
国際貢献とは何だ / International aid will be what NO.6

Morality and sense of values / 道徳と価値観

Then how will about the neighboring country?
It was past the payment of caddie costs at a certain golf course, and a player and a caddie caused argument. If the correspondence of the caddie master who acted for arbitration was rude, an interruption became available from the embassy of the neighboring country.

Even if it is seized the money that a tourist is unreasonable at a nightclub in the embassy of our country, I will give nothing when I do it.
I must do indifference. I will not give it even if I assure an embassy that it is a civil affair even if I call for help. 

Because Japanese Government makes the attitude toward help country vague, the staff of the branch office does not think about the security of the own nation seriously. I do not enter a troublesome event, and mind has only that I act as a temporary transfer time limit in without what and go back to my own country.
The human being of this country knows it well about such a thing surprisingly.




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