『 綿胞子 何を好んで 悪ふざけ 旅路の空に 舞う上げ雲雀 』
幼稚な老人 / Childish old man
88) 三週間後にAnnalynのビザが届きフライトも5月19日に決定した。
89) 強行すれば物笑いの種になるばかりか、関係者に多大な迷惑をかける上に、大きな違約金を要求されてしまう。違約金は幾らだと開き直った。
90) 最後はAnnalynが日本行きの意思表示を宣告し渋々納得したが、こんな神経でこの国の女と生活できるか心配になった。
91) こうした状況の中で、『 永谷氏が若い女性を車に閉じ込め、アンティポロの山中を長時間に渡って連れ回した。』 こんな噂がキャディーさん達の間で囁かれ始めた。
知らん顔も出来ないのでゴルフ帰りに、永谷氏に事実関係を問い質すと、“ そんな事もあった ”と薄ら笑を浮かべ素直に認めたのです。
92) 彼の説明では、ホテルへ連れ込むのが難しかったので、カー・セックスでもと思い、適当な場所を見付けるのに苦労したのだと遂に笑い出した。
93) 見合いの当日に関係を迫った件もそうだが、今回の事などを考え合わせると、永谷氏の女性に対する欲情の中には、謀り知れない異分子が生息していることを痛感したのです。
そして、〝 別れた女房は女郎屋の女 〞だったと、嘲笑った彼の表情が脳裏に焼き付いて、背筋がゾクゾク音を立てる様な悪寒を覚えた。
94) 二度目と云う事もあって Annalyn も今回は、問題を起こさず帰国し数日が過ぎたある日、帰った筈なのに彼女から何の連絡もない。
95) その翌日だったと思いますが、Annalynが事務所へ帰国報告に訪れた。
永谷氏との六ヶ月間を話した上で、“ 約束の精算金支払が完了するまでは、決して先走った真似は慎む様に ”念を押したが、山中でのカー・セックスの噂は些かに切り出せなかった。
96) 次の日にAnnalynの母親が永谷氏の訪問を受けた事を告げに来た。
『 借金は綺麗にするし家を買ってやるから文句は無いだろう 』 と執拗に念を押したらしい。
97) 頭に血が上ったと思う。気が付くと受話器に向かって乱暴に文字盤を叩いていた。
『 本当の気持ちを伝えたまでだ。鶏小屋の様な家で生活しているのだから、内心では喜んでいるに違いない。体裁を作っているのだろう。』 これが永谷氏の回答でした。
98) 2005年も終わりに近づくと、Annalynとの具体的な話が軌道に乗ったと見え、永谷氏から久しぶりに上機嫌の電話が掛かりました。
99) 三十分もしない内に顧問弁護士から連絡が入る。
Childish old man
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
88) A visa of Annalyn arrived three weeks later, and the flight was decided on May 19, too.
I said that Nagaya stopped going in Japan suddenly.
He babbled out the lines like the child without flinching really when it could not stand to spend alone a half year when Annalyn became absent.
Of course cancellation cannot come true for such a reason.
89) Not only it becomes the laughingstock if I force it, but also gives the person concerned a great trouble and is required big cancelation cost. If the cancelation cost was how much, I assumed a defiant attitude.
It is how to speak not to be against will at all to have called for help.
Such a Japanese was not able to help the practically slight loneliness that existed while being disgusted with a naughty old man.
90) Finally, Annalyn sentenced you to declaration of intention for Japan and understood unwillingly, but I could live a life with the woman of this country with such a nerve or began worrying.
Six months when she left the country were the days when looked like a baby-sitter of Nagaya.
When it is called almost every day by golf and can turn to the story for money of adjustment processing because I am too biting, I shut a mouth like a shellfish.
91) "I was with enclosure, the heart of a mountain of Antipolo for a long stretch of time and, in such situation, passed the woman that Nagaya was young to the car" Such a rumor has begun to be whispered among caddies.I admitted that the indifference asked Nagatani about facts for a golf return because I could not do it obediently to suppress "which there could be as for the" such thing and the thing which I laughed at.
92) Because it was difficult to bring you to the hotel by his explanation, even as for the car sexual intercourse, I thought and roared with laughter when I had a hard time though I found a suitable place.
At the age of the girl whom it brought to the office, it seemed to be sweet to have thought that it would be a sudden whim out of frustration at the time when a heart could waver in the talk about breaking up with the wife.
93) The matter that I pressed for relations on the day of the marriage meeting was so, but keenly realized that foreign elements I planned it, and not to be able to know inhabited in the passion for the woman of Nagaya when I considered this time.
And when the wife that ,〝 parted was woman 〞 of the whorehouse, his expression that I laughed at was branded on the mind and learned the chills that ice seemed to glide on the back.
94) Though I may say the second, and Annalyn goes back without raising a problem this time, and a few days should have returned on past one day, there is not what communication from her.
Nagaya called with a great angry look. I suppress a voice while becoming ムッ for an instant if the office does not have the communication either.
I muttered at the other side of the receiver whether there would not be mind to become a bride.
95) The; thought the next day, but Annalyn came in a return home report to the office.
The action that was never advanced pushed the "sense until money of adjustment payment of the" promise completed it after having talked about six months with Nagaya to be careful, but the rumor of the car sexual intercourse in mountains was not able to slightly cut and bring it down.
The feelings that seemed to betray her ached for some reason.
96) I came to tell that mother of Annalyn had a visit from Nagaya on the next day.
When "there would not be the words because the debt cleaned it and bought a house", I seemed to remind you obstinately.
It is very unpleasant for a parent and wears a complaint when I feel uneasiness in letting you marry.
The ashamed state of mind will be what is for it at such time.
97) I think that I flew off the handle. I beat the clockface towards a receiver violently when I noticed.
"It is just that I conveyed a true feeling". Because I live in the house such as the henhouse, I must be pleased in the heart. I will make appearance This was an answer of Nagaya.
It is the thing which laughter sounded like for a while slightly on the other side of the receiver which treated another person with contempt in a usual state.
98) It seemed that a concrete story with Annalyn got on track when coming to an end in 2005, and a cheerful telephone hung after a long absence from Nagaya.
Because the lines that were unreasonable when I worried about nothing came, I always went when I required handling of money of adjustment and have hung up one-sidedly. It was a really dirty man.
99) I get a contact from a legal adviser before I do it for 30 minutes.
Nagaya was belonging to the caddie of the golf course and seemed to say that I wanted you to make the documents which purchased a house.
I was not able to grasp the whole story of the thing for an instant. I think that there was it as a baud for a while.
I answered it that I wanted you to make documents in the name of Annalyn, but the resentment that was intense vortex went up at a stretch.
The expedition has been fairly done. A happy thing, a shameful thing, and a mortifying thing, etc. are obstinately projected onto a dream pillow recently. Please ask lonely traveler's mutter.
『三流の詐欺師 / Third-rate fraud No.9』
【綿胞子 何が欲しくて 狂い舞う 夕べの夢は 枕のしずく】
詐欺師の切り札 / Trump of the fraud
76) 2005年の四月でした。
『 女の借金は俺が払う。二百万や三百万の金なら何時でも用意するから女を頼む。』
77) 彼の境遇を考えれば解らない事もなかった。仕事を持たない上に言語も解さない老体が、一人で生活するのは苦痛である事は良く理解できました。
78) 当時、仕事を手伝っていたタレントの Annalyn に永谷氏の事を話すと、大多数のタレントは日本人との結婚を望んでいると眼を輝かせた。
79)Annalynの協力を得ながら、気立てが良くて借金も少なく、個人マネージャーを持たないLaila 嬢に白羽の矢を立てたのです。
Laila嬢から正式回答を得る前に、『 あの女は誘っても出て来ないから駄目だ。見合いの時一緒だった女にしてくれ 』 と、永谷氏から新しい要請が届いた。
81) Annalyn は事務所の仕事があり、日本からのビザ待っている状態だから出来ないと断ったが、彼女にして欲しいと言い張って、私の云う事など聞く耳を持たない状態でした。
82) 彼女の家庭環境は、数年前に父親が薬物の影響から癌を患い他界していた。
83) 同胞の結婚相手として紹介するには正直なところ気後れがする状況です。
84) 彼女の出した結論は、家族の借金清算、事務所との契約処理、母親の承諾を私が取ることを条件に、呆気ないほど簡単に結婚の承諾を得る事が出来たのです。
85) 母親との話し合いも精神的には辛いものがありました。
冷や汗をかきながら聞き出した借財のあらましは、他界したご主人の入院費と葬儀代、市庁への借地権代など、合計では四十五万ペソ ( 当時のレートで百万円 ) くらいにだった。
86) 結婚に付いては本人の意思を尊重するとの回答を貰う。
87) その日の内に永谷氏へ連絡を取ると、直ぐにでも一緒に生活を始めたいと言い出した。先ず結婚条件処理を実行する事を諭したけれど、いま冷静に当時の成り行きを思い浮かべてみると、果たして何処まで守られたのか信頼性に欠けます。
Trump of the fraud
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
76) It was April, 2005.
"I pay the debt of the woman. Because money of 2 million and 3 million prepares anytime, I engage a woman."
When a woman is not in the side, it is not settled down to uneasiness. I am troubled by insomnia and am the disposal not to be able to readily get up in the morning every night. The willpower to go out for golf does not spring out.
In this situation a cry of the poignancy was finished from Nagaya when I might die soon.
77) I might understand it if I thought about his circumstances. The painful thing was good and was able to understand that the old man who I did not have work, and did not understand the language either lived alone.
I think that I felt sympathy and pity for him wherever of the heart in conclusion.
I smiled wryly to oneself who put a face of some talents and Nagaya on top of one another when I noticed.
However, I do not go to the reason to say that please comes from the right to the left when it becomes the marriage.
78) I brightened eyes in those days when I spoke Nagaya in Annalyn of the talent who helped with work when the majority of talents expected the marriage with the Japanese.
I pushed the large seal if I had you handle a debt and the contract of the family when nothing had any problem.
When you asked whether you were the same from mischievous urge, I had a smile in the whole face and sounded a finger.
79) A nature was good, and there were few debts and chose Miss Laila which did not have a personal manager while getting cooperation of Annalyn.
As for the negotiations with her, Annalyn took the trouble of the intermediation, and a marriage meeting of Nagaya and Ms.Laila was performed by our co-starring a few days later, but this plan has been over for failure wonderfully.
80) When what I heard as a sequel settled the debt and bought the house, I approached by relations on the day of the marriage meeting and seemed to accord by staying out by the telephone offensive in morning and evening.
Before obtaining an official answer from a female worker for Ms. Laila; because "do not come out even if that woman provokes it, is no use". A new request arrived from Nagaya when I made the woman who was same as at the time of marriage meeting.
81) Annalyn had the work of the office and declined it because a visa from Japan was in condition to wait when it was not possible, but I insisted on it when I wanted her to do it and was in condition not to have the ears to hear such as my saying.
When I thought and looked, I worried about a mental condition of Nagatani in a serious thing purely at this time even if I wanted a woman and just thought that I did not help it somehow.
82) Father suffered from a cancer from the influence of the drug several years ago, and her home environment died.
I died at a hospital, but there was the process that I helped you, and was able to finish a funeral service without hospital charges were delayed, and being able to move the corpse.
The older sister has a baby without father, and the younger brother was a junior high student, but the little younger brother is in condition not to go to the school for an intelligence disorder.
Because the younger sister of the youngest child was around 5 years old, for the income of mother who did not have a main occupation, it would not be at all an easy living.
83) To be frank, it is the situation that diffidence makes to introduce it as a marriage partner of the countrymen.
At first I checked intention of the person himself and decided it with a state after I regarded the loans of the office as the thing of the family for a few days and talked without hiding circumstances and a demand of Nagaya from her.
Though it is oneself, and there is not it, a cardiac sound sounds intensely. I think that a mysterious chance lasted around five minutes.
84) The conclusion that she gave was able to easily get consent of the marriage with the proviso that I took the debt settlement of the family, the contract processing with the office, the consent of mother so as to be disappointing.
The words that I thrust her mouth next, and were given were money of contract processing and debts of the offices.
Was promised to settle it, but Nagaya was able to untie all her strain by having told that should be satisfied for around 1 million yen; looked.
85) The talks with mother had a hot thing mentally.
So that the summary of the debt that I got while breaking out in a cold sweat drank 450,000 pesos (at a rate 1 million yen) with hospital charges and funeral service charges of the master who died, the total including lease charges to the city hall.
When these debts told that Nagaya handled it, I was able to realize that feeling of strain fell out from an expression of mother.
86) I get an answer that I respect intention of the person himself when I am assigned to marriage.
At this point, I did not feel the sense of incongruity especially, but some think of the point hard to swallow if I think now.
The marriage consent condition that I reminded a pro-daughter of was not to bind the relations of the man and woman together until I finished adhering rigidly to the going of the visa wait state in Japan and settlement processing of Nagaya.
87) I said that I wanted to begin life together immediately when I contacted Nagaya on the day.
