
再生日本の鍵 / The key that Japan recovers itself No.1

Heaviness of the experience / 経験の重み

Representative Shizuka Kamei of the People's New Party took greetings at a representative from Democratic Party meeting a few days ago, and it seemed to be stated, "the cause that a politician was ruined was because the most of the nation had been able to have square" it.

Moreover, it heard having also emphasized a sense of crisis of it having been inserted into the U.S. and China and sinking about the present condition of Japan.

Even if I arrested you when I thought about only the surface of words when many people were usual violent Kamei styles, I felt it when I wanted I liked it personally, or in an active play generation to think about this excellent opinion as the other problem seriously particularly whether you disliked it.
I want you to recall no, the flame which burnt just several years ago.

国民新党の亀井静香代表が数日前に民主党議員会合であいさつに立ち、「 政治家が駄目になった原因は、国民の殆どがいかれてしまったからだ 」と述べられたそうです。



1 件のコメント:

  1. 「 再生日本のカギ 」 国会議員・亀井静香氏の講演から浮かび上がった、今の国民意識に欠けているものは何か!?

    The thing which the present nation consciousness that appeared from a lecture of "key to reproduction Japan" Diet member, Shizuka Kamei can lack in is anything?
