
『 Sea Shepherd in Japan 』

This blog is combination of the languages of Japan & English.

『 太地町の悲劇 / 我々の力で倒せるか 』


To a world friend.  It is the actual situation of pirates invading a civic life. Please cooperate with diffusion.  http://songoftraveler.blogspot.com/ 




  総理官邸  @kantei           外務省 @MofaJapan_jp 
法務省   @MOJ_HOUMU  警視庁 @MPD_koho
在日米国大使館 @usembassytokyo 
在日豪州大使館 @AusAmbJP 
在日フランス      @ambafrancejp_jp 
      在日スペイン      @MAECgob
The foreigner, please report it to the government of the own country.

To a world friend Sea Shepherd in Japan Public toilet princess of the rumor to profane Buddha. (God) pic.twitter.com/7DCEh8kmaO

4)『 鍵カッコ 』 の頭に送り先のアドレスをつけ送信する


最初のメンバーがブログ 『 太地町の悲劇 』 の拡散を日々忘れなければ、一カ月以内に世界中で炎上するのではないでしょうか。



〠送信する悪行の証拠 / Evidence of the evildoing to transmit 

To a world friend Sea Shepherd in Japan Elementary school teacher of Australia like the Korean prostitute. pic.twitter.com/7DCEh8kmaO

To a world friend Sea Shepherd in Japan Propaganda Buster Sea Shepherd provocateur deported from Japan. youtube.com/watch?v=rgCkqe

To a world friend Sea Shepherd in Japan Person of false animal protection to abuse the name of pirates pic.twitter.com/p1jbmvUWXX  

To a world friend Sea Shepherd in Japan The terrorist who I get into the residential area, and puts up booing.  pic.twitter.com/5mw2PzwOCZ

To a world friend  Sea Shepherd in Japan The media which corners inhabitants in Spanish. youtube.com/watch?v=Tr658B

To a world friend Sea Shepherd in Japan Are these the aims that became the United Nations forces?  redfox2667.blog111.fc2.com

@usembassytokyo Sea Shepherd in Japan The terrorist who invades the private house of Taiji-cho.  pic.twitter.com/iksR0vlhMT

@usembassytokyo Sea Shepherd in Japan Sightseeing tour of ill-mannered pirates member.  pic.twitter.com/C7weTWQWaC

@usembassytokyo  Sea Shepherd in Japan The member of pirates threatening a fisherman.  pic.twitter.com/uHpLHW8E7U

@usembassytokyo Sea Shepherd in Japan A crowd of pirates toward the fishing port. pic.twitter.com/2Ru6jA4hBK

@AusAmbJP Sea Shepherd in Japan The executive of the pirates who I torment a fisherman, and enjoy it. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xgws97_

@AusAmbJP Sea Shepherd in Japan Is made fun by an American; silent pirates subordinate.  youtu.be/S7dxhHtndv8

@AusAmbJP  『 Sea Shepherd in Japan Pirates running around for an American question.  http://youtu.be/ULw40FPx8aM

@AusAmbJP Sea Shepherd in Japan The chief who I raise a skeleton flag, and goes to the fishing port pic.twitter.com/8cCOw0duxA

@AusAmbJP  Sea Shepherd in Japan I meet a friend at an airport and take a ceremonial photograph.  pic.twitter.com/6mU5oNTCVs

@ambafrancejp_jp Sea Shepherd in Japan The subordinate of pirates interfering with a fisherman toward the fishing.  pic.twitter.com/AemW02wXlN

@ambafrancejp_jp  Sea Shepherd in Japan The subordinate of the pirates who intruded into the processing ground.  pic.twitter.com/gCBVamDgod

@ambafrancejp_jp Sea Shepherd in Japan Pirates assembling in full force to the sandy beach of the fishing ground.  pic.twitter.com/C23dt4OKLH 

@ambafrancejp_jp Sea Shepherd in Japan This is traditional dolphin fishing in Denmark. It takes life.  pic.twitter.com/sHXwakyPfw"

『 現代を生きる欧米の紳士淑女 』 大昔にアジアを植民地にした民族の末裔だ。
To a world friendSea Shepherd in Japan It is the progeny who made Asia the colony long ago of a race.  pic.twitter.com/yPXRnzh7jF