At first reliability can lack in where I was protected as expected to though I persuaded that I carry out marriage condition processing when I remember the then course calmly now.
I feel like having seemed to be water, the day after the fair to a hot stone. Between the people who starved was used, and would meet a lot.
詐欺師の切り札 / Trump of the fraud
76) 2005年の四月でした。
『 女の借金は俺が払う。二百万や三百万の金なら何時でも用意するから女を頼む。』
77) 彼の境遇を考えれば解らない事もなかった。仕事を持たない上に言語も解さない老体が、一人で生活するのは苦痛である事は良く理解できました。
78) 当時、仕事を手伝っていたタレントの Annalyn に永谷氏の事を話すと、大多数のタレントは日本人との結婚を望んでいると眼を輝かせた。
79)Annalynの協力を得ながら、気立てが良くて借金も少なく、個人マネージャーを持たないLaila 嬢に白羽の矢を立てたのです。
Laila嬢から正式回答を得る前に、『 あの女は誘っても出て来ないから駄目だ。見合いの時一緒だった女にしてくれ 』 と、永谷氏から新しい要請が届いた。
81) Annalyn は事務所の仕事があり、日本からのビザ待っている状態だから出来ないと断ったが、彼女にして欲しいと言い張って、私の云う事など聞く耳を持たない状態でした。
82) 彼女の家庭環境は、数年前に父親が薬物の影響から癌を患い他界していた。
83) 同胞の結婚相手として紹介するには正直なところ気後れがする状況です。
84) 彼女の出した結論は、家族の借金清算、事務所との契約処理、母親の承諾を私が取ることを条件に、呆気ないほど簡単に結婚の承諾を得る事が出来たのです。
85) 母親との話し合いも精神的には辛いものがありました。
冷や汗をかきながら聞き出した借財のあらましは、他界したご主人の入院費と葬儀代、市庁への借地権代など、合計では四十五万ペソ ( 当時のレートで百万円 ) くらいにだった。
86) 結婚に付いては本人の意思を尊重するとの回答を貰う。
87) その日の内に永谷氏へ連絡を取ると、直ぐにでも一緒に生活を始めたいと言い出した。先ず結婚条件処理を実行する事を諭したけれど、いま冷静に当時の成り行きを思い浮かべてみると、果たして何処まで守られたのか信頼性に欠けます。
Trump of the fraud
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
76) It was April, 2005.
"I pay the debt of the woman. Because money of 2 million and 3 million prepares anytime, I engage a woman."
When a woman is not in the side, it is not settled down to uneasiness. I am troubled by insomnia and am the disposal not to be able to readily get up in the morning every night. The willpower to go out for golf does not spring out.
In this situation a cry of the poignancy was finished from Nagaya when I might die soon.
77) I might understand it if I thought about his circumstances. The painful thing was good and was able to understand that the old man who I did not have work, and did not understand the language either lived alone.
I think that I felt sympathy and pity for him wherever of the heart in conclusion.
I smiled wryly to oneself who put a face of some talents and Nagaya on top of one another when I noticed.
However, I do not go to the reason to say that please comes from the right to the left when it becomes the marriage.
78) I brightened eyes in those days when I spoke Nagaya in Annalyn of the talent who helped with work when the majority of talents expected the marriage with the Japanese.
I pushed the large seal if I had you handle a debt and the contract of the family when nothing had any problem.
When you asked whether you were the same from mischievous urge, I had a smile in the whole face and sounded a finger.
79) A nature was good, and there were few debts and chose Miss Laila which did not have a personal manager while getting cooperation of Annalyn.
As for the negotiations with her, Annalyn took the trouble of the intermediation, and a marriage meeting of Nagaya and Ms.Laila was performed by our co-starring a few days later, but this plan has been over for failure wonderfully.
80) When what I heard as a sequel settled the debt and bought the house, I approached by relations on the day of the marriage meeting and seemed to accord by staying out by the telephone offensive in morning and evening.
Before obtaining an official answer from a female worker for Ms. Laila; because "do not come out even if that woman provokes it, is no use". A new request arrived from Nagaya when I made the woman who was same as at the time of marriage meeting.
81) Annalyn had the work of the office and declined it because a visa from Japan was in condition to wait when it was not possible, but I insisted on it when I wanted her to do it and was in condition not to have the ears to hear such as my saying.
When I thought and looked, I worried about a mental condition of Nagatani in a serious thing purely at this time even if I wanted a woman and just thought that I did not help it somehow.
82) Father suffered from a cancer from the influence of the drug several years ago, and her home environment died.
I died at a hospital, but there was the process that I helped you, and was able to finish a funeral service without hospital charges were delayed, and being able to move the corpse.
The older sister has a baby without father, and the younger brother was a junior high student, but the little younger brother is in condition not to go to the school for an intelligence disorder.
Because the younger sister of the youngest child was around 5 years old, for the income of mother who did not have a main occupation, it would not be at all an easy living.
83) To be frank, it is the situation that diffidence makes to introduce it as a marriage partner of the countrymen.
At first I checked intention of the person himself and decided it with a state after I regarded the loans of the office as the thing of the family for a few days and talked without hiding circumstances and a demand of Nagaya from her.
Though it is oneself, and there is not it, a cardiac sound sounds intensely. I think that a mysterious chance lasted around five minutes.
84) The conclusion that she gave was able to easily get consent of the marriage with the proviso that I took the debt settlement of the family, the contract processing with the office, the consent of mother so as to be disappointing.
The words that I thrust her mouth next, and were given were money of contract processing and debts of the offices.
Was promised to settle it, but Nagaya was able to untie all her strain by having told that should be satisfied for around 1 million yen; looked.
85) The talks with mother had a hot thing mentally.
So that the summary of the debt that I got while breaking out in a cold sweat drank 450,000 pesos (at a rate 1 million yen) with hospital charges and funeral service charges of the master who died, the total including lease charges to the city hall.
When these debts told that Nagaya handled it, I was able to realize that feeling of strain fell out from an expression of mother.
86) I get an answer that I respect intention of the person himself when I am assigned to marriage.
At this point, I did not feel the sense of incongruity especially, but some think of the point hard to swallow if I think now.
The marriage consent condition that I reminded a pro-daughter of was not to bind the relations of the man and woman together until I finished adhering rigidly to the going of the visa wait state in Japan and settlement processing of Nagaya.
87) I said that I wanted to begin life together immediately when I contacted Nagaya on the day.
At first reliability can lack in where I was protected as expected to though I persuaded that I carry out marriage condition processing when I remember the then course calmly now.
I feel like having seemed to be water, the day after the fair to a hot stone. Between the people who starved was used, and would meet a lot.
『三流の詐欺師 / Third-rate fraud No.8』
『誰が知る 貧しさゆえの 苦しみを 胸に刻んだ 今宵の宴』
偽善が生んだもの / The thing which hypocrisy produced
64) 2003年に米国の人権擁護に関する小委員会 ( 公聴会 ) は、フィリピン芸能人の日本における活動が、人権擁護および人身売買の原則に抵触すると烙印を押した。
65) 国連の専門家たちが幾ら理想の理念を謳い上げても、それはあくまでも現実にそぐわない、偽善的な論理に過ぎないだろう。
66) これが事実上の芸能人ビザ廃止の引き金となった訳だが、偉い人達が言われる通りなのだろうか、本当にこれで良いと考えておられるのでしょうか!
67) 今この場に至り、当事者だった者として断言できるのは、我々両国のリーガルな立場の人間は、国連で取沙汰される人権迫害や人身売買の様に、手荒な行為には一切手を染めなかったと、声を大にして叫ぶ事です。
68) この美し過ぎる偽善こそが人間の尊厳を脅かす元凶であると思えてなりません。
69) また、彼女達を取り扱う窓口は、フィリピン政府認可法人であり、最終的には両国政府の采配で、一回の興行は六カ月以内と制限されております。
70) フィリピン芸能人ビザが事実上廃止され、偉い外国人の提唱する論理で日本は健全化されたのでしょうか。
71) 芸能人ビザ廃止によるフィリピン国内の弊害は、二十万人とも云われたタレント達が職を失い、その十倍強の親族が苦しい生活を余儀なくされた。
72) そして、巷では連絡が途絶えた恋人や婚約者や連れ合いを探す日本人男性が増え、父親に置き去られた混血児の憐れな姿が目に付く様になった。
73) 日本とフィリピン芸能人の交わりは、1948年頃米軍統治下の日本へリンボーさんと云う歌手が、米軍将校の慰問に見えたのが元祖と云われます。
74) 日本での夢も夢のまた夢になり果てたのです。
75) 芸能人ビザが廃止になり7年が過ぎた今、小さな慈善団体設立の準備を始めました。
The thing which hypocrisy produced
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
64) When activity in Japan of the Philippine entertainer conflicted with a principle of the protection of human rights and the flesh trade in the subcommittee (public hearing) about the protection of human rights of the United States in 2003, I pushed the brand.
However, this is a too simplistic behavior and thinks that I deny guaranteed occupation freedom of choice, and the act and technique persecute the human being anyone.
65) Even if I declare a no matter how ideal idea, and experts of the United Nations put it up, it will be only the hypocritical logic unsuitable practically to the last.
Will not it be a top priority problem to save poor women who assume prostitution bread in Central Asia border zone if controversial?
Most of them hear that it is sold to the brothel by economic distress, and women of the friend are invaded by a heavy venereal disease and are told if there are a lot of people cut off life every day.
I want it saves such a reality to shade with pure idealism and to empty it.
I correct a talk. If the Japanese side that purchased a false singer and dance girl was bad, a great Director General of the Labor Relations Division did it until an avowal about a Philippine entertainer.
66) This is the reason that triggered the virtual entertainer visa abolition, but will it be thought that this is really enough whether it will be just what great people are said?
Then Prime Minister Koizumi would stand the face to President Bush of the companion.
Even if I hurl defiance at a government official partner in Japanese ministries and government offices, and I follow pride, and the Philippine Secretary of Labor lowered the heartily gratification, there will not be the reason the life of the own nation changed to the situation severe how, or to know.
67) To this place, it is to cry loud now that I can assert as the person who was the person concerned when the human being of the situation that is Regal of we two countries did not dye a hand for a rough act like human rights persecution and the human traffic that there are rumors about in the United Nations.
The Director General is said to be a false entertainer, but they are people who they repeat determined training, and passed an examination of the government.
68) I think that this too beautiful hypocrisy is a ringleader threatening human dignity and do not become.
It is what I establish the talent training in this ground and understood, but majority of daughters applying for a talent come to the pro-brother kith and kin it is accompanied, and to receive an oral examination.
It never occurs that a fierce older brother takes you by force.
69) In addition, the teller treating them is Philippine government authorization corporation, and one performance is finally limited by command of the two countries government with less than six months.
The great people who do not know any actual situation are seduced to surround it and brandish an ideal idea, and that is going to fit logic unsuitable practically in imposition, one's result by force cannot but say with nonsense.
70) A Philippine entertainer visa was abolished virtually, and would Japan be made by the theory that a great foreigner proposed soundly?
As for such a thing, it never occurs. I would be stained surely than before.
The bogus marriage visa that the government did not extend to the thought either suddenly strides, and the complicated crimes with it occur frequently and hear it when they founded it to a marriage visa investigation room.
It is a well-known fact to have lengthened a power by the organized prostitution activity of a Korean woman calling for a topic in a net flourishingly newly.
The Philippine entertainer whom we participated in did not revolve by prostitution performance. It was the act action in the law range of the two countries and violated no law to the last.
If the prostitution act of the Korean woman is permitted and says that entertainment activity of the Filipina violates humanity, both the Japanese Government and the U.S. Government can be going to be purchased to the United Nations by Korea.
I may understand that these are never imaginations when I search an American politician and an officer of the United Nations making noise in humanity and human rights to understand even the matter of the charity dame monument.
71) Talents who were said to be 200,000 people lost a job, and a relative of the little over 10 times was forced to painful life by the evil of Philippines by the entertainer visa abolition.
In addition, in the Japanese nightclub which there was in the downtown of Manila more than 500 houses, it was changed its wardrobe all by the Korea club.
Though the performance fee of the talent was an average of 150,000 yen in Japan, appearance turned into Korea for 35,000 yen uniformly.
This reality will be human rights relief advocated by the United Nations and the U.S. Government or I do not think at all like that and am not an intelligible thing.
72) And Japanese men in search of a lover and a fiance and the husband that communication was cut off increased in the public, and the poor figure of the child of mixed racial origins who I put it to father, and was left for came to stand out.
While great experts brandish humanity or the flag of human rights, and even this presents too beautiful idealism, I open a world map without learning lesson and will look for a hypocritical almsgiving point.
73) As for Japan and the acquaintance of the Philippine entertainer, it is said to be an ancestor in about 1948 that the singer who says a limbo to Japan under the United States Armed Forces rule was seen for the consolation of the United States Armed Forces officer.
When the cultural exchange of the two countries proud of this long history followed these progress and borrowed words of Prince Hideyoshi Toyotomi, the dream of the Filipina was over in a dream within a dream.
