
祖国が危ない / The mother country is dangerous No.3

欲望が争いを生む / Greed produces a fight














11>What is the origin of the unreasonable act action that the China and Korea race repeats for our country for 60 several years?
I will know how much real intention, and we are directly proportional if the generation becomes young, and their firm hatred will be arrested only on a strange phenomenon side.
The cause is wrong outlook on peace and education.

12>As for the thing, then Shinkoku, current China ruled the Korean Peninsula under rule saying that I talked at another opportunity, but a menace of the Great Powers around aftereffects and Vietnam of the opium Arrow War did not leave.
As for the Japan imperialism to send the modernization to by hand of the Meiji government, the southing to Korea of the Russia forces is a cause of worry in national defense.

13>The Korea dynasty which was under the control of Shinkoku was not stable.
From about 1890 to Independent Party which entrusted a toadyism party with the help of Shinkoku which continued smoking and a design of Japan with hope, an internal disturbance state traced the course of the expansion if I easily said.
Lacked in the hegemony of the Korea dynasty taking advantage of this, and Sino-Japanese War began between Japan and Shinkoku.

14>When the peasants insurrection believing in the Eastern principles that was the revolt of the farmer broke out in Korea in 1894, a civilization group of the moderateness pursued a reinforcement in Shinkoku. The Japanese military sent troops in a name by settler protection, and Japan and the armed forces of Shinkoku entered into an intense fight.
The Japanese military superior to modern armaments attacked Manchurian from Korea and put victory in each place, and Shinkoku surrendered in result 1895.

15>A lecture treaty was concluded in 17th, Shimonoseki for four years in the same year and recognized Korean independence and Taiwan, Liaotung, Shoko archipelago with cession to Japan.
As for the indemnification, 310 million that multiplied the annual budget of Japan by three was swung in those days.
However, it takes pressure to put back Liaotung to Shinkoku from Russia and France and Germany and is there is not it, and to have followed that Japan stop.

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