公職追放令 / The Purge Directive by GHQ
第一政党だった進歩党などは、 結党当時274名いた候補を14名に減らされ、残り260名すべてを追放された。
10)Because complete censorship was established in Japan just after the defeat by the press code that the alliance national military general headquarters established, it was not possible for the criticism of the occupation army at all. It was helped the top put on the disgrace of the war cooperator the people who were higher than 200,000 people who played an active part by order in the national center from the public welfare station and was chased the workplace.
I carried out the Purge Directive to be said commonly.
11)January 4, 1946, the alliance national military general headquarters gave it an order for postponement of election planned in this month.
And I expelled the people in charge such as the officer who was inconvenient for the United States, a politician, a person concerned with financial combine, media sequentially from the public office.
It was reduced the candidate who had 274 people at the time o the formation of a party to 14 people, and the Progressive Party which was the first political party was ousted from all 260 remainder.
12)The GHQ public welfare station overlooked the political party affiliated with left-winger, but the Japanese politics inherited a tradition of the free human rights and Taisho democracy in those days.
Because the majority of nations supported Ichiro Hatoyama of the Liberal Party which descended from the main group of a conservative party not original left-winger system, it was an at all forced discharge, and the will of the nation was a far thing.
13)In addition, it was vagueness of the exile standard that I took it to a then Japanese citizen, and the social democracy power that the unhappy thing was strong having been weak and the class of leaders were at a loss most.
A Japanese performed the official exile examination, but it was dual structure to say when the GHQ public welfare station held it not to mention real power, and it was impossible to readily watch concord.
14)Ichiro Hatoyama calls for the concentration of the maintenance against communism in such situation fiercely and can touch the wrath of the public welfare station.
The GHQ public welfare station distributed the speech manuscript which Hatoyama insisted on all over the wartime to the person concerned, and the popular will has pushed up Hatoyama and the Liberal Party clogs in hanging in Hatoyama in the top party holding a foreign press conference.
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