74) The dream in Japan was reduced to a dream within a dream, too.
I think that I became extinct with highlighting much absurdity and contradiction by poor unnecessary interference in the reality of a few irresponsible hypocritical idealists who can accomplish neither no charity nor the responsibility directly.
I achieved great contribution in bringing up a new criminal, but the dream of really poor girls has trod it mercilessly.
75) Now that an entertainer visa was abolished, and seven years passed, I began preparations for small charity organization establishment.
I want to hold out a hand to a child of mixed racial origins whom a countryman left and man and woman expecting a regular marriage.
Because I report it as soon as I can acquire permission of the Philippine government, please support the gnarl by all means.
偽善が生んだもの / The thing which hypocrisy produced
64) 2003年に米国の人権擁護に関する小委員会 ( 公聴会 ) は、フィリピン芸能人の日本における活動が、人権擁護および人身売買の原則に抵触すると烙印を押した。
65) 国連の専門家たちが幾ら理想の理念を謳い上げても、それはあくまでも現実にそぐわない、偽善的な論理に過ぎないだろう。
66) これが事実上の芸能人ビザ廃止の引き金となった訳だが、偉い人達が言われる通りなのだろうか、本当にこれで良いと考えておられるのでしょうか!
67) 今この場に至り、当事者だった者として断言できるのは、我々両国のリーガルな立場の人間は、国連で取沙汰される人権迫害や人身売買の様に、手荒な行為には一切手を染めなかったと、声を大にして叫ぶ事です。
68) この美し過ぎる偽善こそが人間の尊厳を脅かす元凶であると思えてなりません。
69) また、彼女達を取り扱う窓口は、フィリピン政府認可法人であり、最終的には両国政府の采配で、一回の興行は六カ月以内と制限されております。
70) フィリピン芸能人ビザが事実上廃止され、偉い外国人の提唱する論理で日本は健全化されたのでしょうか。
71) 芸能人ビザ廃止によるフィリピン国内の弊害は、二十万人とも云われたタレント達が職を失い、その十倍強の親族が苦しい生活を余儀なくされた。
72) そして、巷では連絡が途絶えた恋人や婚約者や連れ合いを探す日本人男性が増え、父親に置き去られた混血児の憐れな姿が目に付く様になった。
73) 日本とフィリピン芸能人の交わりは、1948年頃米軍統治下の日本へリンボーさんと云う歌手が、米軍将校の慰問に見えたのが元祖と云われます。
74) 日本での夢も夢のまた夢になり果てたのです。
75) 芸能人ビザが廃止になり7年が過ぎた今、小さな慈善団体設立の準備を始めました。
The thing which hypocrisy produced
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
64) When activity in Japan of the Philippine entertainer conflicted with a principle of the protection of human rights and the flesh trade in the subcommittee (public hearing) about the protection of human rights of the United States in 2003, I pushed the brand.
However, this is a too simplistic behavior and thinks that I deny guaranteed occupation freedom of choice, and the act and technique persecute the human being anyone.
65) Even if I declare a no matter how ideal idea, and experts of the United Nations put it up, it will be only the hypocritical logic unsuitable practically to the last.
Will not it be a top priority problem to save poor women who assume prostitution bread in Central Asia border zone if controversial?
Most of them hear that it is sold to the brothel by economic distress, and women of the friend are invaded by a heavy venereal disease and are told if there are a lot of people cut off life every day.
I want it saves such a reality to shade with pure idealism and to empty it.
I correct a talk. If the Japanese side that purchased a false singer and dance girl was bad, a great Director General of the Labor Relations Division did it until an avowal about a Philippine entertainer.
66) This is the reason that triggered the virtual entertainer visa abolition, but will it be thought that this is really enough whether it will be just what great people are said?
Then Prime Minister Koizumi would stand the face to President Bush of the companion.
Even if I hurl defiance at a government official partner in Japanese ministries and government offices, and I follow pride, and the Philippine Secretary of Labor lowered the heartily gratification, there will not be the reason the life of the own nation changed to the situation severe how, or to know.
67) To this place, it is to cry loud now that I can assert as the person who was the person concerned when the human being of the situation that is Regal of we two countries did not dye a hand for a rough act like human rights persecution and the human traffic that there are rumors about in the United Nations.
The Director General is said to be a false entertainer, but they are people who they repeat determined training, and passed an examination of the government.
68) I think that this too beautiful hypocrisy is a ringleader threatening human dignity and do not become.
It is what I establish the talent training in this ground and understood, but majority of daughters applying for a talent come to the pro-brother kith and kin it is accompanied, and to receive an oral examination.
It never occurs that a fierce older brother takes you by force.
69) In addition, the teller treating them is Philippine government authorization corporation, and one performance is finally limited by command of the two countries government with less than six months.
The great people who do not know any actual situation are seduced to surround it and brandish an ideal idea, and that is going to fit logic unsuitable practically in imposition, one's result by force cannot but say with nonsense.
70) A Philippine entertainer visa was abolished virtually, and would Japan be made by the theory that a great foreigner proposed soundly?
As for such a thing, it never occurs. I would be stained surely than before.
The bogus marriage visa that the government did not extend to the thought either suddenly strides, and the complicated crimes with it occur frequently and hear it when they founded it to a marriage visa investigation room.
It is a well-known fact to have lengthened a power by the organized prostitution activity of a Korean woman calling for a topic in a net flourishingly newly.
The Philippine entertainer whom we participated in did not revolve by prostitution performance. It was the act action in the law range of the two countries and violated no law to the last.
If the prostitution act of the Korean woman is permitted and says that entertainment activity of the Filipina violates humanity, both the Japanese Government and the U.S. Government can be going to be purchased to the United Nations by Korea.
I may understand that these are never imaginations when I search an American politician and an officer of the United Nations making noise in humanity and human rights to understand even the matter of the charity dame monument.
71) Talents who were said to be 200,000 people lost a job, and a relative of the little over 10 times was forced to painful life by the evil of Philippines by the entertainer visa abolition.
In addition, in the Japanese nightclub which there was in the downtown of Manila more than 500 houses, it was changed its wardrobe all by the Korea club.
Though the performance fee of the talent was an average of 150,000 yen in Japan, appearance turned into Korea for 35,000 yen uniformly.
This reality will be human rights relief advocated by the United Nations and the U.S. Government or I do not think at all like that and am not an intelligible thing.
72) And Japanese men in search of a lover and a fiance and the husband that communication was cut off increased in the public, and the poor figure of the child of mixed racial origins who I put it to father, and was left for came to stand out.
While great experts brandish humanity or the flag of human rights, and even this presents too beautiful idealism, I open a world map without learning lesson and will look for a hypocritical almsgiving point.
73) As for Japan and the acquaintance of the Philippine entertainer, it is said to be an ancestor in about 1948 that the singer who says a limbo to Japan under the United States Armed Forces rule was seen for the consolation of the United States Armed Forces officer.
When the cultural exchange of the two countries proud of this long history followed these progress and borrowed words of Prince Hideyoshi Toyotomi, the dream of the Filipina was over in a dream within a dream.
74) The dream in Japan was reduced to a dream within a dream, too.
I think that I became extinct with highlighting much absurdity and contradiction by poor unnecessary interference in the reality of a few irresponsible hypocritical idealists who can accomplish neither no charity nor the responsibility directly.
I achieved great contribution in bringing up a new criminal, but the dream of really poor girls has trod it mercilessly.
75) Now that an entertainer visa was abolished, and seven years passed, I began preparations for small charity organization establishment.
I want to hold out a hand to a child of mixed racial origins whom a countryman left and man and woman expecting a regular marriage.
Because I report it as soon as I can acquire permission of the Philippine government, please support the gnarl by all means.
『三流の詐欺師 / Third-rate fraud No.7』
『夢多き 蝶を求めて 千鳥足 今宵も舞うか 桃源郷で』
男と女の思惑 / Expectations of the man and woman
53) 日本で興業活動が始まっても、借金を返すのが嫌で逃げる娘、男の甘い言葉に乱れ舞う女、男を躍らせる強者、妊娠が発覚し途中帰国する少女、唆し唆され客と駆け落ちする娘、国へ残して来た子供や旦那に会いたい一心から、金だけ取って帰国しようと契約違反を申し立て、入管や比国大使館へ駆けみむ馬鹿女達が後を絶たなかった。
54) こうした悪質な行為は、大半がタレントの気を引こうとする、お客さんの浅知恵から始まり、既に日本で結婚している少女たちの、姉妹や縁者の旦那 (日本人) が間違いなく裏で糸を引いております。
55) お客さん達も自分の選んだ相方が、多くの付帯条件を背負っている事を承知で、実益だけを追い求めて血眼になる。
56) 突然、相方が本命の愛と姿を晦ましても、眼を吊り上げ右往左往するだけの、信じ難い光景が後を断たなかった。
57) 冷静に考えれば解ることですが、フィリピンに限らず若い女性が何を好んで、年齢が一回りも二回りも違う日本人男性と、深い関係を持ったり結婚を考えたりすると思われますか?
58) そこには双方にお互い様の、そうせざるを得ない事情が存在するからに他なりません。
59) その老年紳士は遠くを見つめながら呟きました。
60) 八百万円を持ち逃げされた店の社長が、二人を追いかけフィリピンへこられた時、マニラのホテルでお叱りを蒙った折りに聞かされた話です。
61) 日本へ渡って一獲千金を夢見る少女たち、彼女達を芸能人に仕立てる業者や日本で待ち受ける者、仲介するプロモーターや出演先のお客さん達など、総ての人達が両国政府との約束を守る気持は、間違いなく希薄だったとしか表現の仕様が思いつかない。
62) 取り扱われる彼女達にして見たら、タレント資格を得るずっと以前から、ブライドよりもモラルよりも、何よりも空腹を満たすことが最優先課題であっただろう。
63) 所詮は他所の国での夢物語と割り切って、少々胸が痛んだとしてもじっと目を閉じ、口を塞ぎ、耳を閉ざし、実入りの多い楽な懐へと身も心も侍らせた。
Expectations of the man and woman
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
53) Even if encouragement of new industry activity began in Japan, I stated a breach of contract I hated that I paid a debt, and I took only the money from one heart that wanted to see a child and the master whom I left for the woman who I was confused, and danced, the strong man who let a man jump, the girl who the pregnancy was found out, and went back on the way, a daughter, the country which I seduced you and was seduced and ran it with a visitor, and failed, and to go back to the daughter who escaped, the sweet words of the man, and there was no end to fool women who made a direct appeal to an Immigration Bureau and a ratio country embassy.
54) Such a vicious act begins with the lack of deep consideration of the visitor that most are going to draw attention of the talent and the master (Japanese) of sisters and the relative of girls who are already married in Japan must be it and pulls a thread in the back.
Because the fugitive of 7,000 a year appeared for the Koizumi Administration era, I think that the Japanese Government took the countermeasure I am unbearable, and to limit Philippines entertainer visa strictly in the name of Commission on Human Rights.
55) Visitors pursue only the actual profit by agreement in the woman of one's partner whom I chose assuming many incidental conditions and become frantic.
The inward passionate techniques completely makes me dizzy and gets nervous.
I bluff it in the aim that became rich without knowing whether you know the spider line which was set up around several folds and develop large size behavior day after day in every night.
It was right pink sigh itself of the man and woman.
56) Even if the woman of the partner disappeared with the love of the favorite suddenly, there was not the back no from the unbelievable scene which I lifted eyes, and only ran about in utter confusion.
My office has experience stormed into time and time again by a visitor.
However, there was never that it was let a source go through when I wanted you to cooperate because you married. It is mean reality.
57) It is to understand it if I think calmly, but a young woman likes what not only the Philippines, and is it thought that age has deep relations with the Japanese man who is one size different in walking twice and thinks about marriage?
I like what, and will the standard of living that the culture varies in the different culture choose the woman whom there is too much difference as a marriage partner even if I make a countryman man?
58) This is because there are both circumstances that I cannot but do so in both sides there. I trained the talent approximately 150 and sent me to Japan.
It is once throughout the life that received greetings from a visitor while approximately 30 people become pregnant during term of a contract and escape and marry and are missing.
59) The old age gentleman muttered while staring at the distance.
I laughed when I gave you large sum of money because I loved you seriously. Unfortunately I let I seduced a manager of appearance ahead without letting you become vacant and take proceeds 8 million yen and disappeared with two when the companion was given the house of an excellent single-family house in the Philippines.
80% of the woman who was a talent will be only such a thing and the person who I avoid paying a debt, and I am the same as a moonlight flit, and marry.
60) When I run after two people, and the president of a shop stolen 8 million yen was able to come to the Philippines, it is the story that was told to break it that suffered a ticking off in a hotel of Manila.Oneself who cannot stick out its chest somewhere of the heart exists now where you caught the business that you lived by seriously to when you looked back on those days calmly whether even this was really an international contribution.
61) When girls who I go over to Japan, and dream of getting rich quick, a person to wait for in supplier and Japan preparing them to an entertainer, all people including a promoter and visitors of appearance ahead mediating it must be the feeling to protect a promise with the two countries government and were thin, specifications of the expression hit.