@ambafrancejp_jp To a world friend Sea Shepherd in Japan Ambassador Kennedy knew, or US Navy killed this dolphin.  pic.twitter.com/yTqbrIL64w

@MAECgob Sea Shepherd  in Japan Public toilet princess of the rumor to profane Buddha. (God)  pic.twitter.com/WFGJPhwGg1

@MAECgob Sea Shepherd in Japan Miss Melissa of the boss who I steal into the general family, and pirates it.  pic.twitter.com/0cr8bi13rW

@MAECgob To a world friend Sea Shepherd in Japan It is Ambassador Kennedy, dolphin fishing of home Denmark.  pic.twitter.com/hpL9Ur0s8X

@MAECgob To a world friendSea Shepherd in Japan This person forces the enemy country article of the United Nations force. theaustralian.com.au/news/world/ant

『 平和を愛する友へ 』 韓国の嘘に騙されないで、アメリカ人が暴く
To a friend loving peaceAn American uncovers a lie without being deceived for a lie of Korea.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggQaYD37Jm4




日露戦争 / Russo-Japanese War No.3





5)支那は日本とロシアに自国の領土を荒らされたが、日清戦争で敗れている支那へは、何の保証も存在しなかった。日本は世界の連合国陣営の一員となり、台湾同様に朝鮮半島の近代化に心血を注ぐ事になる。この模様は「 朝鮮半島 」をご参照ください。 

これ以後に置ける祖国の戦いは 「 大東亜戦争の正体 」 へ連結いたします。

Russo-Japanese War

Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.

1) It is Japan and the war that the Russo-Japanese War goes around Manchurian and Korea from February, 1904 to the next year, and happened of Russia.
In Korea which should have let you become independent from Shinkoku, dependency constitution stayed, and independence was not readily possible.
I was confused by power and a flattery to have secret understanding at the old home of Russia, and power to set a hostility action in Japan acted secretly and was in condition to seem to break the system of the independent nation with a hand of oneself.

2) Japan felt a sign to go south in the Korean Peninsula, and the outbreak of war reason of the Russo-Japanese War forestalled Russia which did not attract a soldier after the Boxer Rebellion in Manchurian by binding Japan and Britain alliance together in 1902.
I took the cause that this restraint act deteriorated feelings of Russia still more.
As for the fight that began in 1904, both militaries developed a bloody fight until American Roosevelt mediated it in the next year.

3) In Japan, the army fought successfully through a fight of Mukden while having a hard fight, and the navy tore a Baru-like fleet in the Sea of Japan.
Nobody world doubted defeat of Japan, but the Japan forces inferior to all including military power, supplies, the financial power won.
Portsmouth treaty was concluded, and the southing of the earnest wish in Russia was suppressed and was approved the superiority right for Korea in international law.

4) When it takes you as Japan, it was a narrow victory, but it will have to be it at the point superior to a white in a colored race to have given the world a shock.
By a peace treaty, I obtained southern half and Liaotung and south Manchurian railroad of Karafuto by transfer. The economic development is important to the railroad; become basic.
Because it was admitted that a strong country has the economic special privilege of other countries, Japan got this right, but I steal the country which does not change and am a battle at all at that time with the age of civil strife if I compare it to Japan.

5) As for China, the territory of the own country was damaged by Japan and Russia, but there was no guarantee to the People's Republic of China which lost by Sino-Japanese War. Japan becomes a member of the world allied powers camp and will devote myself to the modernization of the Korean Peninsula like Taiwan.
Please refer to "the Korean Peninsula" in the   http://songoftraveler.blogspot.com/

6) However, the world tide that had begun to move was not sweet once so as to fit in the local dispute of a country and the country.
The United States increased Devil's temptation by the partnership of the south Manchurian railroad which Japan won without putting interval hair.
The fight of the mother country to be able to put after this connects it with real nature of the Greater East Asia War in the   http://songoftraveler.blogspot.com/

7) This is my supposition to the last, but, by Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese War, later Manchurian advance, a grudge of China for Japan is multiplied and stirs a delusion to Nanjing Massacre forgery and Senkaku Islands aggression and it is strong and feels it when I have a big influence on Japanese company surprise attack and the territorial airspace territorial waters violation in these days.



