
愛しき祖国のために / For the dear mother country No.02

朝鮮民族の報復 / Retaliation of Han race



残念な事は当時のマッカーサー元帥は、昭和天皇陛下さまの『朕の命は尽きるとも、我が民の飢えは偲び難し 』お言葉に深く感銘を受けられ、本国との食料調達に奔走しておりました。

吉田茂公は痛く嘆かれ、『朝鮮民族が我が国に留まることは、百害あって一利なし 』との言葉を発せられたと記録にありますが、そのご指摘がいま正に大的中している。

06)It is anxious about happiness and the world peace of the nation, and His Majesty Emperor Showa should think about the retaliation for Japan action Korea that it began as their national policy from a point in time when I declared choice of the distress.
It was really careful and I was tenacious and was vulgar, and intense hatred would lie hidden in the back of the laughter that was petty-minded.

07)The big mistake of then Japan Government leaders is not to have let you send the Korea race back home forcibly.
I jumped out from a treat to say that the next contributed to the Korean modernization to quibbling to say that I was not defeated by Korea.
Anything was not to have been able to see through their ethnicity to carry out for money. The important thing is it was a fool not to be inferior to without being defeated by the Korea race.

08)Prince then Shigeru Yoshida bargained over the forced repatriation of the Korea race to General MacArthur.
General MacArthur then as for the disappointing thing of His Majesty Emperor Showa even if "the life of we ran out, starving remembered it, and did a difficulty of our people" and was deep and was impressed with words, and was engaged earnestly in the purveyance with the own country.

09)The kindness for Japan of the General MacArthur was neglected by the U.S. Government of time, and MacArthur has been recalled in conclusion to the own country.
I have a pain in it, and Prince Shigeru Yoshida is grieved over, and there is it for a record when emitted by words, it "does you no good and much harm that the Korea race stays in our country", but the indication just right hits the mark very much.

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