Money flew so much, and a dream danced a dance so as to be sad.
62) When I made them who were treated and looked, it would be the problem that it had top priority much more to meet hunger than a bride above all than morals from the past to take the talent qualification.
Because it would be a main purpose to save a family from poverty such as the hell by one's work as soon as possible, the rules and the promise and the pride should have been nexts of the next next.
63) Even if I was practical with the dreamlike story in other country, and a chest ached a little, I closed still my eyes and blocked up the mouth and shut an ear, and the comfortable place where there were many incomes was able to let heart and soul serve after all.
When I took it to them, it should have been quite the action in front of the area.
The visitor regarded the actual situation of such a girl as a good opportunity and was absorbed in the gap of the heart too much.
However, actually, I cannot yet know how many people the countryman whom I find a too sad falsehood to hide behind in the backside of a beautiful smile to be left of the childishness and understand it and permit it and brought up existed..
男と女の思惑 / Expectations of the man and woman
53) 日本で興業活動が始まっても、借金を返すのが嫌で逃げる娘、男の甘い言葉に乱れ舞う女、男を躍らせる強者、妊娠が発覚し途中帰国する少女、唆し唆され客と駆け落ちする娘、国へ残して来た子供や旦那に会いたい一心から、金だけ取って帰国しようと契約違反を申し立て、入管や比国大使館へ駆けみむ馬鹿女達が後を絶たなかった。
54) こうした悪質な行為は、大半がタレントの気を引こうとする、お客さんの浅知恵から始まり、既に日本で結婚している少女たちの、姉妹や縁者の旦那 (日本人) が間違いなく裏で糸を引いております。
55) お客さん達も自分の選んだ相方が、多くの付帯条件を背負っている事を承知で、実益だけを追い求めて血眼になる。
56) 突然、相方が本命の愛と姿を晦ましても、眼を吊り上げ右往左往するだけの、信じ難い光景が後を断たなかった。
57) 冷静に考えれば解ることですが、フィリピンに限らず若い女性が何を好んで、年齢が一回りも二回りも違う日本人男性と、深い関係を持ったり結婚を考えたりすると思われますか?
58) そこには双方にお互い様の、そうせざるを得ない事情が存在するからに他なりません。
59) その老年紳士は遠くを見つめながら呟きました。
60) 八百万円を持ち逃げされた店の社長が、二人を追いかけフィリピンへこられた時、マニラのホテルでお叱りを蒙った折りに聞かされた話です。
61) 日本へ渡って一獲千金を夢見る少女たち、彼女達を芸能人に仕立てる業者や日本で待ち受ける者、仲介するプロモーターや出演先のお客さん達など、総ての人達が両国政府との約束を守る気持は、間違いなく希薄だったとしか表現の仕様が思いつかない。
62) 取り扱われる彼女達にして見たら、タレント資格を得るずっと以前から、ブライドよりもモラルよりも、何よりも空腹を満たすことが最優先課題であっただろう。
63) 所詮は他所の国での夢物語と割り切って、少々胸が痛んだとしてもじっと目を閉じ、口を塞ぎ、耳を閉ざし、実入りの多い楽な懐へと身も心も侍らせた。
Expectations of the man and woman
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
53) Even if encouragement of new industry activity began in Japan, I stated a breach of contract I hated that I paid a debt, and I took only the money from one heart that wanted to see a child and the master whom I left for the woman who I was confused, and danced, the strong man who let a man jump, the girl who the pregnancy was found out, and went back on the way, a daughter, the country which I seduced you and was seduced and ran it with a visitor, and failed, and to go back to the daughter who escaped, the sweet words of the man, and there was no end to fool women who made a direct appeal to an Immigration Bureau and a ratio country embassy.
54) Such a vicious act begins with the lack of deep consideration of the visitor that most are going to draw attention of the talent and the master (Japanese) of sisters and the relative of girls who are already married in Japan must be it and pulls a thread in the back.
Because the fugitive of 7,000 a year appeared for the Koizumi Administration era, I think that the Japanese Government took the countermeasure I am unbearable, and to limit Philippines entertainer visa strictly in the name of Commission on Human Rights.
55) Visitors pursue only the actual profit by agreement in the woman of one's partner whom I chose assuming many incidental conditions and become frantic.
The inward passionate techniques completely makes me dizzy and gets nervous.
I bluff it in the aim that became rich without knowing whether you know the spider line which was set up around several folds and develop large size behavior day after day in every night.
It was right pink sigh itself of the man and woman.
56) Even if the woman of the partner disappeared with the love of the favorite suddenly, there was not the back no from the unbelievable scene which I lifted eyes, and only ran about in utter confusion.
My office has experience stormed into time and time again by a visitor.
However, there was never that it was let a source go through when I wanted you to cooperate because you married. It is mean reality.
57) It is to understand it if I think calmly, but a young woman likes what not only the Philippines, and is it thought that age has deep relations with the Japanese man who is one size different in walking twice and thinks about marriage?
I like what, and will the standard of living that the culture varies in the different culture choose the woman whom there is too much difference as a marriage partner even if I make a countryman man?
58) This is because there are both circumstances that I cannot but do so in both sides there. I trained the talent approximately 150 and sent me to Japan.
It is once throughout the life that received greetings from a visitor while approximately 30 people become pregnant during term of a contract and escape and marry and are missing.
59) The old age gentleman muttered while staring at the distance.
I laughed when I gave you large sum of money because I loved you seriously. Unfortunately I let I seduced a manager of appearance ahead without letting you become vacant and take proceeds 8 million yen and disappeared with two when the companion was given the house of an excellent single-family house in the Philippines.
80% of the woman who was a talent will be only such a thing and the person who I avoid paying a debt, and I am the same as a moonlight flit, and marry.
60) When I run after two people, and the president of a shop stolen 8 million yen was able to come to the Philippines, it is the story that was told to break it that suffered a ticking off in a hotel of Manila.Oneself who cannot stick out its chest somewhere of the heart exists now where you caught the business that you lived by seriously to when you looked back on those days calmly whether even this was really an international contribution.
61) When girls who I go over to Japan, and dream of getting rich quick, a person to wait for in supplier and Japan preparing them to an entertainer, all people including a promoter and visitors of appearance ahead mediating it must be the feeling to protect a promise with the two countries government and were thin, specifications of the expression hit.
Money flew so much, and a dream danced a dance so as to be sad.
62) When I made them who were treated and looked, it would be the problem that it had top priority much more to meet hunger than a bride above all than morals from the past to take the talent qualification.
Because it would be a main purpose to save a family from poverty such as the hell by one's work as soon as possible, the rules and the promise and the pride should have been nexts of the next next.
63) Even if I was practical with the dreamlike story in other country, and a chest ached a little, I closed still my eyes and blocked up the mouth and shut an ear, and the comfortable place where there were many incomes was able to let heart and soul serve after all.
When I took it to them, it should have been quite the action in front of the area.
The visitor regarded the actual situation of such a girl as a good opportunity and was absorbed in the gap of the heart too much.
However, actually, I cannot yet know how many people the countryman whom I find a too sad falsehood to hide behind in the backside of a beautiful smile to be left of the childishness and understand it and permit it and brought up existed..
『三流の詐欺師 / Third-rate fraud No.6』
『貧しさに 夢膨らませ 背伸びする 流れる雲に 明日を託して』
皆が貧しかった / Everybody was poor
44) この国では彼女達のことを関係者までがJAPAYUKIと称し、日本でも彼女達を〝 なんだ、フィリピンのタレントか? 〞と隠語で呼ぶ人が多かった。
45) 否、経験者の他にはとても理解できない筈です。
46) 細かく説明いたします。
タレント養成で最初に出て行く必要経費は、彼女達が自宅からプロモーションへ、面接にやって来る時の往復交通費 ( 同伴者を含み、不採用でも支払う )です。これが馬鹿にならない。
47) 採用すると大半の少女達は、その日からプロモーションの寮に住み込むのです。
48) 並行して、住民票、卒業証明書、就学成績表、クリスチャン証明書、健康診断書が必要となりますが、七割の娘たちが手元に重要書類を保管していない。
49) その間に訓練が始まり、歌手の場合は歌唱レッスン代、( カセット・テープ代、カラオケ・テープ代、マイクロホン代など )、踊子の場合は舞踏レッスン代、( レッスン曲テープ代、タイツとシューズ代 )が掛かります。
50) 真面目に頑張った娘でも六か月、平均では一年間の時間と動力とお金を掛けて、資格試験を受ける準備が整う訳です。
51) 訓練を開始してから日本へ出国するまでに、どんなに優秀な娘でも一年間は無収入の状態になります。
52) ですから途中で逃げたり、妊娠したり、少しでも手数料の安い話に惑わされ、借金を平気で踏み倒し引き抜かれて行く。
Everybody was poor
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
44) There were many people who called them by whether it was a Philippine talent secret language the person concerned in them in Japan under the pretense of JAPAYUKI in this country.
I surely needed patience as it was unbelievable and time and an expense to train the talent even if there was the incorrigible part even if looked down.
I may not understand their actual situation at all only by having bitten some these countries.
45) It may be hardly understood other than no, an experienced person.
It will be some kind of mistakes from the day when I founded a talent training school. There is not such a reason. It is not counted whether it is the thing which did dozens of times of such whether I may be stupid and stand clenching very much now.
I was not able to understand all for our common sense and should have said an event of another world False with one can be false with two.
However, it was not quite possible to find a sense to say if ashamed from the behavior about a commonplace at all when it took you as them.
46) I explain it finely.
The cost to leave is coming and going transportation expenses when they do it for an interview from the home to promotion by the talent training first (I include a companion and pay even non-adoption). This is never negligible.
As for six people, I brought five families when I became a terrible daughter and was to an insensitive woman to bring to a child and a man.
47) You must pay room rent to live from the day when I adopt it, meal charges, the water expenses for lighting and fuel, life article charges, sanitary protection charges, return transportation expenses of the weekend.
In the case of a poor family, the person himself suggested the cost of living of the family at this point in time, and it was not unusual at all for mother to propose money borrowed in advance routinely.
It is the true sad story such as the lie.
48) A resident's card, a certificate, an attendance at school report card, a Christian certificate, a medical examination report are necessary in parallel, but daughters of 70% do not keep it at hand.
In addition, a registration of a birth ground is unidentified and may not submit the registration of a birth and needs four months before all are prepared, and pay and transportation expenses and the meal charges of people moving each time disappear almost every day.
49) Meanwhile, training begins and, in the case of a singer, in the case of song lesson charges, (including cassette tape charges, karaoke tape charges, microphone charges), a dance girl, takes dance lesson charges, (lesson music tape charges, tights and shoes charges).
Because an office paid all expenses, cash disappeared like water.
50) Even the daughter who did her best seriously hangs time of one year and power and money for six months on the average and is ready reason to receive a qualifying examination.
An average of four times of one faced an examination to pass this qualifying examination, but of course the person who became unacceptable put on 30% even if I took an entrance examination for it how many times.
There is no end to a daughter missing on the way and the daughters becoming pregnant.
51) Even how excellent daughter is the state of no income for one year before she leaves the country to Japan after starting training.
350,000 yen did not fall at least when I added up debts such as the disease medical bill of the child, the cost of living of the family and might reach 1 million yen when it was not so.
It is to think nothing at all of this reality that they are great. I do not think money to be money and do not think unless it is money to disappear from one's wallet even if it is a debt.
Therefore I train a parent to be a sick person unconcernedly and repeat a debt and avoid paying it. There was often what a parent took part in.
52) Therefore I escape on the way and become pregnant and am pulled up unconcernedly to the cheap place of the fee.
Because evaded one was the reason why large sum of money disappeared, it was made a fuss, and trouble did not die out all the time.
In addition, the, ascertaining it was one of the serious trouble because the daughter who went to the promotion for the purpose of satisfying hunger was considerably in them.
Philippine girls who appeared to a Japanese nightclub pass through such a process and acquire an entertainer license and are reason permitted an entry visa by the Japanese Government.
皆が貧しかった / Everybody was poor
44) この国では彼女達のことを関係者までがJAPAYUKIと称し、日本でも彼女達を〝 なんだ、フィリピンのタレントか? 〞と隠語で呼ぶ人が多かった。
45) 否、経験者の他にはとても理解できない筈です。
46) 細かく説明いたします。
タレント養成で最初に出て行く必要経費は、彼女達が自宅からプロモーションへ、面接にやって来る時の往復交通費 ( 同伴者を含み、不採用でも支払う )です。これが馬鹿にならない。
47) 採用すると大半の少女達は、その日からプロモーションの寮に住み込むのです。
48) 並行して、住民票、卒業証明書、就学成績表、クリスチャン証明書、健康診断書が必要となりますが、七割の娘たちが手元に重要書類を保管していない。
49) その間に訓練が始まり、歌手の場合は歌唱レッスン代、( カセット・テープ代、カラオケ・テープ代、マイクロホン代など )、踊子の場合は舞踏レッスン代、( レッスン曲テープ代、タイツとシューズ代 )が掛かります。
50) 真面目に頑張った娘でも六か月、平均では一年間の時間と動力とお金を掛けて、資格試験を受ける準備が整う訳です。
51) 訓練を開始してから日本へ出国するまでに、どんなに優秀な娘でも一年間は無収入の状態になります。
52) ですから途中で逃げたり、妊娠したり、少しでも手数料の安い話に惑わされ、借金を平気で踏み倒し引き抜かれて行く。
Everybody was poor
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
44) There were many people who called them by whether it was a Philippine talent secret language the person concerned in them in Japan under the pretense of JAPAYUKI in this country.