日清戦争 / The first Sina-Japanese War No.2







「 三国干渉 」により日本に圧力を掛けて、遼東半島を清国に取り戻すと、清国に遼東半島を取り返した報酬を請求し、そのまま遼東半島に居座ってしまう。





The first Sina-Japanese War No.2

Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.

1) I think that I am good, and the words that the nation says in solidarity tell you about the unity of the all-Japan nation before Greater East Asia War reaching defeat from the Meiji Restoration.
An officer and a government official and a politician and the scholar learned from U.K., France, United States, Germany, and a craftsman learned the civilization apparatus of the Great Powers country hard in the country, and the farmer and the merchant worked for solar ups and downs in total.

2) It is the war that the Sino-Japanese War is past Korean treatment between Japan and things of Shinkoku from 1894 through 1895, and happened.
Because then Africa and Asian countries were infringed upon by the aggression policy of the European and American Great Powers country, and China, Shinkoku was defeated by the U.K. by Opium War, and it was robbed of Hong Kong, and Korea was already a dependency of China, it was only Japan that did not receive aggression.

3) Japan for fear of the Korea southing of the Russian military expected Korean independence and measure to enrich and strengthen a country under this situation and would expect stirring up.
I said that it was a subordination nation, and Shinkoku kept watch on Korea and was opposed to movement of Japan keenly. I crossed the Korea country in power, toadyism party and Japan with the help of Shinkoku and power, Independent Party which did it was intense and was opposed and was a real confusion state.

4) When a peasants' revolt, peasants insurrection believing in the Eastern principles broke out in Korea in July, 1894, because a toadyism party pursued a reinforcement in Shinkoku, Japan was nominal by the protection of the settler and sent troops, and both Nishin entered into war.
The Japanese military with modern armaments from the Korean Peninsula in Manchurian excellent; attacked it, and beat the shinkoku forces in each place.
Shinkoku was disappointing and surrendered in March, 1895, and the end of the war was developed in eight months.

5) In a peace conference of Shimonoseki, Korean independence was accepted by Shimonoseki Treaty, and Japan had Taiwan and Liaotung in its hand, but Russia, France, an interruption of Germany entered and I felt that I drank distress and returned Liaotung.
Neither the armaments power that only rejected the pressure of three countries nor the economic power remained in then Japan. Right talk about brooding over one's wrongs

There were words to be called the Imperial army if I won to fight, but the nail which appeared as such if the way of winning was loud was proof to be touched by as much as a fight grew big.

6) I already enlarged the territory in sequence in the Eurasian Continent, and Russia aimed at East Asia more in those days.
When I applied pressure by "three interference" in Japan and let Shinkoku return Liaotung, I requested the reward that regained Liaotung from Shinkoku and have just stayed in Liaotung.
Russia was the country which I seemed to perform calmly without the complexion changing such a tyranny.

7) A strong man bullies the weak in the times of what time, and it is a comedy I plunder it of every thing, and to do in one's breast, and the thing which the world history is tragedy.
Even if I list beautiful just causes one by one so much, I am not different in a human being injuring a person to death.
If there is justice there, it is the silly talk of the winner, and it will be an empty excuse of the losers.

8) Therefore it becomes the condition at least I completely smash up an enemy even if I use the unfair way so much, and to win when it does a war.
The man of power must not do the war that involved people without the readiness.
Even if any splendid aesthetics hides behind there, a loser is only a loser.
Honor and the racial dignity that a loser lost in the place that barked no matter how much are because I never come back.

9) Current Japan has the northern territories stolen by Russia, and Takeshima is performed theft of by south Korea, and Senkaku Islands are aimed at in China again now. When it is controlled no effectively, it is a similar thing.
Even if the government of time and the Prime Minister state any admirable execution after defeat in 60 several years, our countrymen will be accompanied by mind in what time what these reasons, in fact, not to overturn are.

It is not only a territorial problem. The issue of south Korea to be able to put all over the wartime prostitute, the issue of special privilege of the north and south Korean residing in Japan become meanness more and more.
Nanjing Massacre of China is an identical thing, all these are war, and our Japan is invaded, and will the nation realize what is invaded?
Time to express nation's original thought comes soon, and is it not thought in a thing before being deeply impressed in the excellent opinion of a politician and a bureaucrat and the businessman?