day, even a youth of Aizu ran through the soul that was holy for the mother country like a bet surging wave Shinsaku Ryoma Kogoro.
Then Japan of the figure that it is deplorable exists after I pile up the sacrifice of the holy life of millions of in the working of more than 100 years newly and fought out Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese War, the World War and Greater East Asia War.
I present it for these soul, and may the progeny of we Yamato living in the present age give joining hands without the settlement in really straight honesty? 』
『 遠き日に新しい時代の風を求めて、龍馬が、小五郎が、晋作が、会津の若者までもが、祖国の為に尊い魂を賭け怒涛の様に駆け抜けていった。
『 National seclusion and the foundation of a country 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
1) Defeat of China / Shinkoku in the Opium War was in 1,842 years.
The then Japanese Government, Edo Shogunate softened the hard line for the previous foreign ship and changed it to a conciliatory measure to have you go back to the ship of the foreign family register gently without waking up every fight by providing water and food carefully.
There could not be thoughts to open a country at all at the bottom of the stomach.
2) Admiral Perry who received a command of the U.S. President Fillmore in 1853 led a black ship fleet and visited a shore and pressed the Edo Shogunate for the foundation of a country and commerce.
When the Japanese side demanded a postponement of one year temporarily, the Admiral Perry appeared with a black ship again in the next year and bound Japan and the United States sum parent treaty together forcibly.
The Japan and Britain, Japan and Russia sum pro-treaty was concluded in the same year, too and became the opening scene of a play of the foundation of a country in Japan.
3) When it was July, 1856, American consul Townsend Harris visited Japan for the trade agreement conclusion, but a struggle for power in the Shogunate was intense, and Imperial grant from the Emperor did not go down the Imperial Court without opinions being completely unified either.
Chief ministry, Naosuke Ii tied up a Japan-U.S. trade agreement in 1858 and concluded a trade agreement at the U.K., France, Netherlands Russia and the five countries interval, but, meanwhile, I took the holy life of most away, and the wave of the turbulence raged so that intellect and others could take off a place to remain in.
4) Hakodate, Yokohama, Nagasaki was opened a port of in 1859, and trade was started in earnest, and the main other country was the U.K.
I exported raw silk or tea from Japan, and woolen stuff, cotton textiles, vessels, weapons were imported in large quantities.
In addition, Niigata and Kobe were opened a port of successively, too, but this Ansei, Five-Power Treaty was a really unequal treaty in Japan.
5) I can tell you to have been born from resistance movement to the imperialism by the armaments of the European and American Great Powers as if it is symbolized with the Meiji Restoration in this way by a black ship.
After Opium War in China, it was a fight with the new power that I was going to take the old national seclusion system power that colonization for the East Asia of the European and American Great Powers was going to block it fierce を pole and a new flow in.
6) However, because the Edo Shogunate inclined to the foundation of a country, the commerce route in form against will of the Imperial Court, anti-reform forces bound it together with an imperialism debater and benefited authority of the Imperial Court, and the revering the Emperor and expelling the barbarians debater who I carried out shogunal administration reform and exclusion of foreigners, and was united was born, and it was with big undulation.
If there was justice for this turmoil period, there might not be the method unless I raced by one's course to believe.
7) When a world flow changes, I will be often like this.
A puddle appeared in many places in Tokugawa shogunate government and raised one's flag while radicals and a reformist blew on a bubble from a mouth in a domestic place to reach.
I defeated Tokugawa family to inherit the shogunate in 1868, and Satsuma and the Allied Forces of the Choshu feudal clan which carried the Imperial Family established the Meiji government led by the Emperor.
8) Poverty samurais of the large prestigious family which had local dissatisfaction washed away dissatisfaction of the long time by a new tide if I looked back with the mesh which cooled down and I distributed the equal richness into all the people and tried it with a state.
It is a revolution to experience once in country of any place. A just cause and the justice come as many as one likes later.
The belief was pure, or an important thing will be only the difference that was simple one's greed.
『 For the wind of the times when I was new on a far-off day, even a youth of Aizu ran through the soul that was holy for the mother country like a bet surging wave Shinsaku Ryoma Kogoro.
Then Japan of the figure that it is deplorable exists after I pile up the sacrifice of the holy life of millions of in the working of more than 100 years newly and fought out Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese War, the World War and Greater East Asia War.
I present it for these soul, and may the progeny of we Yamato living in the present age give joining hands without the settlement in really straight honesty? 』
投稿 (Atom)