I surely needed patience as it was unbelievable and time and an expense to train the talent even if there was the incorrigible part even if looked down.
I may not understand their actual situation at all only by having bitten some these countries.
45) It may be hardly understood other than no, an experienced person.
It will be some kind of mistakes from the day when I founded a talent training school. There is not such a reason. It is not counted whether it is the thing which did dozens of times of such whether I may be stupid and stand clenching very much now.
I was not able to understand all for our common sense and should have said an event of another world False with one can be false with two.
However, it was not quite possible to find a sense to say if ashamed from the behavior about a commonplace at all when it took you as them.
46) I explain it finely.
The cost to leave is coming and going transportation expenses when they do it for an interview from the home to promotion by the talent training first (I include a companion and pay even non-adoption). This is never negligible.
As for six people, I brought five families when I became a terrible daughter and was to an insensitive woman to bring to a child and a man.
47) You must pay room rent to live from the day when I adopt it, meal charges, the water expenses for lighting and fuel, life article charges, sanitary protection charges, return transportation expenses of the weekend.
In the case of a poor family, the person himself suggested the cost of living of the family at this point in time, and it was not unusual at all for mother to propose money borrowed in advance routinely.
It is the true sad story such as the lie.
48) A resident's card, a certificate, an attendance at school report card, a Christian certificate, a medical examination report are necessary in parallel, but daughters of 70% do not keep it at hand.
In addition, a registration of a birth ground is unidentified and may not submit the registration of a birth and needs four months before all are prepared, and pay and transportation expenses and the meal charges of people moving each time disappear almost every day.
49) Meanwhile, training begins and, in the case of a singer, in the case of song lesson charges, (including cassette tape charges, karaoke tape charges, microphone charges), a dance girl, takes dance lesson charges, (lesson music tape charges, tights and shoes charges).
Because an office paid all expenses, cash disappeared like water.
50) Even the daughter who did her best seriously hangs time of one year and power and money for six months on the average and is ready reason to receive a qualifying examination.
An average of four times of one faced an examination to pass this qualifying examination, but of course the person who became unacceptable put on 30% even if I took an entrance examination for it how many times.
There is no end to a daughter missing on the way and the daughters becoming pregnant.
51) Even how excellent daughter is the state of no income for one year before she leaves the country to Japan after starting training.
350,000 yen did not fall at least when I added up debts such as the disease medical bill of the child, the cost of living of the family and might reach 1 million yen when it was not so.
It is to think nothing at all of this reality that they are great. I do not think money to be money and do not think unless it is money to disappear from one's wallet even if it is a debt.
Therefore I train a parent to be a sick person unconcernedly and repeat a debt and avoid paying it. There was often what a parent took part in.
52) Therefore I escape on the way and become pregnant and am pulled up unconcernedly to the cheap place of the fee.
Because evaded one was the reason why large sum of money disappeared, it was made a fuss, and trouble did not die out all the time.
In addition, the, ascertaining it was one of the serious trouble because the daughter who went to the promotion for the purpose of satisfying hunger was considerably in them.
Philippine girls who appeared to a Japanese nightclub pass through such a process and acquire an entertainer license and are reason permitted an entry visa by the Japanese Government.
『三流の詐欺師 / Third-rate fraud No.5』
〖 あの夜に 流した滴 そら涙 騙した訳も 綿吹雪 〗
狙いはタレントだった / The aim was a talent
34) 新しい年を迎えた2005年1月9日、少女の一件以来音沙汰のなかった永谷氏から、『 離婚するので弁護士を紹介して欲しい 』 と電話が入りました。
35) 何故ならば、この国では知り合いだからと迂闊に物事を頼むと、後日途方もない手数料を要求される事が殆どだ。
36) 当社の顧問弁護士と通訳を紹介し、一月十五日に弁護士事務所で離婚調停が開かれました。
37) 結論として離婚の条件は、奥さんが三人の子供を引き取り、アパートの一階と二階の権利を保有し、三階は永谷氏の住居にする事で離婚は成立しました。
38) 2月になったある日の夕方、永谷氏が相談したい事があると事務所を訪れた。
39) 年齢が近いこともあったし、部分的には私の境遇と共通する点もあるからなのだが、悪い癖で泣が入るとからきし弱いのである。
40) 暫く経って我に返った。
「 間違いなく事務所に若い女性が大勢いる。然し、彼女達はフィリピン政府公認の芸能人であり、事務所が契約を結んでいる商売上の商品である。街角に屯する女性たちとは違う。また、家族には多額の借金があり、事務所にも契約や借金が残っているから、簡単に紹介はできない 」。
41) 食事の後で近くのバーへ誘われた。
42) その後、事務所のスタッフが呆れ返る程に、午後四時を過ぎると飲食とかゴルフへの誘いが繰り返されました。
43) タレントの借金とか内容などを根ほり歯ほり質問され辟易となりながら、個人差はあるが事務所と家族の借金を合わせれば、20万から50万ペソ位だろうと答えた。
The aim was a talent
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
34) On January 9, 2005 when I reached new age, a telephone entered at Nagatani whom there was not of the news since the affair of the girl when "I wanted you to introduce a lawyer because you were divorced".
Though I thought whether there was not the partner to talk about an important problem with, but on the other hand should have been hard to confide it because there was the matter of the girl, there was a feeling of strange relief when I was good and talked.
35) It is often found to be required a fee extraordinary later when it orders things carelessly in this country when it is an acquaintance.
It is rare that a story is unified, and it is curved, and a plot becomes the big rumor, and this is because there are many results to hold a new trouble.
Of the number felt apprehensive, but the implored weakness and enthusiast of the countryman became heavy, and guided you.
36) I introduced our legal adviser and interpreter, and divorce mediation was held in a law office on January 15.
When the flirtation could not follow abnormal sexual desire not once and twice, the story that Nagatani was giving an interview with a lawyer, and was told by a wife said.
For a thing and the money beyond the limit of the patience was suspicious and when was the disposal to lack the school expenses of the child, cried very much and was done.
I almost chimed in so that there was really it.
37) A wife left three children, and the condition of the divorce held a right of the first floor and the second floor of the apartment, and, in the third floor, the divorce was established in what I did in the house of Nagaya in conclusion.
His communication became frequent again and received golf or a meal or the invitation to a nightclub since there is this thing, but refrained from the acquaintance because I was busy.
38) When Nagaya might want to talk in the evening of one day when it was February, I visited the office.
I began to talk when I went to the restaurant nearby when I introduced a woman as soon as I sat down in my seat.
When the willpower that it is attacked by a feeling of weakness that it is not got up in the morning after parting from a wife in the place that he talked about without being able to sleep at night, and golfs does not spring out, I say.
Because I seemed to be completely out of order in a depression state, I suggested tears when I helped it.
39) Age might be near and my circumstances and common point are because there is it partially, but are awfully weak when implored in a bad habit.
When the talent of the ,〝 company was tools of trades 〞, the events such as woman problems told the attitude toward matter and golf play with the girl, the wife who parted were intense and sounded warning and were going to pull back the heart that seemed to be drawn me to.
40) It passed for a while and pulled myself together.
"There is certainly a lot of young women in the office. However, they are entertainers of the government official recognition in Philippines, and an office is a product in business making a contract. I am different from women hanging around a street corner. In addition, the introduction is not easily possible because I owe a family a large amount of money, and a contract and a debt are left in the office.〞
It is the conclusion that I told to Nagaya.
41) It was provoked after a meal to a bar nearby.
I began the exchange of the next woman and phone number before he who did not drink liquor seemed to love a woman awfully and passed enough about a seat.
Because a human being was the animal which I was apt to like it each, and the sense of values was influenced by a difference, occasional feelings, and lived, I was deeply impressed seriously when willful life would be permitted the human being like him.
42) The staff of the office was too amazed, and an invitation to eating and drinking or golf was repeated afterwards when it was past 4:00 p.m.
Finally, I was made to golf in a member course of Nagaya in Cavite City on both days of March 6 and April 8 without being able to finish declining it, and a woman occupied the center of the topic in cars for granted.
43) While I dug a root and dug a tooth and was asked about a debt or the contents of the talent, and it was with a flinch, there was the individual difference, but answered it that it would be around 500,000 pesos from 200,000 if I put an office and the debts of the family together.
When love repetition, the pregnancy become clear as for most of talents while they work in Japan, most women disappear in front of us.
I will wonder, but usually seduce the Japanese of the partner. I think that it is a kind of abduction crime.
However, properties are totally different if they advise position talent about a marriage meeting. If even any difficult problem happens, the possibility deprived of an invitation license can occur.
狙いはタレントだった / The aim was a talent
34) 新しい年を迎えた2005年1月9日、少女の一件以来音沙汰のなかった永谷氏から、『 離婚するので弁護士を紹介して欲しい 』 と電話が入りました。
35) 何故ならば、この国では知り合いだからと迂闊に物事を頼むと、後日途方もない手数料を要求される事が殆どだ。
36) 当社の顧問弁護士と通訳を紹介し、一月十五日に弁護士事務所で離婚調停が開かれました。
37) 結論として離婚の条件は、奥さんが三人の子供を引き取り、アパートの一階と二階の権利を保有し、三階は永谷氏の住居にする事で離婚は成立しました。
38) 2月になったある日の夕方、永谷氏が相談したい事があると事務所を訪れた。
39) 年齢が近いこともあったし、部分的には私の境遇と共通する点もあるからなのだが、悪い癖で泣が入るとからきし弱いのである。
40) 暫く経って我に返った。
「 間違いなく事務所に若い女性が大勢いる。然し、彼女達はフィリピン政府公認の芸能人であり、事務所が契約を結んでいる商売上の商品である。街角に屯する女性たちとは違う。また、家族には多額の借金があり、事務所にも契約や借金が残っているから、簡単に紹介はできない 」。
41) 食事の後で近くのバーへ誘われた。
42) その後、事務所のスタッフが呆れ返る程に、午後四時を過ぎると飲食とかゴルフへの誘いが繰り返されました。
43) タレントの借金とか内容などを根ほり歯ほり質問され辟易となりながら、個人差はあるが事務所と家族の借金を合わせれば、20万から50万ペソ位だろうと答えた。
The aim was a talent
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
34) On January 9, 2005 when I reached new age, a telephone entered at Nagatani whom there was not of the news since the affair of the girl when "I wanted you to introduce a lawyer because you were divorced".
Though I thought whether there was not the partner to talk about an important problem with, but on the other hand should have been hard to confide it because there was the matter of the girl, there was a feeling of strange relief when I was good and talked.
35) It is often found to be required a fee extraordinary later when it orders things carelessly in this country when it is an acquaintance.
It is rare that a story is unified, and it is curved, and a plot becomes the big rumor, and this is because there are many results to hold a new trouble.
Of the number felt apprehensive, but the implored weakness and enthusiast of the countryman became heavy, and guided you.
36) I introduced our legal adviser and interpreter, and divorce mediation was held in a law office on January 15.
When the flirtation could not follow abnormal sexual desire not once and twice, the story that Nagatani was giving an interview with a lawyer, and was told by a wife said.
For a thing and the money beyond the limit of the patience was suspicious and when was the disposal to lack the school expenses of the child, cried very much and was done.
I almost chimed in so that there was really it.
37) A wife left three children, and the condition of the divorce held a right of the first floor and the second floor of the apartment, and, in the third floor, the divorce was established in what I did in the house of Nagaya in conclusion.
His communication became frequent again and received golf or a meal or the invitation to a nightclub since there is this thing, but refrained from the acquaintance because I was busy.
38) When Nagaya might want to talk in the evening of one day when it was February, I visited the office.
I began to talk when I went to the restaurant nearby when I introduced a woman as soon as I sat down in my seat.
When the willpower that it is attacked by a feeling of weakness that it is not got up in the morning after parting from a wife in the place that he talked about without being able to sleep at night, and golfs does not spring out, I say.
Because I seemed to be completely out of order in a depression state, I suggested tears when I helped it.
39) Age might be near and my circumstances and common point are because there is it partially, but are awfully weak when implored in a bad habit.
When the talent of the ,〝 company was tools of trades 〞, the events such as woman problems told the attitude toward matter and golf play with the girl, the wife who parted were intense and sounded warning and were going to pull back the heart that seemed to be drawn me to.
40) It passed for a while and pulled myself together.
"There is certainly a lot of young women in the office. However, they are entertainers of the government official recognition in Philippines, and an office is a product in business making a contract. I am different from women hanging around a street corner. In addition, the introduction is not easily possible because I owe a family a large amount of money, and a contract and a debt are left in the office.〞
It is the conclusion that I told to Nagaya.
41) It was provoked after a meal to a bar nearby.
I began the exchange of the next woman and phone number before he who did not drink liquor seemed to love a woman awfully and passed enough about a seat.
Because a human being was the animal which I was apt to like it each, and the sense of values was influenced by a difference, occasional feelings, and lived, I was deeply impressed seriously when willful life would be permitted the human being like him.
42) The staff of the office was too amazed, and an invitation to eating and drinking or golf was repeated afterwards when it was past 4:00 p.m.
Finally, I was made to golf in a member course of Nagaya in Cavite City on both days of March 6 and April 8 without being able to finish declining it, and a woman occupied the center of the topic in cars for granted.
43) While I dug a root and dug a tooth and was asked about a debt or the contents of the talent, and it was with a flinch, there was the individual difference, but answered it that it would be around 500,000 pesos from 200,000 if I put an office and the debts of the family together.
When love repetition, the pregnancy become clear as for most of talents while they work in Japan, most women disappear in front of us.
I will wonder, but usually seduce the Japanese of the partner. I think that it is a kind of abduction crime.
However, properties are totally different if they advise position talent about a marriage meeting. If even any difficult problem happens, the possibility deprived of an invitation license can occur.
『三流の詐欺師 / Third-rate fraud No.4』
「火遊びと 笑い飛ばすか 呆け猿が お為ごかしの 極楽芝居」
老いらくの火遊び / Playing with matches of the old age man
26) 翌日になると永谷氏の常軌を逸する電話攻勢が始まった。
27) 今朝から五回目の電話だと彼女は頷いて見せた。相手は少女の兄妹を名乗る若者だったのです。
28) この様なサル芝居は、フィリピンで良く耳にする話だから特別に慌てる事はなかったが、60を過ぎた老人の悪ふざけにしては、少々お粗末過ぎると感じた。
29) 相手が警察へでも掛け込んだら一巻の終わりであろう。
30) 暫くの間は一方的に喋らせた。若者は私の処へ談判に行くと凄んで見せたりした。
31) 被害届を出す心算なら、供述書に署名する事は吝かでないと切り札を使う。
32) 夜になって永谷氏から定期便の様な電話に少女の件をぶつけた。
即座に、「 兄妹ではなく男だ。間違いない 」 と答えが返ったのです。
33) こうした愚かな日本男性の行為行動が後を絶たないから、フィリピンの純粋無垢な少女達が、金を目当てに若い姿態を晒す振りを覚えてしまう。
Playing with matches of the old age man
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
26) When it was the next day, an eccentric telephone offensive of Nagaya began.
I repeat a near question and was poured on questioning what time the girl begins training at, but am hard to do it from the girl of the principal idol simply because there is not communication at all.
One week was a certain past dynasty.
I beat the change button of the telephone and pushed out a receiver as soon as a secretary changed the complexion and entered the room.
27) When it was the fifth telephone, she nodded from this morning. The partner was the youth who gave the brother of the girl.
I heard the booing which flew into a rage from the other side of the receiver.
When "I invited out a younger sister when Nagaya introduced a Japanese promoter, and it was to a lover because I would pay large sum of money, I brought you to the hotel by force".
The intense noise that a youth seemed to kick even a wainscot did not break off.
28) Because such a monkey show was a talk to hear well in the Philippines, I was not upset in particular, but felt 60 when too poor for the practical joke of the past old man a little.
It was obvious that the youth who would spray mass bubbles on a receiver was a threat of the small money desire for acquisition, but thought that I was too too dangerous I did nothing by a funny story, and to destroy it.
29) If but I hang it to the police, and the other party is crowded, it will be All is finished.
Though there is not the reason to know the true age of the girl, under 18 years old are arrested immediately and are made to enliven a tabloid TV show program.
Abuse or the sexual intercourse for the minor are the felony in this country. The rape acts may be imprisoned depending on the situation for dozens of years.
A severe incident should be given in particular because it is thought that we Japanese are profitable.
30) I let you talk one-sidedly for a while. When the youth went to my place for a negotiation, I threatened it.
A secretary put a different receiver on an ear and did of an uneasy heart openly. I think that I did a gesture to raise one hand lightly.
I continued repeating a light agreement to a youth while I was small, and a girl talked about the process that visited our office in the place where the words of the youth broke off, and I was soft, and being able to touch her occupation.
31) When it is ready that an aim to give a report of damage signs a deposition, I use the trump.
The youth became quiet in this.
I seem to know that I am not profitable even if I take out a report of damage to the police.
The one that I controlled by power was simple, but wanted to teach what 1 sen could not take even if at hand money threatened a person like me in desire for acquisition.
In addition, it is not a wise policy to excite a youth when it thinks about a viewpoint of Nagaya.
I persuaded that I talked between the people concerned well and put the place, but correspondence after Nagaya was called began at all worrying.
I make a false show of power from stupid misunderstanding and will go directly to the cooler if I cut even a verbal shot to a youth.
32) I hit the matter of the girl on the telephone such as the regular service of Nagaya since it was night.
An answer returned immediately when "it was her man not a brother".
And it was the disposal that I began to talk about until the private life of the girl in substitution for an excuse with peace with laughter.
The wild yellowtail of the senile person was empty before being surprised. I might be sad.
33) Because there is no end to the act actions of such a stupid Japanese man, I learn the swing that Philippine pure innocent girls expose a young figure to for money.
The wrong interpretation for the Filipina of the countryman man is big, and most of causes that an entertainer visa became the stop state think that it is to reflect it.
The life of the man and woman is said to be the repetition of tragedy and the comedy, but relations only for money are lower than the finger sushi which pulled wasabi for any reason.
There will not be the thing which it is such bad, and is lonely.
老いらくの火遊び / Playing with matches of the old age man
26) 翌日になると永谷氏の常軌を逸する電話攻勢が始まった。
27) 今朝から五回目の電話だと彼女は頷いて見せた。相手は少女の兄妹を名乗る若者だったのです。
28) この様なサル芝居は、フィリピンで良く耳にする話だから特別に慌てる事はなかったが、60を過ぎた老人の悪ふざけにしては、少々お粗末過ぎると感じた。
29) 相手が警察へでも掛け込んだら一巻の終わりであろう。
30) 暫くの間は一方的に喋らせた。若者は私の処へ談判に行くと凄んで見せたりした。
31) 被害届を出す心算なら、供述書に署名する事は吝かでないと切り札を使う。
32) 夜になって永谷氏から定期便の様な電話に少女の件をぶつけた。
即座に、「 兄妹ではなく男だ。間違いない 」 と答えが返ったのです。
33) こうした愚かな日本男性の行為行動が後を絶たないから、フィリピンの純粋無垢な少女達が、金を目当てに若い姿態を晒す振りを覚えてしまう。
Playing with matches of the old age man
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
26) When it was the next day, an eccentric telephone offensive of Nagaya began.
I repeat a near question and was poured on questioning what time the girl begins training at, but am hard to do it from the girl of the principal idol simply because there is not communication at all.
One week was a certain past dynasty.
I beat the change button of the telephone and pushed out a receiver as soon as a secretary changed the complexion and entered the room.
27) When it was the fifth telephone, she nodded from this morning. The partner was the youth who gave the brother of the girl.
I heard the booing which flew into a rage from the other side of the receiver.
When "I invited out a younger sister when Nagaya introduced a Japanese promoter, and it was to a lover because I would pay large sum of money, I brought you to the hotel by force".
The intense noise that a youth seemed to kick even a wainscot did not break off.
28) Because such a monkey show was a talk to hear well in the Philippines, I was not upset in particular, but felt 60 when too poor for the practical joke of the past old man a little.
It was obvious that the youth who would spray mass bubbles on a receiver was a threat of the small money desire for acquisition, but thought that I was too too dangerous I did nothing by a funny story, and to destroy it.
29) If but I hang it to the police, and the other party is crowded, it will be All is finished.
Though there is not the reason to know the true age of the girl, under 18 years old are arrested immediately and are made to enliven a tabloid TV show program.
Abuse or the sexual intercourse for the minor are the felony in this country. The rape acts may be imprisoned depending on the situation for dozens of years.
A severe incident should be given in particular because it is thought that we Japanese are profitable.
30) I let you talk one-sidedly for a while. When the youth went to my place for a negotiation, I threatened it.
A secretary put a different receiver on an ear and did of an uneasy heart openly. I think that I did a gesture to raise one hand lightly.
I continued repeating a light agreement to a youth while I was small, and a girl talked about the process that visited our office in the place where the words of the youth broke off, and I was soft, and being able to touch her occupation.
31) When it is ready that an aim to give a report of damage signs a deposition, I use the trump.
The youth became quiet in this.
I seem to know that I am not profitable even if I take out a report of damage to the police.
The one that I controlled by power was simple, but wanted to teach what 1 sen could not take even if at hand money threatened a person like me in desire for acquisition.
In addition, it is not a wise policy to excite a youth when it thinks about a viewpoint of Nagaya.
I persuaded that I talked between the people concerned well and put the place, but correspondence after Nagaya was called began at all worrying.
I make a false show of power from stupid misunderstanding and will go directly to the cooler if I cut even a verbal shot to a youth.
32) I hit the matter of the girl on the telephone such as the regular service of Nagaya since it was night.
An answer returned immediately when "it was her man not a brother".
And it was the disposal that I began to talk about until the private life of the girl in substitution for an excuse with peace with laughter.
The wild yellowtail of the senile person was empty before being surprised. I might be sad.
33) Because there is no end to the act actions of such a stupid Japanese man, I learn the swing that Philippine pure innocent girls expose a young figure to for money.
The wrong interpretation for the Filipina of the countryman man is big, and most of causes that an entertainer visa became the stop state think that it is to reflect it.
The life of the man and woman is said to be the repetition of tragedy and the comedy, but relations only for money are lower than the finger sushi which pulled wasabi for any reason.
There will not be the thing which it is such bad, and is lonely.
『三流の詐欺師 / Third-rate fraud No.3』
「老いらくに 夢を求めて 綿胞子 似合わぬ蝶へ 心躍らせ」
結婚ビザと美少女 / A beautiful girl and marriage visa
17) 2004年10月の中頃、何の前触れもなく永谷和司氏が、若い魅力的な少女を伴い私の事務所を訪れました。
18) 男の心を覗き込む様な瞳の輝きがとても気になった。私は暫く永谷氏と少女の顔を見比べていたと思う。
19) 幼さが見え隠れする細い足の重ね具合や、長い髪を無造作に掻き上げる指先の仕草には、己の若い魅力を充分相手に意識させる、少女の強かさを漂わせていた。
20) 何度も断ったが執拗に食い下がられ、最後は永谷氏がタレント養成費を払う条件で、簡単に云うと押し切られてしまった。
もうひとつの話と云うのは、〝 結婚してから子供を三人設けたが、奥さんが中々結婚ビザの書類にサインをしない 〞 のでどうすれば良いか、相談に乗ってくれと云うものだった。
21) この国では日常茶飯事に持ち上がる話題だが、この種のことは拗れる場合が殆どなので、奥方を説得する方法しか思い当たらないと告げました。
22) 愛が芽生え結婚するケースなどは千にひとつもないに等しい。
23) 然し、永谷氏の話では、奥方は飲食店に勤めながら二人の娘さんと日本で暮らし、フィリピンへ中々戻りたがらないと言う。
24) また、実家の隣に三階建賃貸アパートを建て、六部屋とかを貸しているから、奥さんの家族が生活する収入源は、充分に担保してあるとも強調した。
25) 永谷氏が彼女の実生活をどの程度まで理解しているか不明だが、子供を三人も設けながら、結婚ビザに署名しないと云う事は、署名してはいけない理由が存在するからだろう。
A beautiful girl and marriage visa
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
17) Kazuji Nagaya visited my office with a young attractive girl without middle part of October, 2004, any sign.
It is the thing which I cut and brought down when I want I make this daughter a talent soon and to send it to Japan sitting on a sofa.
The girl retained the shade which had a member of society of the bar in the corner of a pretty smile.
18) I was worried about the brightness of the eyes which seemed to look into the heart of the man very much. I think that I compared the face of the girl with Nagaya for a while.
I will surely hold a problem by all means even if I am young and am attractive, and the visitor jumps at a talent because it is the features that the amorous woman does if I do it.
Because such a type does not think about the right and wrong of things at all, the disposal is bad.
19) I was able to have the formidability of the girl who let I was easy, and the gesture of the finger-tip to smooth upward be conscious of the stack condition of the thin foot that childishness appeared and disappeared and long hair against young charm of oneself enough.
However, eyes of the experts who treated a woman for 40 years are not things to be able to easily deceive with the Japanese entertainment world as a start even if I can deceive the middle-aged man of the amateur.
20) I declined it many times, but it was harassed obstinately and has been overcome when I easily said on the condition that Nagaya paid talent training costs for finally.
It established three children to say another story since ,〝 married, but what to do guided you in a thing of 〞 which did not readily sign the documents of the marriage visa, and a wife said.
21) It was a topic to happen to a daily occurrence in this country, but told this kind of thing when a case to become complicated thought of only a method to persuade a back room because most.
When the woman that the Philippines was young as for the true reason that did not pay attention to consultation married a remote foreigner of the age, it was the first purpose that most evaded economic distress.
22) As for the cases which love arises, and marry, one is equal to nothing to 100.
It should be always true that I chase it later in the case of what time, and the thing which I take it to them, and love is runs it.
When it is, I play with close relation like a kitten and am accompanied and am about to lean to miss it because passionate, Filipina is full of jealousy feeling, and what do not do a side with detached room is common at all.
23) However, the wife of a nobleman lives on the story of Nagaya with two daughters in Japan while working for a restaurant and says that I do not want to return to the Philippines.
Judging from common sense of the Filipina, it becomes the considerably unique class.
I left a husband in one's country and could not guess the psychology of the woman who lived calmly in Japan and have almost leaned forward in an instant.
24) In addition, the income source where the family of the wife lived talked because I built a 3 stories rented apartment next to the parents' house and lent six rooms even if it was secured enough.
The inevitability, in addition, it is watches of the night, and to act in Japan if it is it is thin.
One thinking that a new plan arises to a wife with such a case is natural, and there may be the on the way.
25) It is unknown how much Nagaya understands her, but the reason why I say when I do not sign a marriage visa will be that there is the reason why you must not sign while making three children.
This problem certainly becomes complicated, and after all it should become the man to finally watch crying.
In the case of a divorce, it becomes the big evil when I make signatures in an official document.
結婚ビザと美少女 / A beautiful girl and marriage visa
17) 2004年10月の中頃、何の前触れもなく永谷和司氏が、若い魅力的な少女を伴い私の事務所を訪れました。
18) 男の心を覗き込む様な瞳の輝きがとても気になった。私は暫く永谷氏と少女の顔を見比べていたと思う。
19) 幼さが見え隠れする細い足の重ね具合や、長い髪を無造作に掻き上げる指先の仕草には、己の若い魅力を充分相手に意識させる、少女の強かさを漂わせていた。
20) 何度も断ったが執拗に食い下がられ、最後は永谷氏がタレント養成費を払う条件で、簡単に云うと押し切られてしまった。
もうひとつの話と云うのは、〝 結婚してから子供を三人設けたが、奥さんが中々結婚ビザの書類にサインをしない 〞 のでどうすれば良いか、相談に乗ってくれと云うものだった。
21) この国では日常茶飯事に持ち上がる話題だが、この種のことは拗れる場合が殆どなので、奥方を説得する方法しか思い当たらないと告げました。
22) 愛が芽生え結婚するケースなどは千にひとつもないに等しい。
23) 然し、永谷氏の話では、奥方は飲食店に勤めながら二人の娘さんと日本で暮らし、フィリピンへ中々戻りたがらないと言う。
24) また、実家の隣に三階建賃貸アパートを建て、六部屋とかを貸しているから、奥さんの家族が生活する収入源は、充分に担保してあるとも強調した。
25) 永谷氏が彼女の実生活をどの程度まで理解しているか不明だが、子供を三人も設けながら、結婚ビザに署名しないと云う事は、署名してはいけない理由が存在するからだろう。
A beautiful girl and marriage visa
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
17) Kazuji Nagaya visited my office with a young attractive girl without middle part of October, 2004, any sign.
It is the thing which I cut and brought down when I want I make this daughter a talent soon and to send it to Japan sitting on a sofa.
The girl retained the shade which had a member of society of the bar in the corner of a pretty smile.
18) I was worried about the brightness of the eyes which seemed to look into the heart of the man very much. I think that I compared the face of the girl with Nagaya for a while.
I will surely hold a problem by all means even if I am young and am attractive, and the visitor jumps at a talent because it is the features that the amorous woman does if I do it.
Because such a type does not think about the right and wrong of things at all, the disposal is bad.
19) I was able to have the formidability of the girl who let I was easy, and the gesture of the finger-tip to smooth upward be conscious of the stack condition of the thin foot that childishness appeared and disappeared and long hair against young charm of oneself enough.
However, eyes of the experts who treated a woman for 40 years are not things to be able to easily deceive with the Japanese entertainment world as a start even if I can deceive the middle-aged man of the amateur.
20) I declined it many times, but it was harassed obstinately and has been overcome when I easily said on the condition that Nagaya paid talent training costs for finally.
It established three children to say another story since ,〝 married, but what to do guided you in a thing of 〞 which did not readily sign the documents of the marriage visa, and a wife said.
21) It was a topic to happen to a daily occurrence in this country, but told this kind of thing when a case to become complicated thought of only a method to persuade a back room because most.
When the woman that the Philippines was young as for the true reason that did not pay attention to consultation married a remote foreigner of the age, it was the first purpose that most evaded economic distress.
22) As for the cases which love arises, and marry, one is equal to nothing to 100.
It should be always true that I chase it later in the case of what time, and the thing which I take it to them, and love is runs it.
When it is, I play with close relation like a kitten and am accompanied and am about to lean to miss it because passionate, Filipina is full of jealousy feeling, and what do not do a side with detached room is common at all.
23) However, the wife of a nobleman lives on the story of Nagaya with two daughters in Japan while working for a restaurant and says that I do not want to return to the Philippines.
Judging from common sense of the Filipina, it becomes the considerably unique class.
I left a husband in one's country and could not guess the psychology of the woman who lived calmly in Japan and have almost leaned forward in an instant.
24) In addition, the income source where the family of the wife lived talked because I built a 3 stories rented apartment next to the parents' house and lent six rooms even if it was secured enough.
The inevitability, in addition, it is watches of the night, and to act in Japan if it is it is thin.
One thinking that a new plan arises to a wife with such a case is natural, and there may be the on the way.
25) It is unknown how much Nagaya understands her, but the reason why I say when I do not sign a marriage visa will be that there is the reason why you must not sign while making three children.
This problem certainly becomes complicated, and after all it should become the man to finally watch crying.
In the case of a divorce, it becomes the big evil when I make signatures in an official document.
『三流の詐欺師 / Third-rate fraud No,2』
『遠い日々 返らぬ夢と 知らずにか 旅路の果てに 舞う綿帽子』
永谷和司との出会い / Encounter with Kazuji Nagaya
10) 私はこの国へ渡るとき自分に一つの誓いを立てた。
11) アンティポロ市の山間にあるフォーレスト・ヒルズGCは、インターネットで検索すると、フィリピンでも屈指の難コースと紹介されております。
12) グリーンは極端に小さくアップ・ダウンが強いから、ボールの回転速度差が驚くほど激しいのです。
13) この日もお気に入りのキャディーを従え、六番のロング・ホールへ差し掛かると、私より少し年配の同胞と20代半ばの綺麗なフィリピン女性のベアーに追い着いた。
14) 翌日から毎日の様に、ゴルフやナイト・クラブへのお誘いを受けましたが、何時も断ってばかりだったので、最初の出会いから三週間目の火曜日に、18ホールを一緒にプレーしたのです。
永谷氏は他人のプレーを解説するのが趣味らしく、自分のボールを必要以上に良く拭く ( ボールを動かす様に写る ) 癖も強かったと思う。
15) 我々の業界もこの頃になると、フィリピン芸能人ビザが廃止になるとの噂が流れ、このゴルフ・クラブでも多い時は、30人近くの日本人プレーヤーで賑わっていたのが、当時はプレー中に同胞と出くわす事も稀になっていた。
16) いま冷静に振り返ってみると、永谷氏のようにタガログ語を話せない上に決まった仕事がある訳でもない。
Encounter with Kazuji Nagaya
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
10) When I went over to this country, I opened one oath to oneself.
It was not to build the close relations with a countryman other than business.
Therefore, not to mention keeping company at night, two times a week of golf that are the only hobby should be what I always play alone and still protect a style to accept when it was expected a joint.
On one day of April, 2003, it rose in the first T of the member course alone.
11) It is introduced in the Philippines when I search the Forrest Hills GC in the valley of the Antiporo city on the Internet when it is an outstanding difficulty course.
The fair way treats an intentional upheaval abundantly and lies in the place where a swamp of small nature reaches, and, as for the flat aspect, it is rare.
After all 6,684 yards is long even from regular tea.
12) Because the green is extremely small, and ups and downs is hard, the rotary speed difference of the ball is surprisingly intense.
I break score on green when careless.
Most of friends coming to play from Japan are single players, but I must be it and am not different in the difficulty course because what most people play with the score that is lower than 15 overcoats is a task of extreme difficult.
13) When I was accompanied by a favorite caddie on that day and approached the sixth long hall, I caught up with the raise of wages of an elderly countryman and a beautiful woman in her mid-twenties a little than me.
This person was Kazuji Nagaya and the ex-wife, and it has been a chance to get to know to have played the remainder hall of the wide throw together as it was provoked.
14) I received golf and the invitation to a nightclub almost every day from the next day, but played the 18 holes from the first encounter together on Tuesday three weeks after because I always declined it.
It seems to be a hobby to comment on a play of another person, and Nagaya thinks that I was strong in the habit to wipe one's ball more than required (I come out to move a ball).
Because I was a type to be devoted to one's play for objection, since then it was rare that I accepted an invitation.
15) When a rumor that a Philippine entertainer visa was abolished spread if it became about time when these, and there were many our industries in this golf club, it was full of nearly 30 Japanese players, but it became rare to happen to meet with a countryman during a play recently.
The temporary force that the night downtown overflowed with a Japanese, and returned disappeared and rarely heard the scandal.
16) There is not the work that I cannot talk about the Tagalog like Nagaya, and was decided now when I look back calmly.
The wife lives in such situation in Japan; when took it to a man alone, would not be the feeling that did it, and was thrown in to the Hell of the hell that was boring in a higher-tone noh song at time to live a life in every day?
It is to be able to say to me, but such a medium will not be a thing comfortable at all when, anyway, it is in one's youth in a year to be able to step in 60 years old with one leg.
Such; was like this and was not readily answered an invitation of Nagaya.
『三流の詐欺師 / Third-rate fraud No.1』
【たかが人生と見捨てるなかれ きっと何処かに 煌めく宴が待っている】
吹き溜まり市場 / Drift market
01) 青春の喜怒哀楽・壮年の起承転結・晩節の春夏秋冬と、何時の場合も人間の営みには、激しい暴風雨が猛威を振るい、行く手を阻もうと襲い掛かって来る。
02) 然し、幾多の戦いがすんで日が暮れかかる頃、新しい旅立ちの季節が近い事を感ずると、多くの人達は過去の瞬間を振り返り、愚かだった戦場の空しさに溜息を漏らす。
03) 現実への挑戦、人間の欲望と本能、世の中との融和、義務、常識、責任など、これらに学んだ正義感や自尊心や価値観が、如何に零弱で頼りないものか、嫌と云うほど教えられた。
04) 平穏な日々を望む心が悩み、苦しみ、喘ぎ、傷んでまで、鬱積する不透明な憤りを拭い去ろうと焦っていた。
05) 多くの人達も私と同じ様に、ひとつやふたつの悩みを抱え、誰かに話したい衝動と、どうしても切り出せない歯痒さに苛立ち、何時もその狭間で戸惑いもがき苦しんでもいるだろう。
06) 私はフィリピンへ関わる決心を固めるまでに一年を費やしました。
07) いま振り返ってみれば友人たちの云われる様に、
08) 私が関わった商売だけを取り上げても、
09) 冷静になって考えると永谷和司と云う男も、こうした三流市場の住人に等しい、同胞の女性には相手にもされない人種だった。
Drift market
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
01) In the case of four season and what time of introduction, development, denouement and conclusion, the late in life of feelings, the prime of life of the youth, I attack the human working an intense rainstorm rages, and to block ahead.
Each pushes up hands and feet like the devil or a fearful god greatly and I hit it and open it and challenge the strange wind and waves.
Nobody will know the how to handle is multifarious, and which is right in the middle of the confused fight.
I think that it looks like it with the life.
02) However, many people look back toward the past moment when I feel that a season of the new departure is near when I finish many fights, and a day goes down and express a sigh about the emptiness of a stupid battlefield.Still it will be why that feelings ache to carry through guts so as to be obstinate and make noise.
When it is the four season of the late in life when the man of finishing dying like me hard to please was given it, may not it say?
03) It was taught whether it was little less than 0 how, and sense of justice and pride and the sense of values that I learned from challenge to reality, human greed and instinct, harmony with the world, duty, common sense, these including the responsibility were unreliable so as to say if unpleasant.
Though I determine it only for good faith and patience and fully tasted reality not to be able to gain including the happiness, I think that the delight did not exist at all if there is not an insignificant sense of fulfilment there.
04) I got impatient a heart to expect peaceful days was troubled and suffered and panted, and aching to wipe opaque resentment to smolder.
And I felt one's figure which deleted whether you were mystery to oneself when another lonely one's shade which looked on with a too cold look must be it and stood still.
To be frank, I seemed to regret it, and there were the feelings that were almost reconciliation.
05) Many people are irritated with the impulse that I want to tell to somebody and impatience to be able to never cut and bring it down with one and two troubles in the same way as me and I am always puzzled in the interval and will writhe.
Even if courage to tell the truth joins hope to tomorrow together and understands it when it is a shortcut keeping up the rip of the heart, the waist which is heavy to stand up cannot be going to move for some reason.
06) I spent one year before I strengthened determination about Philippines.
Aged mother was not always separated from a head and was hard to leave the entertainment world where I got used to for many years.
Only a sense of fear and the native language for the unknown country are tormented by jitters not to understand and, by warm advice and admonition receiving from acquaintances, feel like having been a binding tight state.
07) Even if I take up only the business that I was concerned with,
As for the visitors of a shop looking for the person who followed the talent, a man called together by an old lover, the talent who disappeared,
Except the temporary transfer employee relations of the company, it was equal to the drift of people who carried a cross hard to please on their back as such.
Though I took in it even if these most said that it was the vegetables which remained unsold in a third-rate market when not exaggerated at all, I did not need it at the time when I had a long it too much.
08) The man who said that I calmed down and thought with Kazuji Nagaya
was the race that was not done to a partner to the woman of the mother country which was equal to the resident of such a third class market either.
Even if these most said that it was the vegetables which remained unsold of the third-rate market, I did not need it at the time when I had a long it too much though I took in it when not exaggerated at all.
09) The man who said that I calmed down and thought with Kazuji
Nagaya was the race that was not done to a partner to the woman of the mother country which was equal to the resident of such a third class market either.
I received teaching to so many acquaintances and deceived me who should have matured into a professional wonderfully on this way. I solve the truth such as the lie.
吹き溜まり市場 / Drift market
01) 青春の喜怒哀楽・壮年の起承転結・晩節の春夏秋冬と、何時の場合も人間の営みには、激しい暴風雨が猛威を振るい、行く手を阻もうと襲い掛かって来る。
02) 然し、幾多の戦いがすんで日が暮れかかる頃、新しい旅立ちの季節が近い事を感ずると、多くの人達は過去の瞬間を振り返り、愚かだった戦場の空しさに溜息を漏らす。
03) 現実への挑戦、人間の欲望と本能、世の中との融和、義務、常識、責任など、これらに学んだ正義感や自尊心や価値観が、如何に零弱で頼りないものか、嫌と云うほど教えられた。
04) 平穏な日々を望む心が悩み、苦しみ、喘ぎ、傷んでまで、鬱積する不透明な憤りを拭い去ろうと焦っていた。
05) 多くの人達も私と同じ様に、ひとつやふたつの悩みを抱え、誰かに話したい衝動と、どうしても切り出せない歯痒さに苛立ち、何時もその狭間で戸惑いもがき苦しんでもいるだろう。
06) 私はフィリピンへ関わる決心を固めるまでに一年を費やしました。
07) いま振り返ってみれば友人たちの云われる様に、
08) 私が関わった商売だけを取り上げても、
09) 冷静になって考えると永谷和司と云う男も、こうした三流市場の住人に等しい、同胞の女性には相手にもされない人種だった。
Drift market
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
01) In the case of four season and what time of introduction, development, denouement and conclusion, the late in life of feelings, the prime of life of the youth, I attack the human working an intense rainstorm rages, and to block ahead.
Each pushes up hands and feet like the devil or a fearful god greatly and I hit it and open it and challenge the strange wind and waves.
Nobody will know the how to handle is multifarious, and which is right in the middle of the confused fight.
I think that it looks like it with the life.
02) However, many people look back toward the past moment when I feel that a season of the new departure is near when I finish many fights, and a day goes down and express a sigh about the emptiness of a stupid battlefield.Still it will be why that feelings ache to carry through guts so as to be obstinate and make noise.
When it is the four season of the late in life when the man of finishing dying like me hard to please was given it, may not it say?
03) It was taught whether it was little less than 0 how, and sense of justice and pride and the sense of values that I learned from challenge to reality, human greed and instinct, harmony with the world, duty, common sense, these including the responsibility were unreliable so as to say if unpleasant.
Though I determine it only for good faith and patience and fully tasted reality not to be able to gain including the happiness, I think that the delight did not exist at all if there is not an insignificant sense of fulfilment there.
04) I got impatient a heart to expect peaceful days was troubled and suffered and panted, and aching to wipe opaque resentment to smolder.
And I felt one's figure which deleted whether you were mystery to oneself when another lonely one's shade which looked on with a too cold look must be it and stood still.
To be frank, I seemed to regret it, and there were the feelings that were almost reconciliation.
05) Many people are irritated with the impulse that I want to tell to somebody and impatience to be able to never cut and bring it down with one and two troubles in the same way as me and I am always puzzled in the interval and will writhe.
Even if courage to tell the truth joins hope to tomorrow together and understands it when it is a shortcut keeping up the rip of the heart, the waist which is heavy to stand up cannot be going to move for some reason.
06) I spent one year before I strengthened determination about Philippines.
Aged mother was not always separated from a head and was hard to leave the entertainment world where I got used to for many years.
Only a sense of fear and the native language for the unknown country are tormented by jitters not to understand and, by warm advice and admonition receiving from acquaintances, feel like having been a binding tight state.
07) Even if I take up only the business that I was concerned with,
As for the visitors of a shop looking for the person who followed the talent, a man called together by an old lover, the talent who disappeared,
Except the temporary transfer employee relations of the company, it was equal to the drift of people who carried a cross hard to please on their back as such.
Though I took in it even if these most said that it was the vegetables which remained unsold in a third-rate market when not exaggerated at all, I did not need it at the time when I had a long it too much.
08) The man who said that I calmed down and thought with Kazuji Nagaya
was the race that was not done to a partner to the woman of the mother country which was equal to the resident of such a third class market either.
Even if these most said that it was the vegetables which remained unsold of the third-rate market, I did not need it at the time when I had a long it too much though I took in it when not exaggerated at all.
09) The man who said that I calmed down and thought with Kazuji
Nagaya was the race that was not done to a partner to the woman of the mother country which was equal to the resident of such a third class market either.
I received teaching to so many acquaintances and deceived me who should have matured into a professional wonderfully on this way. I solve the truth such as the lie.
国民の知らない戦争秘話 / The war secret story that the nation does not know
鎖国と開国 / National seclusion and the foundation of a country No.1
『 National seclusion and the foundation of a country 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
1) Defeat of China / Shinkoku in the Opium War was in 1,842 years.
The then Japanese Government, Edo Shogunate softened the hard line for the previous foreign ship and changed it to a conciliatory measure to have you go back to the ship of the foreign family register gently without waking up every fight by providing water and food carefully.
There could not be thoughts to open a country at all at the bottom of the stomach.
2) Admiral Perry who received a command of the U.S. President Fillmore in 1853 led a black ship fleet and visited a shore and pressed the Edo Shogunate for the foundation of a country and commerce.
When the Japanese side demanded a postponement of one year temporarily, the Admiral Perry appeared with a black ship again in the next year and bound Japan and the United States sum parent treaty together forcibly.
The Japan and Britain, Japan and Russia sum pro-treaty was concluded in the same year, too and became the opening scene of a play of the foundation of a country in Japan.
3) When it was July, 1856, American consul Townsend Harris visited Japan for the trade agreement conclusion, but a struggle for power in the Shogunate was intense, and Imperial grant from the Emperor did not go down the Imperial Court without opinions being completely unified either.
Chief ministry, Naosuke Ii tied up a Japan-U.S. trade agreement in 1858 and concluded a trade agreement at the U.K., France, Netherlands Russia and the five countries interval, but, meanwhile, I took the holy life of most away, and the wave of the turbulence raged so that intellect and others could take off a place to remain in.
4) Hakodate, Yokohama, Nagasaki was opened a port of in 1859, and trade was started in earnest, and the main other country was the U.K.
I exported raw silk or tea from Japan, and woolen stuff, cotton textiles, vessels, weapons were imported in large quantities.
In addition, Niigata and Kobe were opened a port of successively, too, but this Ansei, Five-Power Treaty was a really unequal treaty in Japan.
5) I can tell you to have been born from resistance movement to the imperialism by the armaments of the European and American Great Powers as if it is symbolized with the Meiji Restoration in this way by a black ship.
After Opium War in China, it was a fight with the new power that I was going to take the old national seclusion system power that colonization for the East Asia of the European and American Great Powers was going to block it fierce を pole and a new flow in.
6) However, because the Edo Shogunate inclined to the foundation of a country, the commerce route in form against will of the Imperial Court, anti-reform forces bound it together with an imperialism debater and benefited authority of the Imperial Court, and the revering the Emperor and expelling the barbarians debater who I carried out shogunal administration reform and exclusion of foreigners, and was united was born, and it was with big undulation.
If there was justice for this turmoil period, there might not be the method unless I raced by one's course to believe.
7) When a world flow changes, I will be often like this.
A puddle appeared in many places in Tokugawa shogunate government and raised one's flag while radicals and a reformist blew on a bubble from a mouth in a domestic place to reach.
I defeated Tokugawa family to inherit the shogunate in 1868, and Satsuma and the Allied Forces of the Choshu feudal clan which carried the Imperial Family established the Meiji government led by the Emperor.
8) Poverty samurais of the large prestigious family which had local dissatisfaction washed away dissatisfaction of the long time by a new tide if I looked back with the mesh which cooled down and I distributed the equal richness into all the people and tried it with a state.
It is a revolution to experience once in country of any place. A just cause and the justice come as many as one likes later.
The important thing is that the belief was greed will be only a pure difference.
『 National seclusion and the foundation of a country 』
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.
1) Defeat of China / Shinkoku in the Opium War was in 1,842 years.
The then Japanese Government, Edo Shogunate softened the hard line for the previous foreign ship and changed it to a conciliatory measure to have you go back to the ship of the foreign family register gently without waking up every fight by providing water and food carefully.
There could not be thoughts to open a country at all at the bottom of the stomach.
2) Admiral Perry who received a command of the U.S. President Fillmore in 1853 led a black ship fleet and visited a shore and pressed the Edo Shogunate for the foundation of a country and commerce.
When the Japanese side demanded a postponement of one year temporarily, the Admiral Perry appeared with a black ship again in the next year and bound Japan and the United States sum parent treaty together forcibly.
The Japan and Britain, Japan and Russia sum pro-treaty was concluded in the same year, too and became the opening scene of a play of the foundation of a country in Japan.
3) When it was July, 1856, American consul Townsend Harris visited Japan for the trade agreement conclusion, but a struggle for power in the Shogunate was intense, and Imperial grant from the Emperor did not go down the Imperial Court without opinions being completely unified either.
Chief ministry, Naosuke Ii tied up a Japan-U.S. trade agreement in 1858 and concluded a trade agreement at the U.K., France, Netherlands Russia and the five countries interval, but, meanwhile, I took the holy life of most away, and the wave of the turbulence raged so that intellect and others could take off a place to remain in.
4) Hakodate, Yokohama, Nagasaki was opened a port of in 1859, and trade was started in earnest, and the main other country was the U.K.
I exported raw silk or tea from Japan, and woolen stuff, cotton textiles, vessels, weapons were imported in large quantities.
In addition, Niigata and Kobe were opened a port of successively, too, but this Ansei, Five-Power Treaty was a really unequal treaty in Japan.
5) I can tell you to have been born from resistance movement to the imperialism by the armaments of the European and American Great Powers as if it is symbolized with the Meiji Restoration in this way by a black ship.
After Opium War in China, it was a fight with the new power that I was going to take the old national seclusion system power that colonization for the East Asia of the European and American Great Powers was going to block it fierce を pole and a new flow in.
6) However, because the Edo Shogunate inclined to the foundation of a country, the commerce route in form against will of the Imperial Court, anti-reform forces bound it together with an imperialism debater and benefited authority of the Imperial Court, and the revering the Emperor and expelling the barbarians debater who I carried out shogunal administration reform and exclusion of foreigners, and was united was born, and it was with big undulation.
If there was justice for this turmoil period, there might not be the method unless I raced by one's course to believe.
7) When a world flow changes, I will be often like this.
A puddle appeared in many places in Tokugawa shogunate government and raised one's flag while radicals and a reformist blew on a bubble from a mouth in a domestic place to reach.
I defeated Tokugawa family to inherit the shogunate in 1868, and Satsuma and the Allied Forces of the Choshu feudal clan which carried the Imperial Family established the Meiji government led by the Emperor.
8) Poverty samurais of the large prestigious family which had local dissatisfaction washed away dissatisfaction of the long time by a new tide if I looked back with the mesh which cooled down and I distributed the equal richness into all the people and tried it with a state.
It is a revolution to experience once in country of any place. A just cause and the justice come as many as one likes later.
The important thing is that the belief was greed will be only a pure difference.
投稿 (Atom)